Are NBA Ratings Down?

Many people are wondering if the NBA’s ratings are down this season. There are a few possible explanations for why this might be the case. Let’s take a look at some of the factors that could be affecting the NBA’s ratings.


It’s no secret that the NBA has been losing viewers over the past few years. According to Nielsen, the 2017-2018 season was the first time in five years that average viewership for regular season games declined. This trend has continued into the 2018-2019 season, with an even larger drop in ratings. But why are NBA ratings down?

There are a few potential explanations. First, the league has become increasingly politicized, alienating some viewers. Second, the quality of play has declined, causing fans to lose interest. Third, there is more competition for viewers’ attention than ever before, and the NBA is struggling to keep up.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these potential reasons to see if they can help explain the decline in NBA ratings.

NBA’s TV Ratings Are Down, But Why?

The NBA’s ratings are down this year. Why is this? Some say it’s because there are too many politically charged messages being promoted by the league and its players. Others say it’s because the games are becoming less competitive. What do you think?

Lack of Star Power

TV ratings for the NBA are down this season. One reason why is because many of the league’s biggest stars have been sidelined with injuries. Steph Curry, Kevin Durant, Paul George and Kawhi Leonard have all missed significant time due to injury, and when the league’s best players are not on the court, TV ratings tend to suffer. Additionally, this has been a down year for superstar rookies like Zion Williamson and Ja Morant.

Too Many Games

The NBA’s TV ratings are down this season, but there are a few possible explanations for why that might be.

One reason could be that there are simply too many games televised. In the past, there were only a handful of nationally televised games each week, so fans had to choose carefully which ones to watch. Now, with multiple games on every night, fans may be feeling spread thin and less inclined to tune in to every broadcast.

Another possibility is that the product on the court has suffered in recent years. With more teams than ever tanking for draft picks and reduced parity overall, some fans may have lost interest in following the league closely. The rise of international players and the erosion of traditional positions may also be turning off some viewers who prefer a more “traditional” style of basketball.

It’s also worth noting that the NBA is competing for attention with a plethora of other entertainment options these days. In addition to other live sporting events, there are now numerous streaming services and on-demand viewing options available to viewers, giving them more control over what they watch and when they watch it. With so many choices available, it’s not surprising that some fans may be choosing to spend their time elsewhere.

Ultimately, it’s hard to say definitively why the NBA’s TV ratings are down. It could be any combination of factors or something entirely unrelated to the on-court product or television schedule. But whatever the reason, it’s clearly something that league officials will need to address if they want to bring back casual viewers and boost ratings going forward.

Poor Product

The NBA’s TV ratings are down this season, and there are several theories as to why. One is that the on-court product simply isn’t as good as it has been in recent years. With fewer superstars and more parity, there are fewer “must-see” matchups.

Another theory is that the league’s off-court problems — such as the much-publicized domestic violence incidents involving players — have made fans less likely to tune in.

It’s also possible that the league is simply being victims of the wider trends in TV viewing, as more and more people are cutting the cord or avoiding traditional TV altogether.

Whatever the cause, it’s clear that the NBA has a problem on its hands. The question now is whether it can figure out a way to turn things around.

What Can Be Done to Fix the Problem?

NBA ratings are down for the fourth consecutive year. The league is at its lowest point since the 2012-2013 season. This is a major problem for the league because it is losing its viewership. There are a number of factors that can be blamed for the decline in ratings. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why the NBA’s ratings are down.

Increase Star Power

One way to try and increase viewership for the NBA would be to focus on increasing the star power of its players. This could be done in a number of ways, such as:

-Encouraging more player-to-player interactions off the court, such as friendly competitions, joint interviews/appearances, etc.

-Making a concerted effort to market the league’s up-and-coming stars more aggressively.

-Working with TV networks to ensure that marquee matchups are given primetime slots more often.

Decrease the Number of Games

One way to possibly fix the problem of decreasing NBA ratings would be to decrease the number of games. According to USA Today, “The regular season has 82 games, which is too many. Fans don’t want to watch that much basketball, and they especially don’t want to watch mediocre teams play that much basketball. Cut it down to 60 games, and people will be more likely to tune in because every game will matter more.” This would help create a sense of urgency for teams and fans alike, and make every game feel like must-see TV.

Improve the Product

The National Basketball Association (NBA) has seen a decline in ratings over the past few years. Some believe that this is due to a lack of parity in the league, with the same teams winning year after year. Others believe that the games have become too predictable, with the same outcomes happening time and again. Whatever the reason, it is clear that something needs to be done to fix the problem.

One way to improve the product would be to increase parity within the league. This could be done by implementing a salary cap or by ensuring that the best players are distributed evenly among teams. Another way to improve the product would be to make the games more unpredictable. This could be done by increasing the number of games played or by introducing new rules. Whichever approach is taken, it is important that something is done to address the decline in NBA ratings.


In conclusion, it is difficult to say whether or not NBA ratings are down. While some data suggests that they may be, other data is not so clear. It is possible that the NBA is simply experiencing a natural ebb and flow in popularity, and that ratings will rebound in the future. Only time will tell.

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