A Fan’s Guide to Baseball Analytics

A Fan’s Guide to Baseball Analytics is a blog that covers all things baseball analytics. From sabermetrics to WAR, we’ll discuss everything you need to know to be a baseball analyst.

Introduction to Baseball Analytics

What is baseball analytics?

Broadly speaking, baseball analytics is the application of statistical analysis to baseball data in order to measure player performance and team strategies.

Analytics has been used in baseball for decades, but its popularity has exploded in recent years due largely to advances in technology and the availability of more data. New metrics and ways of analyzing data are constantly being developed, providing new insights into the game.

Baseball analytics can be used to answer all sorts of questions, such as:
-How well is a player likely to perform in the future?
-What is the best way to use our limited budget to improve our team?
-What strategies are most likely to lead to success?

And many more!

The benefits of baseball analytics

There are many benefits to incorporating baseball analytics into your game strategy. Baseball analytics can help you:

– Undervalue players who may be undervalued by the market
– Improve your understanding of the game
– Improve your player evaluation skills
– Make better decisions about which players to target in trades or free agency
– Increase your win percentage

Ultimately, baseball analytics is all about using data to make better decisions. By understanding and utilizing analytics, you can give yourself a significant competitive advantage.

The Different Types of Baseball Analytics

There are a lot of different types of baseball analytics out there. Some of them are more useful than others. It all depends on what you’re looking for. If you’re just looking for a way to keep track of your favorite team’s stats, then you might not need to worry about the more advanced analytics. However, if you’re looking to get an edge on the competition, then you’ll need to know about all the different types of analytics.

Hitting analytics

Hitting analytics is a branch of baseball analytics that deals with evaluating a batter’s performance. This type of analysis is done by looking at a variety of statistics, including batting average, on-base percentage, slugging percentage, and OPS+.

One of the most popular hitting analytics is batting average. This stat measures how often a batter gets a hit. It’s calculated by dividing the number of hits by the number of at-bats. The higher the batting average, the better the hitter is.

On-base percentage is another popular hitting metric. It measures how often a batter reaches base safely. It’s calculated by dividing the number of times reached base (hits + walks + hit-by-pitch) by the number of plate appearances (at-bats + walks + hit-by-pitch + sacrifice flies). The higher the on-base percentage, the better the hitter is.

Slugging percentage is yet another important hitting metric. It measures the average number of bases a batter gets per at-bat. It’s calculated by dividing the total number of bases (hits + doubles + triples + home runs) by the number of at-bats. The higher the slugging percentage, the better the hitter is.

OPS+ is an all-inclusive metric that takes into account a hitter’s on-base percentage and slugging percentage. It adjusts for ballpark factors and league differences, making it easier to compare hitters from different eras and different levels of play. OPS+ is calculated by adding 100 to a player’s OPS (on-base percentage + slugging percentage), which gives us a baseline against which to compare all hitters.

Pitching analytics

In baseball, pitcher analytics are used to measure the effectiveness of a pitcher. There are many factors that go into measuring a pitcher’s effectiveness, such as the types of pitches they throw, the velocity of their pitches, the movement of their pitches, and the location of their pitches.

PITCHf/x is a system that tracks the location and movement of every pitch thrown in Major League Baseball. PITCHf/x data is used by all 30 MLB teams, and is also available to the public. This data is used to create various pitching metrics, such as spin rate, pitch type linear weights, and pitch value.

The most popular pitching metric is probably ERA+, which adjusts a pitcher’s ERA for their ballpark and league conditions. ERA+ is a good metric for comparing pitchers from different eras, as well as pitchers who play in different ballparks. Other popular pitching metrics include FIP (Fielding Independent Pitching) and xFIP (Expected Fielding Independent Pitching). FIP measures what a pitcher’s ERA would be if they had average luck on balls in play; xFIP measures what a pitcher’s FIP would be if they had league-average luck on balls in play.

There are also various advanced pitching metrics that aim to measure a pitcher’s ability to prevent runs by looking at more than just ERA. FWAR (FanGraphs Wins Above Replacement) is one such metric; WAR measures how many more wins a player has contributed than a replacement-level player (a player who could easily be replaced by someone else). RA9-WAR (Wins Above Replacement based on Runs Allowed) is another advanced metric that looks at how many more wins a pitcher has contributed than a replacement-level player based on the runs they have allowed. DRA (Deserved Run Average) is yet another advanced metric that takes into account all aspects of run prevention, including fielding and base-running.

Fielding analytics

Fielding analytics are a relatively new addition to the game of baseball, but they are quickly gaining popularity among teams and analysts alike. Fielding analytics focus on measuring a player’s defensive ability, rather than their offensive numbers. This allows teams to better understand a player’s true value on the field, and how they can impact the game.

There are a number of different fielding metrics that are used by analysts, but some of the most popular ones include defensive runs saved (DRS), ultimate zone rating (UZR), and WAR. These metrics all attempt to measure a player’s defensive ability in different ways, but they all ultimately provide valuable information for teams.

