Basketball Close Out – How to Win the Game

If you want to close out a basketball game and come out on top, there are certain things you need to do. Check out this blog post to learn how to win the game!


Basketball is a sport that requires split-second decisions and strategies. The game is played between two teams, each composed of five players. The objective is to score by shooting the ball through the other team’s basket.

The close out is one of the most important strategies in basketball. It is a defensive move where the player guarding the person with the ball tries to stop them from scoring.

There are many different ways to close out on a player. The most important thing is to be quick and aggressive. You also want to be in a good position so that you can defend the shot and not give up any easy points.

Here are some tips on how to close out:
-Get low and be in a defensive stance
-Keep your hands up so that you can contest the shot
-Don’t give up on the play, even if the person with the ball drives past you
-Use your feet to stay in front of the offensive player

The Importance of a Good Close Out

Most Basketball Coaches will tell you that the most important part of the game is the close out. That’s because it’s the time when the game is on the line and one team is trying to close out the other.

There are a few things that you can do to make sure that your team is prepared for a good close out. First, you need to make sure that your players are in good physical condition. This means that they need to be able to run up and down the court without getting tired.

Second, you need to make sure that your players are mentally tough. This means that they need to be able to handle pressure and not let the other team get into their heads.

Third, you need to make sure that your players are well-coached. This means that they know what they’re supposed to do on the court and they understand the importance of a good close out.

If you can do these things, then you’ll be well on your way to winning more games.

The Three Types of Close Outs

In basketball, a close out is when the Defensive Player guarding the ball-handler quickly runs to them in order to prevent them from getting an open shot or driving to the basket. This can be a very effective way to disrupt the offense and prevent easy baskets, but it can also be very dangerous if not done correctly.

There are three main types of close outs: the sprint close out, the back peddle close out, and the slide close out. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to know when to use each one.

The sprint close out is the most aggressive type of close out. The defender will sprint as quickly as possible at the offensive player in an attempt to disrupt their shot or drive. This can be effective if done correctly, but it can also lead to easy baskets for the offense if the defender gets beaten off the dribble.

The back peddle close out is less aggressive than the sprint close out, but it can still be effective. In this type of close out, the defender will back peddle towards the offensive player in an attempt to stay between them and the basket. This can be good for preventing drives to the basket, but it can also allow shooters more time to get their shot off.

The slide close out is somewhere in between the other two types of close outs. In this type of close out, the defender will start by sprinting towards the offensive player but will then transition into a sliding motion in order to Stay in front of them. This can be effective for both preventing drives and disrupting shooters, but it can also be very tiring for defenders if they have to do it for extended periods of time.

The proper technique for a Close Out

In basketball, a close out is when the Defensive Player runs at the offensive player with their arms up to stop them from getting a clear shot at the basket. It is important to close out properly in order to give your team the best chance at winning the game. There are two main techniques that can be used when closing out on a player, and each has its own advantages.

The first technique is called the push-off technique. In this technique, the defender gets close to the offensive player and then pushes off of them with one hand while putting their other hand up in the air. This technique is effective because it allows the defender to get close to the offensive player without fouling them. It also makes it harder for the offensive player to shoot because they have to shoot around the defender’s hand.

The second technique is called the swipe technique. In this technique, the defender gets close to the offensive player and then tries to swat at their shooting hand with their own hand. This technique is effective because it can disrupt the shot and make it harder for the offensive player to make a basket. It can also be used to foul the offensive player if they are not able to get their shot off in time.

Which technique you use when closing out on a player will depend on your own personal preferences and abilities. However, both techniques can be used effectively if you take the time to practice them.

The Keys to a Good Close Out

A close out in basketball is an important part of the game, and can often be the difference between winning and losing. There are a few key things to remember when trying to get a good close out:

-First, remember to stay low. A good close out starts with being in a low stance, which will help you stay balanced and give you more power to jump if necessary.

-Second, keep your hands up. This will not only block the vision of the player you’re defending, but it will also give you a better chance of stealing the ball or deflecting a pass.

