What Is Let In Tennis?

If you’re new to tennis, you may be wondering what “let” means. In tennis, a “let” occurs when the ball hits the ground within the boundaries of the court, but is then prevented from going over the net by an obstacle. This can be caused by the wind, a branch, or even a bird flying overhead! If a let is called, the point is played again.


Let is a rule in tennis that allows a point to be replayed if the ball hits the net cord on a serve and stays in play, provided that the ball does not touch the ground in the server’s court before being hit by the receiver.

What is a let?

In tennis, a “let” is a play that is not counted as a point. There are several circumstances in which a let might occur, such as if the ball hits the net on a serve, or if a player needs to stop play because of an injury. A let can also be called if there is some other problem with the court, such as a broken line or a foreign object on the court.

When is a let called?

A let is a tennis stroke that is not counted as a point and does not change service. A let can occur for several reasons:

-The ball hits the net on a serve and then lands in the correct service box.
-The ball hits the tape at the top of the net.
-There is a distraction during play, such as a bird flying onto the court.
-The ball goes out of bounds on a serve, but the server is not allowed a second serve because it was windy.

A let is also called if there is interference from another player or object on the court during play. For example, if a player’s racquet touches the net while making a shot, it is considered interference and a let is called.


Let is a rule in the game of tennis that can be called on serves. The let rule nullifies a serve that hits the net cord and then bounces over into the proper service box. Without the let rule, the server would automatically lose the point. The let rule gives the server the chance to redo his or her serve.

What is advantage?

Advantage (sometimes called two-points) is a system used in tennis to decide whether to continue play when the score reaches deuce (40-40). If one player has won more points than the other during that particular game, that player is said to have won the advantage. For example, if the score is 40-30, then the player with 40 points has won the advantage.

If neither player has won more points than the other during that game, then the score is said to be equal or level. In this case, play continues until one player wins two consecutive points and thus takes the advantage.

If a player takes the advantage but then loses the next point, they are said to have lost the advantage, and play continues as before. The first player to win two consecutive points when they have the advantage is said to have won the game.

When is advantage called?

Advantage is called during a tennis match when one player has the upper hand over the other. This can happen due to a number of reasons, such as the other player making more mistakes, or winning more points. When advantage is called, the score becomes 40-40 (otherwise known as deuce). The next point then decides the game, with the player who wins that point winning the game. If the player who wins advantage then loses the next point, the score goes back to deuce.


Deuce is the name of the score when both opponents have won three points each. In tennis, deuce can only occur when the score reaches 3-all. If one player scores four points before the other scores three, that player wins the game. When the score reaches deuce, each player serves two consecutive points.

What is deuce?

In tennis, “deuce” refers to when the score is tied at 40-40. At deuce, one more point is needed to win the game. The player who wins this point will serve for the next game.

If the score reaches deuce, the players will alternate serving until one player wins two points in a row and takes the lead. For example, if Player A serves and wins the first point, Player B will serve and win the second point, and so on. The first player to win two points in a row is said to have gone “up by one,” meaning they now only need one more point to win the game.

If both players reach six points (known as “six-all”), then a tiebreaker is played to determine who wins the game. In a tiebreaker, each player serves two consecutive points and then switch sides of the court. The first player to reach seven points (with a margin of two) wins the tiebreaker and the game.

When is deuce called?

Deuce is only called when the score reaches 40-40 (“forty-forty”). Until that point, the server always has an advantage because they only need to win one more point to win the game. When the score reaches 40-40, this is known as “deuce”.

At deuce, both players now have an equal chance of winning the game as they both have to win two points in a row to win the game. If the score reaches deuce, then either player can win the next two points and win the game.

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