Will There Be A Baseball Season This Year?

It’s looking more and more like there may not be a baseball season this year. Here’s what we know so far.



As the world continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the many things that remain up in the air is whether or not there will be a baseball season this year.

While it’s still too early to say for sure, there are a number of factors that will likely play a role in determining whether or not we’ll see America’s favorite pastime return to our stadiums and living rooms this summer. Here’s a look at some of the key considerations that will impact the decision.

The History of Baseball

The history of baseball can be traced back to England, where the game was developed from an older game called rounders. The first recorded game of baseball was played in England in 1744. The game gradually made its way to North America, where it became popular in the United States and Canada. By the early 1800s, baseball was being played on college campuses and in amateur clubs.Professional baseball teams were first established in the 1870s, and the first professional league, the National League, was founded in 1876. Baseball quickly became one of America’s favorite pastimes.

The modern era of baseball began in 1901 with the formation of the American League. The two leagues competed against each other until 1903, when they agreed to operate as separate entities but under a common structure. In 2000, the two leagues were merged into a single entity called Major League Baseball (MLB). MLB is currently comprised of 30 teams: 29 located in the United States and one in Canada.

The Current Situation

With the current global pandemic, it is uncertain if there will be a baseball season this year. According to ESPN, “MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred said Thursday that the league is planning to start the 2020 regular season on time, but he stopped short of guaranteeing that games will indeed be played.”

The ESPN article also states that, “Multiple sources have told ESPN’s Jeff Passan that MLB Players Association executive director Tony Clark and union leadership remain unconvinced MLB can pull off a season amid the coronavirus pandemic — and are growing increasingly concerned about the push from the league to move forward with plans for a late-July start.”

With both sides of this argument cautiously optimistic at best, it seems unlikely that there will be a baseball season this year.

The Future of Baseball

The future of baseball is shrouded in uncertainty. With the COVID-19 pandemic still raging across the United States, it’s impossible to say whether or not there will be a baseball season this year.

Major League Baseball has already seen its share of disruptions due to the pandemic. The season was originally supposed to start in April, but was delayed indefinitely due to the outbreak. Then, in June, MLB proposed a 60-game season that would start in July. However, that plan was met with resistance from the players’ union, and no agreement has been reached thus far.

As things stand now, it’s unclear if and when there will be a baseball season this year. The pandemic has caused immense problems for professional sports leagues around the world, and baseball has been no exception. With no end in sight for the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s hard to say what the future holds for America’s pastime.

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