How Many Points Does it Take to Win a Tennis Match?

How many points does it take to win a tennis match? It depends on the type of tennis match. In a singles match, the player must win by two clear points. In a doubles match, the team must win by two clear points.


In tennis, a player must win by two clear points. This means that if the score is tied at 40-40 (called deuce), the next point scored will determine the winner of that particular game. If one player wins the next point, they will be said to have won “ad” (for advantage). If the other player wins the next point, the score will go back to deuce. The player who then wins the following point will win the game.

The Basics

In order to win a tennis match, a player must score more points than their opponent. The first player to score four points wins the game. However, if the score reaches three points apiece, the player who scores the next point wins the game.


In tennis, a player scores a point by winning a rally (a sequence of shots). The player who wins the rally serves for the next point. At the beginning of a rally, both players start at the baseline on opposite sides of the net. The player who serves attempts to hit the ball into the other player’s court so that they can’t return it. If the serving player hits the ball into the other player’s court and they can’t return it, then the serving player scores a point. A game is won when one player has scored four points (called game point) and is ahead by at least two points. If both players have won three points each, then the score is called deuce and either player can win the next point to take the lead.

A set is won when one player has won six games and is ahead by at least two games. If both players have won five games each, then the score is called deuce and either player can win the next game to take the lead.

A match is usually best of three sets or best of five sets. The first player to win two sets (best of three) or three sets (best of five) wins the match.

Winning a Match

A tennis match is won when a player or team wins the best of three or five sets.A set is won when a player or team wins six games and is ahead by at least two games. If the score reaches 6-6, then a tie-break is played to determine the winner of the set. The tie-break is won by the player or team who first scores seven points, provided that the winner leads by at least two points.

The History

It used to be that you had to win 6 games to win a tennis match. But, at Wimbledon in 1877, they changed the format so that you now have to win 7 games to win a tennis match. This was likely because the matches were taking too long. In 1968, they changed it so that you only have to win 6 games to win a tennis match, but you must win by 2 games.

Early Days

The game of tennis originated in the monastic kitchens of France in the 12th century. The nuns and monks who inhabited these kitchens would play a game using their hands and a ball made of wool. The game was known as jeu de paume, which translates to “game of the palm.”

Jeu de paume quickly became popular among the French nobility and spread throughout Europe. In the 14th century, the game was introduced to England, where it was called “real tennis.” The game continued to evolve, and by the 18th century, it had become the sport we now know as tennis.

The first Wimbledon tournament was held in 1877, and since then, tennis has been one of the most popular sports in the world.

Modern Tennis

The game of tennis has come a long way since its inception in 12th century France. Originally known as jeu de paume, or ‘game of the palm’, tennis spread rapidly through the European aristocracy before finding its way to England in the 16th century. The word ‘tennis’ is thought to be derived from the French word tenez, meaning ‘hold’, which was uttered by players when serving.

By the late 19th century, tennis had become a popular worldwide spectator sport, thanks in large part to the invention of lawn tennis. With softer surfaces and lighter balls, lawn tennis was less physically demanding than its predecessors and quickly became the preferred version of the game. The first Wimbledon tournament was held in 1877, and remains the most prestigious event in tennis to this day.

While there have been many changes to the rules and equipment used in tennis over the centuries, the basic objective of the game has remained constant: to hit the ball over the net into your opponent’s court in such a way that they are unable to return it. The first player to reach four points (or six points in a shortened format) wins the game.

The Math

In order to win a tennis match, a player must score more points than their opponent. The game is played to the best of three sets. The first player to win six games and have a two-game lead wins a set. A player must win two out of three sets to win the match.

How Many Points?

In tennis, points are scored as follows:

-A player scores a point when the other player fails to return the ball in play within the court boundaries.
-If the ball hits the net during service and still lands within the service box, it is considered a let and the serve is replayed.
-A player loses a point if he or she:
-Hits the ball out of bounds.
-Hits the ball into the net.
-Commits a foot fault (i.e., steps on or over the baseline or centerline before hitting the ball).
-Double faults (i.e., hits two consecutive serves into the net).

In general, it takes four points to win a tennis game (i.e., “love” means zero points). However, if both players have accumulated three points each and one player scores another point, that player wins the game (this is called “advantage”). If both players have won three points each and one player then loses his or her next point, the score goes back to “deuce” and play continues until one player has an advantage and wins the game.

Odds of Winning

The odds of winning a tennis match are usually close to 50%, with the better player having a slight advantage. In a best-of-three sets match, the player who wins the most sets wins the match. If both players win two sets each, then the player who wins the most games in the final set wins the match. The final set is usually played to six games, but if both players are tied at five games each, then they play until one player wins by two clear games.


In conclusion, it takes anywhere from four to six games to win a tennis match, depending on the number of sets played. If a player wins a set by 6-0, they only need four games in the next set to win the match. However, if the opponent wins the next set 6-0, then a player must win the third set by two games. In other words, it usually takes winning at least two sets to win a tennis match, though it is possible to win in straight sets.

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