How to Make a Baseball Diaper Cake

How to make a baseball diaper cake for a baby shower This easy tutorial shows you how to make a cute and unique cake that any baseball fan would love!


A baseball diaper cake is a fun and unique way to celebrate a new baby boy, and it makes a great shower or first Day gift This cake is made with rolled up diapers, rubber balls, and other baseball-themed items, and it can be decorated to look like a real baseball stadium You can even personalize the cake with the baby’s name or team colors

What you will need

-Baseball Diaper Cake Printable Instructions
-3 packages of diapers (I used size 1 Pampers)
-1/8” or 1/4” ribbon (I used navy grosgrain)
-1 Welch’s Fruit Snack pack
-2 Tubs of frosting (I used store bought)
-1/2 cup of candies (I used M&M’s)
-Clear wrap
-Double sided tape

Step One – Preparing the Diaper Cake

The first thing you need to do is gather all of the supplies you will need to make your diaper cake. You will need a package of diapers, a cake pan, some sort of decor for the top of the cake (this could be a baby toy, a blanket, or even just a bow), and some ribbon to tie around the outside of the cake. You will also need some sort of padding for the inside of the cake pan so that the diapers do not rip when you are assembling the cake. Once you have all of your supplies, you are ready to move on to step two.

Step Two – Assembling the Diaper Cake

Now that you have all of your supplies, it’s time to start assembling your diaper cake!

To begin, take the three rolls of toilet paper and roll them into balls. These will be the base of your cake, so make them as big or small as you want. Once you have your balls, stack them on top of each other and secure with a rubber band.

Next, start wrapping the ribbon around the outside of the cake. Start at the bottom and work your way up, securing the ribbon with a knot or piece of tape every few inches. Once you get to the top, trim off any excess ribbon.

Now it’s time to start adding the diapers! Starting at the bottom, begin wrapping them around the outside of the cake, securing each one with a rubber band. Continue until you’ve used all of the diapers and reach the top of the cake. Again, trim off any excess diaper material.

The last step is to decorate the outside of your cake with anything you like! You can use baby clothes, stuffed animals ribbons, or anything else you can think of. Be creative and have fun!

Step Three – Decorating the Diaper Cake

Now that the cake is complete, it’s time to decorate! Get creative and have fun with this step. You can use anything you like to personalize the cake and make it your own. Some popular ideas include sports-themed items, such as baseballs, bats, and gloves; or you can go with a more general baby theme, such as ribbons, onesies, or stuffed animals. The sky is the limit!

Once you’ve decided on your decorations, it’s time to put them on the cake. Start by wrapping a ribbon around the base of the cake, then begin attaching your chosen decorations. If you’re using smaller items, like beads or buttons, you can glue them directly onto the ribbon; for larger items, like stuffed animals or blankets, you can tie them onto the cake with ribbons or string.

When you’re finished decorating, Step Back and admire your handiwork! You’ve just created a one-of-a-kind diaper cake that is sure to be a hit at the next baby shower you attend.

Tips and Tricks

If you want to make a baseball-themed diaper cake for a baby shower, here are some tips and tricks to help you out!

To make the cake, you will need:
-3 dozen diapers
-1/4 yard white flannel
-1/4 yard solid red fabric
-2 receiving blankets (1 white, 1 red)
-1 plush baseball toy
-1 small bottle of baby lotion
-1 small tube of diaper rash cream
-1 Pampers Swaddlers Diaper Cake Kit


     1. Start by rolling up the diapers in the flannel and red fabric. Wrap each layer with one of the receiving blankets, tucking in the edges as you go.

     2. When you have three layers of rolled diapers, use the Pampers kit to secure them together into a cake shape.

     3. Next, decorate the cake with the toy baseball and baby lotion or cream. You can also add other baby items like bibs, booties, or stuffed animals.


You can make a baseball diaper cake in all sorts of shapes and sizes. The most popular is probably the two-tier cake, which is made by stacking two circles of different sizes on top of each other, but you can also make a single-layer cake, or even a three-tier cake if you’re Feeling ambitious.

If you want to add some extra decoration, try using string to tie the diapers together in a bow, or adding some felt cutouts in the shape of baseballs or bats. You can also personalize your cake by using baby clothes in team colors, or placing a miniature baseball jersey on top.


To make a baseball diaper cake, you will need the following supplies:
-A cake pan
-A cake board
-Pipe cleaners
-A sharp knife
-A Rubber band
1. Start by baking a cake in a cake pan. When the cake is done, allow it to cool completely.
2. Once the cake is cooled, use a sharp knife to level off the top of the cake so that it is flat.
3. Next, cut the cake into three even sections. You will now have three circular layers of cake.
4. To assemble the baseball diaper cake, take one of the layers of cake and place it on thecake board. This will be the bottom layer of your cake.
5. Next, take some diapers and roll them up tightly. Once they are rolled up, secure each one with a rubber band.
6. Begin placing the rolled diapers around the bottom layer of cake, securing them with pipe cleaners as you go. Continue until you have made one complete layer of “baseballs” around the bottom layer of cake.


You have now completed your baseball diaper cake! This cake is perfect for a baby shower or to welcome a new baby boy into the family. It is sure to be a hit with all of the guests, and the new parents will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

About the author

My name is Katie and I am a licensed physical therapist and mother of two. I have been making cakes as a hobby for over 10 years. I love creating unique cakes that are both creative and delicious.

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