How to Make a Baseball Cross Chain

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A baseball cross chain is a popular and unique way to show your support for your favorite team Unlike traditional necklaces or keychains, a cross chain features two interlocking pieces that form a cross. Baseball cross chains are typically made of metal, with the team’s logo or colors enameled on one side. They can be worn as a necklace or used as a keychain.

Making your own baseball cross chain is a fun and easy project that you can do at home with just a few supplies. You’ll need two small metal hinges, some strong jewelry wire, and some enamel paint in your team’s colors. You’ll also need some pliers to help you work with the wire.

What You’ll Need

-2 feet of 3/16-inch diameter rope
-1 foot of 1/4-inch diameter rope
-2 baseballs

Cross chains are a popular way to display a love for baseball, and they make great gifts for fellow fans. With just a few supplies, you can easily make your own cross chain to show your team spirit

To make a cross chain, you will need two feet of 3/16-inch diameter rope and one foot of 1/4-inch diameter rope. You will also need two baseballs. Start by tying the two pieces of rope together in the center, forming a loop. Then, thread one baseball onto each piece of rope, making sure that the seams are facing out. Cross the ropes in the center so that the baseballs form a cross shape, and tie them together securely. Trim any excess rope, and your cross chain is complete!

Step One: Cut the Chain

The first step to making a baseball cross is to cut the chain. You will need two pieces of chain that are the same length. The length will depend on how long you want the cross to be. A good rule of thumb is to make the chains twice as long as you want the cross to be. So, if you want a two inch cross, you will need four inches of chain.

Once you have cut the chains, use a jump ring to attach one end of each chain to the other. Make sure that the jump ring is big enough so that it will not pull through the links of the chain.

Step Two: Create the Cross

Now that you have your supplies, it’s time to get started! The first step is to create the cross. Cut two pieces of string, each about 18 inches long. Tie the center of one string to the center of the other, making a loop. Cross the two looped ends in the center, and tie them together tightly to form a cross shape. You should now have four “arms” sticking out from the center of your cross.

Step Three: Attach the Cross to the Chain

Now that you have your cross and your chain, it’s time to attach them together. You’ll need a pair of pliers for this step.

First, hold the top of the cross in one hand and the end of the chain in the other. Then, use the pliers to twist the end of the chain around the top of the cross. Keep twisting until the end is secure.

Now you have a beautiful baseball cross necklace that you can wear to show your love for the game!

Step Four: Finish the Ends of the Chain

Assuming you made your baseball cross chain with two colors of beads, you will now have two ends of beaded chain – one in each color. To finish these off, thread an index bead (or any other large-bead) onto each end of beaded chain. Follow this by threading on three small seed beads. Finally, thread the end of the beaded chain back through the index bead (in the opposite direction from which you originally threaded it). Pull tight and your chain should now be finished!

Step Five: Wear Your New Cross Chain!

Now that your cross chain is complete, it’s time to put it to good use! Start by wearing it to your next baseball game As you cheering on your team, you’ll be able to show off your creative side. Your friends will be amazed at your handiwork, and you’ll be able to proudly tell them that you made the chain yourself.

In addition to wearing your cross chain to baseball games you can also wear it around town. It’s the perfect accessory for showing your love of the sport, and it also makes a great conversation starter. So go ahead and show off your new cross chain with pride!


You’ve now learned how to make a baseball cross chain! We hope you enjoyed this tutorial and found it helpful. If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Additional Tips

Here are a few additional tips to help you make the Perfect Baseball cross chain:

– Use a larger baseball bead for the center of the cross. This will make it easier to thread the wire through and will also give the finished piece a more balanced look.

– If you’re using wire, make sure to wrap the ends around a small bead or charm to prevent sharp edges from poking through. You can also use smaller beads as spacers between the larger beads on the chain.

– When threading the beads onto the wire, alternate between different sizes and colors to add interest and variety.


In order to make a baseball cross chain, you will need the following materials:

– One baseball
– One length of twine or string
– A sharp knife
– A sturdy table or work surface

First, take the baseball and cut it in half using the sharp knife. Once you have two halves, take one of the halves and cut it in half again. You should now have four quarters.

Next, take two of the quarters and tie them together at the center with a piece of twine or string. Do the same with the other two quarters. You should now have two pairs of quarters connected in the middle by a length of twine or string.

Finally, take the two pairs of quarters and tie them together in the middle so that all four quarters are connected. Trim any excess twine or string from the middle connection point. Your baseball cross chain is now complete!

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