-Third, don’t bite on pump fakes. A lot of players will try to get you off balance by faking a shot, but if you stay disciplined and don’t bite on it, you’ll be in good position to defend their actual shot.

-Finally, make sure you box out. Once the shot goes up, your first priority should be to find your man and box him out so he can’t get back into the play and rebound the ball.

The Benefits of a Good Close Out

In basketball, a good close out is vital to winning the game. When the opposing team has the ball and is trying to score, the defenders need to “close out” on them, meaning they need to put pressure on the offensive players and not let them get an easy shot. There are many benefits to closing out well.

First, it prevents easy baskets. If the defense can close out quickly and effectively, it will make it much harder for the offense to score. They will either have to take a harder shot, which is less likely to go in, or they will have to pass the ball around more, which gives the defense more time to recover and defend. Either way, it makes it more difficult for the offense to score.

Second, it tires out the offense. If the offense has to work hard to get open shots, they will get tired quickly. This can lead to mistakes and turnovers, which can swing the momentum of the game in favor of the defense.

Third, it demoralizes the offense. If the defense is constantly putting pressure on them and making it difficult for them to score, it can sap their confidence and make them less likely to want to keep playing. This can lead to even more mistakes and turnovers as they try to hurry up and get something going.

Fourth, it gives the defense an opportunity to get back in transition. If done correctly, closing out can lead to easy fast break points for the defense. This can be a huge momentum shift in a game and can be very demoralizing for the opposing team

Finally, it sends a message that no one is going to easy baskets. If the defense is closing out well, it shows that they are not going to give up anything easy. This can make the offense think twice about trying to drive or shoot over them, leading to more contested shots.

The Disadvantages of a Poor Close Out

A poor close out can severely disadvantage a basketball team A close out is when a defensive player takes a position between the offensive player with the ball and the basket. It’s important because it allows the defense to apply pressure and hopefully force a turnover.

There are three main disadvantages of a poor close out:

1. It allows the offensive player an easy path to the basket.
2. It creates open space for other offensive players, who may then be able to score more easily.
3. It puts additional pressure on the other defenders, who now have to cover more ground.

A well-executed close out is therefore an important part of Good defensive play.

How to Improve Your Close Out

Basketball Close out is one of the most important aspects of the game. Proper execution can be the difference between winning and losing. There are many factors that go into a good close out, but the most important thing is to be aggressive and not give up easy baskets.

Here are some tips to help you improve your close out:
-Get in a good stance This will help you be balanced and explosive when you need to move.
-Keep your hands up: This will make it harder for the offensive player to shoot over you.
-Body up: Get close to the Offensive Player so they can’t just blow by you.
-Don’t reach: If you reach in, the offensive player will get an easy foul shot. Wait for them to make a move before you commit.
-Close out under control: Don’t be too aggressive and end up fouling or getting beat on the drive. Be patient and stay in front of the offensive player


Congratulations on making it to the end of the game! Now it’s time to finish strong and close out the win. Here are some tips on how to do just that.

First, make sure you have a good understanding of the other team’s strategy. What are their strengths and weaknesses? How have they been trying to score against you? Once you know this, you can better adjust your own strategy to counter theirs.

Next, keep your energy up. This is the time when fatigue starts to set in, but you can’t let it affect your performance. stay focused and don’t give up even if the game is close.

Finally, stay calm and composed. This is probably the most important thing to remember. If you get tense or too anxious, it will affect your shooting and decision-making ability. So take a deep breath and trust in your skills – you’ve got this!


Whether you’re a coach, player, or fan, you want your team to win. One of the most important aspects of winning any game is the close out. The close out is the last few possessions of the game where one team has the lead and is trying to protect it, while the other team is trying to come back and tie or win the game. Here are a few resources to help you master the basketball close out and help your team win more games.

Coaching resources:
-Basketball Close Out Drills from Better Basketball
-5 defensive drills for winning games from Hoops U
-How to Teach Your Team to Close Games Out from Elite Hoops

Player resources:
-The Art of Closing Games from
-5 Tips for Closing Games from SLAM Online
-Basketball IQ: How to Close Games from YouTube

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