Can Baseball Hats Go In The Dryer?

Can baseball hats go in the dryer? The answer is more complicated than a simple yes or no. If you’re looking for a definitive answer, read on to learn more.


Whether you’re trying to get the wrinkles out of a new baseball hat or dry an old one that’s gotten wet, you might be wondering if it’s safe to put a baseball hat in the dryer.

The answer is yes, but there are a few things you should keep in mind to make sure your hat comes out looking its best. Read on for tips on how to dry a baseball hat in the dryer without damaging it.

The Dangers of Drying Baseball Hats

Baseball hats are made of delicate materials that can shrink or distort when put in the dryer. The heat from the dryer can also cause the hat’s brim to warp. If you must put your baseball hat in the dryer, be sure to use the lowest heat setting and remove the hat as soon as the cycle is finished.


While you may be tempted to throw your baseball hat in the dryer to get rid of that post-game sweat, doing so can cause the hat to shrink. If your baseball hat is made of wool, cotton or another natural fiber, the heat from the dryer will cause the fibers to contract, resulting in a smaller hat. In some cases, you may be able to stretch the hat back into shape after it has been shrunk in the dryer, but in other cases, it may be permanently damaged. To avoid shrinking your baseball hat, allow it to air dry on a flat surface away from direct heat.


Warm temperatures cause the fibers in your baseball hat to expand. When they hit the cold air of the dryer, they contract. This back-and-forth action weakens the fibers and causes them to break. The end result is a misshapen baseball hat.

Colors Fading

One of the main dangers of drying your baseball hat in the dryer is that the colors on the hat can fade. The hot temperatures in the dryer can cause the colors to bleed and run, ruining your hat. If you must put your baseball hat in the dryer, use the lowest heat setting possible and remove it as soon as the cycle is finished.

Tips for Drying Your Baseball Hat

One of the best things about baseball hats is that they are easy to care for and can be thrown in the wash with your other clothes. However, you may be wondering if you can put your baseball hat in the dryer. The answer is yes, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

Use a Low Heat Setting

If you must put your baseball hat in the dryer, use the lowest heat setting possible. This will help prevent the bill from warping and the fabric from shrinking. If your baseball hat is made of wool, silk, or another delicate material, put it on a handkerchief rack instead to air dry.

Don’t Overdry

Dry your baseball hat on the lowest heat setting possible. You don’t want to over dry your hat and cause the fabric to shrunk. If your baseball hat is made of wool, felt, or acrylic, it can shrink if it gets too hot.

Use a Pillowcase

If you’re wondering how to dry your baseball hat without ruining it, one of the best methods is to use a pillowcase. First, make sure that your hat is not dripping wet — you don’t want to put a wet hat in the dryer, as this can damage the fabric. Instead, remove excess water by gently squeezing it or blotting it with a towel.

Once your hat is only slightly damp, put it in a pillowcase and tie the end of the pillowcase shut. Then, put the pillowcase in the dryer on a low heat setting. Check on your hat periodically to make sure that it’s not getting too hot; once it’s dry, remove it from the dryer and put it back on your head!


Yes, you can put your baseball hat in the dryer, but you need to use the lowest heat setting and dry it on its own. To help keep your baseball hat in good shape, take it off whenever you’re not wearing it.

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