How to Write a Basketball Resume

Are you a High School or college basketball player looking to take your game to the next level? If so, you’ll need to put together a quality basketball resume

In this blog post, we’ll show you how to write a basketball resume that will help you stand out to college coaches and scouts. We’ll cover what information to include, what format to use, and some tips and tricks to make your resume shine.

So if you’re ready to learn how to write


When pursuing a career in basketball, whether it be as a player, coach or other type of support staff, having a well-written resume is essential to landing the job you want. Just as with any resume, a basketball resume should highlight your strengths and accomplishments in a way that is clear and easily understandable. However, there are some specific elements that should be included in a basketball resume that will help set it apart from other types of resumes. Here are some tips on what to include in your basketball resume.

What to Include in a Basketball Resume

In order to play basketball at the collegiate or professional level, you need to create a resume that highlights your skills and accomplishments. A basketball resume should include information on your playing experience, awards and honors, and any relevant skills or training. You should also list your contact information so that coaches can easily get in touch with you. Here is a sample basketball resume to help you get started.

Contact Information:

Playing Experience:
--high school varsity team (2020-present)
-Amateur club team (2018-2020)
-Youth League team (2016-2018)

Awards and Honors:
-All-Conference honorable mention (2019)
-All-State second team (2020)
-Outstanding Defensive Player award (2020)

Skills and Training:
-Strong outside shooter with deep range
-“lock down” defender with lateral quickness and agility

Formatting and Layout

When it comes to formatting and layout, basketball resumes are very similar to resumes in other industries. However, there are a few key things to keep in mind when you’re putting together your basketball resume.

First and foremost, your basketball resume should be easy to read and understand. That means using clear, concise language and organizing your information in a logical way. In general, you should start with your personal information and then move on to your education and experience.

It’s also important to use industry-specific language on your basketball resume. For example, if you have experience playing in a certain league or tournament, be sure to mention that on your resume. This will show recruiters that you have the specific skills and experience they’re looking for.

Finally, don’t forget to proofread your basketball resume carefully before you send it out. Typos and other errors can be a big turnoff for recruiters, so it’s important to make sure your resume is error-free.

Tips and Tricks

As with any sport, if you are looking to play basketball in college, you will need to have a resume that is able to showcase your skills and achievements both on and off the court. Here are some tips and tricks on how to write a basketball resume that will put your best foot forward.

Off the court, it is important to list any academic awards or honors you have received, as well as your GPA and class rank. Include any leadership roles you have held in school organizations, or volunteer work you have done. On the court, list your years of experience playing basketball as well as your primary positions. Include your height and weight, along with your shooting percentage for both Free throws and field goals Mention any accomplishments you have had as an individual player or as part of a team. If you have played in any AAU tournaments or other organized leagues, be sure to list those experiences as well.

Your resume should be one to two pages long, and can be formatted in either bullet point form or in paragraph form. If you choose to write in paragraph form, make sure each paragraph flows smoothly into the next. Use action verbs such as “led” or “averaged” to describe your accomplishments, and back up your claims with specific statistics whenever possible. Proofread your resume multiple times for grammar and spelling errors, and have someone else look it over as well before sending it out to college coaches With a well-Ten Basketball resume, you will be one step closer to fulfilling your dreams of playing collegiate basketball.


If you’re looking to get recruited to play Basketball at the college level, you’ll need to put together a strong recruiting resume. This will give coaches an idea of your skills and accomplishments on the court, as well as provide them with some basic information about you as a person. Here are some examples of what to include on your basketball resume:

-Name, address, phone number, email address
-Height, weight
-Playing position(s)
-Years of experience
-Team accomplishments
-Individual awards and honors
-Statistical leaderships (e.g., points per game rebounds per game assists per game)
-Academic information ( GPA, test scores)
-Community service involvement

How to Stand Out

If you’re serious about playing basketball at the collegiate level, you’ll need to create a resume that highlights your accomplishments on and off the court. Here’s how to make your basketball resume stand out from the crowd.

First, list your contact information at the top of the page, including your name, address, email, and phone number. Then, list your height, weight, position(s), and class year.

Next, create a “Skills” section that highlights your strengths as a player. Include your shooting percentage from different areas on the court, as well as any special skills or honors you’ve earned.

In the “Experience” section, list any organized basketball teams you’ve played for in high school or AAU, including your season and career statistics. If you’ve received any individual honors or awards, be sure to list them here as well.

Finally, in the “Education” section, list any relevant academic credentials or coursework related to basketball. For example, if you’ve taken any sports management courses or have experience working with a Sports Team in some capacity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Asking yourself some questions before you start writing your basketball resume can make the process a lot easier and ensure that you end up with a document that truly reflects your skills and accomplishments.

Here are some of the most common questions basketball players have about writing their resumes:

-How do I list my playing experience?
-Should I include my height and weight?
-What other information should I include?
-How do I format my basketball resume?
-What should I not include in my resume?

Answering these questions will help you write a basketball resume that highlights your strengths as a player and gives coaches the information they need to assess your ability.

Basketball Resume Templates

It is very important to have a well-Ten basketball resume when applying to college programs or professional teams. Your resume is your opportunity to list your achievements and accomplishments in the sport, and to show off your skills and abilities.

There are a few things to keep in mind when writing your basketball resume. First, you want to make sure that you include all of your relevant information, such as your playing experience, your stats, and any honors or awards you have received. Second, you want to use a professional and concise language throughout your resume. Finally, you want to make sure that you proofread your resume carefully before sending it off.

Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Use a professional template: You can find many different basketball resume templates online, or you can create your own using a word processing program. Make sure that you use a template that is easy to read and that includes all of the information that college coaches or professional scouts will be looking for.

2. Include all relevant information: As mentioned above, you want to make sure that you include all of the relevant information about your playing experience, your stats, and any honors or awards you have received. You should also include any other information that may be helpful in evaluating your skills, such as whether you have played at the AAU or collegiate level.

3. Use clear and concise language: When writing your basketball resume, it is important to use language that is easy to understand and free of errors. You want coaches or scouts to be able to quickly see what your strengths are as a player, so avoid using jargon or technical terms.

4. Proofread carefully: Once you have finished writing your basketball resume, take the time to proofread it carefully before sending it off. This will help ensure that there are no errors or typos that could potentially hurt your chances of being recruited by a college or signing with a professional team.


In order to conclude, a basketball resume should include the player’s current skills and accomplishments, as well as their future goals. It is important to remember that a basketball resume is not just about the numbers, but should also tell the story of the player’s development and journey in the sport.

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