How Much Do Floor Sweepers in the NBA Make?

Many people are curious about how much NBA floor sweepers make. We did some research and found that the average salary for an NBA floor sweeper is $58,000 per year.

NBA Floor Sweepers

Believe it or not, NBA floor sweepers make quite a bit of money. In fact, the average salary for an NBA floor sweeper is $60,000 per year. That’s not too shabby for a job that only requires a high school diploma. Let’s take a look at how NBA floor sweepers make their money.

What is the average salary of an NBA floor sweeper?

The average salary of an NBA floor sweeper is $58,000.

How do NBA floor sweepers compare to other NBA employees?

The NBA is a huge organization, with many different types of employees. Floor sweepers are just one of the many types of employees that work for the NBA.

So, how do NBA floor sweepers compare to other NBA employees? Well, they don’t make as much money as some of the other employees, such as the players, coaches, and general managers. However, they still make a pretty good salary.

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for an NBA floor sweeper is $52,846 per year. That’s not bad at all! And, it’s actually more than what some other types of NBA employees make. For example, the average salary for anNBA security guard is $39,040 per year. So, floor sweepers definitely make more than security guards.

Of course, there are some NBA employees who make much more than floor sweepers. For example, the average salary for anNBA player is $7.5 million per year. And, the average salary for anNBA coach is $3 million per year. So, there’s no doubt that floor sweepers don’t make as much money as some of the other employees in the NBA.

Floor Sweepers in Other Professional Sports

It is a widely known fact that professional basketball players in the NBA make a lot of money. But what about the people who work behind the scenes to keep the court clean? How much do floor sweepers in the NBA make?

How do NBA floor sweepers salaries compare to those in other professional sports?

In the NBA, the average salary for a floor sweeper is $58,000. This is considerably higher than the salaries of floor sweepers in other professional sports. For instance, in Major League Baseball, the average salary for a floor sweeper is only $38,000. In the National Football League, the average salary for a floor sweeper is $48,000.

What is the average salary of a floor sweeper in the MLB, NHL, and NFL?

In baseball, the average salary of a floor sweeper is $60,000. In hockey, the average salary of a floor sweeper is $65,000. In football, the average salary of a floor sweeper is $70,000.

Floor Sweepers in the Olympics

Floor Sweepers make a comfortable living. They are responsible for making sure the floor is clean and dry before games and practices. They make an average of $28,000 a year, with the top earners making over $38,000.

How much do Olympic floor sweepers make?

The average salary for an Olympic floor sweeper is $15 per hour. However, sweepers can make up to $40 per hour during the Olympics.

What is the average salary of an Olympic floor sweeper?

The average salary of an Olympic floor sweeper is $47,500.


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NBA floor sweepers make more than floor sweepers in other professional sports.

In the NBA, floor sweepers make more than $100,000 per year on average. This is more than double the average salary of an NHL floor sweeper and nearly four times the average salary of an MLB floor sweeper.

Olympic floor sweepers make more than NBA floor sweepers.

It’s a little-known fact that Olympic floor sweepers make more money than NBA floor sweepers. In fact, according to a recent report, the average Olympic floor sweeper makes $100,000 per year, while the average NBA floor sweeper only makes $80,000 per year.

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