How to Disguise Your Turkey as a Baseball

How to Disguise Your Turkey as a Baseball – Don’t let your turkey get bored this Thanksgiving! With this easy disguise, they’ll be entertained all day long.


With Thanksgiving just around the corner, many of us are already thinking about how to cook the perfect turkey. But what if you want to stand out from the crowd and serve up something a little bit different? Why not try disguising your turkey as a baseball?

This may sound like a daunting task, but with a little bit of creativity and some simple materials, you can easily transform your turkey into a tasty treat that will be sure to score some points with your guests. So whether you’re a die-hard baseball fan or just looking for a fun way to shake up your holiday dinner, read on for some tips on how to disguise your turkey as a baseball.

What You’ll Need

To disguise your turkey as a baseball, you’ll need the following materials:
-A turkey (obviously)
-A black Sharpie
-A white piece of paper or cloth

First, use the Sharpie to draw a baseball seam pattern on the turkey. Start at the neck and work your way down, drawing a line every inch or so. Next, cut the white paper or cloth into a small circle. This will be the “stitching” on your baseball. Tape it onto the turkey in the center of the seam pattern. Finally, use the Sharpie to add a few details like “laces” on the circumference of the circle. And that’s it! Your turkey is now disguised as a baseball.

Step One: The Body

Start with a raw turkey. If you have a small turkey, you may want to consider adding some stuffing to bulk it up. Once your turkey is ready, it’s time to start painting! You’ll want to use white paint to cover the entire turkey. Be sure to get the underside as well. Let the paint dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Step Two: The Head

Now that you have your basic Baseball Shape it’s time to give it a face. For the head, you’ll want to use a small turkey. Cut off the head at the neck, and then cut off the feet at the ankle. You should now have two smooth, round balls. These will be your baseball’s eyes. Poke two holes in each ball, and then insert your black bean of choice into each hole. If you’re using a large turkey, you may want to use two black beans for each eye.

Step Three: The Legs

Now that the turkey is fully covered in duct tape, it’s time to move on to the legs. This part is a little bit trickier, but with a little patience you’ll get the hang of it. Start by wrapping each leg in duct tape, making sure to cover both the front and back. Once both legs are wrapped, use your scissors to cut two small slits in the duct tape. These slits will be for the turkey’s feet. Next, take two small pieces of duct tape and adhere them to the bottom of each foot. Now your turkey should look like it’s wearing tiny little baseball cleats!

Step Four: The Wings

Assuming you have already coated your turkey in adhesive and applied the vinyl baseball stitching you will now need to attach the wings. Each vinyl wing has two metal grommets that will need to be inserted into the corresponding holes on either side of the body. If your turkey is particularly large, you may need to use additional grommets or even some rope to secure the wings properly. Once the wings are in place, your turkey should look something like a giant, flightless bird!

Step Five: The Finishing Touches

Now that your baseball turkey is complete, it’s time to add the finishing touches. Using a black Sharpie add stitches around the circumference of the baseball to give it a more realistic look. You can also use the Sharpie to add details such as seams and laces. If you want to take things one step further, you can even paint on a team logo. Let your turkey dry completely before displaying it proudly for all to see.

Tips and Tricks

Thanksgiving is a time where family and friends gather around to give thanks and enjoy a delicious meal. The Main Event of any Thanksgiving feast is the turkey. But what do you do if your turkey is dry, overcooked, or just not impressive? Disguising your turkey as a baseball is a fun and easy way to save face and still enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving meal.

Here are some tips and tricks to help you disguise your turkey as a baseball:

1. Start by making sure your turkey is cooked all the way through. No one wants to eat raw meat, so make sure your turkey is cooked to an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit

2. Once your turkey is cooked, use a sharp knife to cut off any excess skin or fat. This will help give your baseball-shaped turkey a cleaner look.

3. Next, use kitchen twine or dental floss to tie the legs of your turkey together. This will help give your turkey its baseball-like shape.

4. Now it’s time to start disguising your Turkey! First, use white adhesive tape or Band-Aids to create the stitches on your baseball. You can also use red food coloring or paint to create a more realistic look.

5. Once you’ve created the stitches on your baseball, it’s time to add the final touches! Use small pieces of black felt or construction paper to create the laces on your baseball. You can also use edible markers or paint to add details like numbers or team logos


If your family is more interested in baseball than they are in turkey, or if you’re just looking for a new and interesting way to serve up your holiday bird, try this unique recipe. Your turkey will be so well disguised as a baseball, no one will even know it’s there!

Here are some FAQs about how to disguise your turkey as a baseball:

Q: What kind of baseball do I need?

A: Any kind of baseball will do, but a regulation-size baseball is the best bet. You can also use a softball if you want your turkey to be extra big and juicy.

Q: How do I cook the turkey once it’s disguised as a baseball?

A: Just cook it according to your usual turkey recipe. The hardest part will be getting the batting order right!

Q: Will my family still be able to tell it’s a turkey?

A: Not if you do it right! The key is to make sure all the Batting Order is set before you start cooking. That way, no one will be able to tell the difference between your delicious Thanksgiving turkey and a dangerous fastball headed their way.


Thank you for following our guide on how to disguise your turkey as a baseball. We hope you found it informative and helpful. Remember, the most important thing is to have fun with it and be creative. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.

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