Will There Be A WWE 2K22?

WWE 2K22 is still unconfirmed by WWE and 2K Games, but that doesn’t mean we can’t speculate about the game! Here’s everything we know so far about a potential WWE 2K22 release.


It is safe to say that the WWE 2K series has not been having the best time lately. WWE 2K20 was mired in technical issues and poor reviews, while WWE 2K21 was simply cancelled outright. This has led many fans to wonder if there will even be a WWE 2K22.

The short answer is that we do not know yet. There has been no official announcement from publisher 2K or developer Visual Concepts about a new game in the series. That said, there have been some indications that a new game is in development.

In November 2020, prominent wrestling journalist Brad Shepard tweeted that sources had told him a new WWE game was in development and would be released in 2022. Shepard has a good track record when it comes to WWE rumours, so this tweet carries some weight.

However, it is worth noting that Shepard later clarified that his sources had not specifically mentioned WWE 2K22 by name, so it is possible that the game in development is not part of the WWE 2K series. We will just have to wait and see what is announced in the future.

What We Know So Far

WWE 2K21 was met with a lot of mixed reviews and criticism upon release. Many people have been wondering if there will be a WWE 2K22. There has been no official word from WWE or 2K Games about a WWE 2K22. However, there have been some rumors and leaks.

WWE 2K21 was Cancelled

WWE 2K21 was officially cancelled in early 2020. The game was set to be released on next-generation consoles, but 2K ultimately decided not to release a wrestling game this year. This is the first time in nearly two decades that there will be no WWE game released.

There has been no official word on why WWE 2K21 was cancelled, but it is likely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With so many people working from home, it is possible that the game simply wasn’t progressing as quickly as 2K wanted. There is also a chance that 2K simply didn’t think the game was up to their usual standards and decided to cancel it rather than release a subpar product.

We don’t know if there will be a WWE 2K22, but if there is, it will likely be released in 2022.

WWE Hasn’t Officially Announced WWE 2K22

As of right now, WWE hasn’t officially announced WWE 2K22. This doesn’t mean that the game isn’t in development, but it does mean that we don’t have any concrete information about the game yet.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that we don’t have any clues about what the game might entail. For example, it’s widely believed that WWE 2K22 will be a cross-generation title, meaning it will release on both current and next-gen consoles. Given that WWE 2K21 is only available on current-gen consoles, this would make sense from a business standpoint.

Another rumor is that WWE 2K22 will be a complete reboot of the series, similar to what NBA 2K21 was for the NBA 2K series. This would make sense given how WWE 2K21 was received by fans and critics alike. A complete reboot would give the developers a chance to start from scratch and build a better game from the ground up.

Of course, these are all just rumors at this point and nothing has been confirmed by WWE or 2K Games. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens in the coming months.

Reasons Why WWE 2K22 Might Not Be Released

There has been a lot of speculation as to whether or not WWE 2K22 will be released. The main reason for this is because WWE 2K21 was not released. This could be due to the COVID-19 pandemic or it could be because WWE is not happy with the current state of the WWE 2K series. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why WWE 2K22 might not be released.

The COVID-19 Pandemic

One of the primary reasons why WWE 2K22 might not be released is due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has caused many businesses around the world to suffer, and the video game industry is no exception. Many developers and publishers have had to delay or cancel their upcoming games due to the pandemic, and it’s possible that 2K Games could do the same with WWE 2K22.

Another reason why WWE 2K22 might not be released is due to the poor reception of WWE 2K20. WWE 2K20 was widely considered to be a massive disappointment, with many fans and critics citing its buggy gameplay, uninspired roster, and lack of new features. This led to many fans boycotting the game, and it’s possible that these boycotts could carry over into WWE 2K22. If enough people refuse to buy or play WWE 2K22, then it’s possible that 2K Games will simply scrap the project altogether.

Finally, it’s worth noting that WWE 2K21 was postponed from its original release date of October 2020. While this doesn’t necessarily mean that WWE 2K22 will also be postponed, it does suggest that 2K Games is having difficulty developing and releasing new installments in the series on a yearly basis. This could lead to further delays for WWE 2K22, or even result in the game being canceled outright.

WWE’s Focus on AEW

As WWE’s stock continues to decline, there is growing speculation that the company may not release a WWE 2K22 game this year. There are several reasons why this could be the case, with WWE’s focus on AEW being one of the main ones.

With WWE’s current contract with Take-Two Interactive (the parent company of 2K Games) set to expire in 2022, it is possible that WWE may not renew it. This would mean that there would be no WWE 2K22 game released.

WWE has also been hit hard financially due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with revenue for Q2 2020 being down 36% compared to Q2 2019. This has led to WWE cutting costs wherever possible, and it is possible that the development of a new WWE video game may have been viewed as an unnecessary expense.

Another reason why there might not be a WWE 2K22 game is due to the fact that Take-Two Interactive is currently focused on releasing new games for its other franchises, such as Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption. With Take-Two Interactive’s attention being elsewhere, it is possible that they may have decided not to continue working on a new WWE game at this time.

All of these factors make it seem quite unlikely that we will see a new WWE video game released in 2020. However, nothing has been confirmed yet so we will just have to wait and see what happens.

Reasons Why WWE 2K22 Might Be Released

WWE 2K22 might be released because WWE games have been released every year since 2000. WWE 2K21 was released on October 27, 2020, which was only a year after WWE 2K20. Also, WWE has not announced that they are discontinuing the WWE 2K series. However, there are some reasons why WWE 2K22 might not be released.

The Success of WWE 2K20

Despite the mixed reviews, WWE 2K20 was a commercial success. It was the best-selling game in the UK during its release week and debuted at No.2 in the US. This is despite the game being buggy and having a number of glitches.

The Need for a New WWE Video Game

As of late, WWE 2K games have been met with a lot of criticism. Many fans feel that the series has become stagnant and predictable. There have even been calls for WWE to cancel the series entirely. However, WWE 2K22 might just be the game that fans have been waiting for. Here are a few reasons why:

1. WWE 2K21 was a disaster
WWE 2K21 was one of the worst games in the series. It was buggy, had a bad story mode, and was generally disliked by fans and critics alike. In fact, it was so bad that WWE actually had to cancel plans for a DLC pack.

2. There is a new developer
Yuke’s, the developer behind the WWE 2K games, has left the series. Visual Concepts, the studio behind NBA 2K21, will be taking over development for WWE 2K22. This is a good thing because it means that there will be fresh ideas brought to the table.

3. There is a new console generation
The PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S are coming out this year and WWE 2K22 will be one of the first games released on these consoles. This means that it will be able to take advantage of all the new features that these consoles have to offer.

4. The current roster is stale
While there are some great Superstars on the current roster, many feel that it is time for a change. There are several wrestlers who have not been seen in a WWE game in years who could make a return in WWE 2K22. These include AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Shinsuke Nakamura, and Bray Wyatt (under his new “Firefly Fun House” persona).

5 . There is no competition
WWE’s only real competition in the wrestling video game market is from All Elite Wrestling (AEW). While AEW does have a game coming out this year (AEW: Dynamite Drop), it is not expected to be very good. This leaves WWE with no real competition and gives them a chance to shine with WWE 2K22


It is still too early to say for certain whether or not WWE 2K22 will be released, as the game has not been officially announced by 2K Games. However, based on past release patterns, it seems likely that a new game will be released in late 2021 or early 2022. Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available.

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