Defensive runs saved (DRS) is a metric that measures the number of runs a player saves or costs their team with their defense. It does this by comparing the number of runs that would be expected to score given the type of batted balls that were hit into play, with the actual number of runs that were scored. This allows analysts to see how much impact a player is having on their team’s defense.

Ultimate zone rating (UZR) is another popular metric that attempts to measure a player’s defensive ability. It does this by looking at how many runs above or below average a player is in terms of their range. Range is defined as the distance a player can cover in order to make a play on a ball hit into their zone. players with higher UZRs are considered to be better defenders, as they have more range and can make more plays on balls hit into their zone.

WAR (wins above replacement) is another metric that is often used by analysts when discussing fielding. WAR attempts to measure how many more wins a team would have if they had replaced an average player with the specific player being looked at. This allows teams to see how valuable a particular player is to their team, both offensively and defensively.

Fielding analytics are a relatively new tool, but they are quickly becoming one of the most important tools for teams when it comes to evaluating players. These metrics provide valuable information about a player’s defensive ability, and can help teams make better decisions about who to put on the field.

How to Use Baseball Analytics

Whether you are a general manager of a team, a scout, or just a casual fan, knowing how to read and use baseball analytics is a valuable skill. Baseball analytics are used to measure player performance,evaluate prospects,make decisions about trades and free agent signings, and more. While some people may think that baseball analytics are only for people in the front office, they can actually be used by anyone who wants to learn more about the game.

How to use hitting analytics

Baseball is a complex game, and it can be difficult to understand all of the different aspects of the game. However, one area that has seen a lot of growth in recent years is baseball analytics.

Analytics can be used to help understand everything from how a player is performing to how a team is doing. However, it can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to baseball analytics.

One area that is often studied through analytics is hitting. Hitting analytics can help answer questions such as:

-What type of hitter is likely to have success against a particular pitcher?
-What are a hitter’s strengths and weaknesses?
-How does a hitter’s approach change in different situations?
-What are the most effective types of pitches for a particular hitter?
– etc.

If you’re interested in learning more about baseball analytics, or if you’re just looking for ways to better understand the game, here are some resources on hitting analytics:

1. FanGraphs – This website has a wealth of information on baseball analytics, including articles, tools, and data. They have a section specifically devoted to hitting analytics, which can be found here: https://www.fangraphs.com/library/index.aspx?category=hitting
2. Baseball Prospectus – Another website with plenty of information on baseball analytics. Their hitting section can be found here: https://www.baseballprospectus.com/ee/index2.php?option=com_content&task=category&sectionid=5&id=28&Itemid=50
3 .The Hardball Times – This website has articles on various topics related to baseball analytics, including hitting. Their articles on hitting can be found here: https://www.hardballtimes.com/tag/hitting/

How to use pitching analytics

Pitching analytics can be a valuable tool for baseball fans to use in order to better understand the game. There are a few different ways to use pitching analytics, but one of the most popular is using them to predict how relief pitchers will fare in certain situations.

Relief pitchers are often used in high-leverage situations, so it is important to know which pitcher is most likely to get the job done. One way to do this is by looking at a pitcher’s win probability added (WPA). WPA measures how much a pitcher has contributed to his team’s chances of winning, and it can be used to compare pitchers in different situations.

Another way to use pitching analytics is to look at a pitcher’s expected fielding independent pitching (FIP). FIP is a metric that attempts to measure a pitcher’s effectiveness by stripping out the effect of luck and defense. It can be useful for comparing pitchers who have pitched in different environments.

Finally, strikeouts per nine innings (K/9) is a good metric for measuring a relief pitcher’s dominance. A higher K/9 indicates that a pitcher is more likely to strike batters out, which is important in high-leverage situations.

How to use fielding analytics

Fielding statistics are important in understanding how well a player or team can field the ball. In addition to traditional fielding statistics like putouts, assists, and errors, newer fielding metrics offer a more accurate way to evaluate player performance.

Fielding percentage is the most common metric used to evaluate fielding ability. It is calculated by dividing the number of putouts and assists by the number of total chances. However, fielding percentage does not account for errors made on plays that should have been turned into outs.

For this reason, some analysts prefer to use defensive Runs Saved (DRS). DRS measures how many runs a player or team saves with their fielding compared to the league average. It takes into account all of the traditional fielding statistics, as well as more advanced metrics like Ultimate Zone Rating (UZR) and Defensive Regression Analysis (DRA).

Another popular metric is Range Factor (RF), which measures how many putouts and assists a player or team records per nine innings played. This metric can be used to compare players at different positions, as it normalizes for the number of opportunities each position has to record outs.

When evaluating fielding stats, it is important to consider the quality of competition a player or team is facing. For example, a shortstop who plays against mostly left-handed hitters is likely to have a lower range factor than one who faces mostly right-handed hitters. Likewise, a first baseman who plays on a softball team is likely to have a higher batting average than one who plays on a major league baseball team.


As baseball begins its transition into the modern era, analytics are becoming increasingly important. They help teams better understand the game and make more informed decisions. However, analytics are also complex and can be difficult to understand.

This guide has provided a introduction to some of the most important baseball analytics. We hope it has helped you better understand the game and how teams are using data to improve their performance.

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