How to Make a Basketball Ribbon

Are you looking for a way to show your support for your favorite basketball team? A basketball ribbon is the perfect way to do it! Keep reading to learn how to make your own.

What you will need

-1 inch wide by 72 inch long strip of ribbon
-Pen or marker
-1/2 inch wide by 12 inch long strip of velcro

Step One: Cut the ribbon

Basketball ribbons are a great way to show support for your team, or to add a personal touch to a gift for a Basketball Fan You can make them yourself with just a few supplies and some simple instructions.

What You’ll Need:
-Glue gun
-Basketball template

1. Cut the ribbon. You will need two pieces of ribbon, each about 18 inches long. 2. Use the basketball template to trace a circle onto one piece of ribbon. Cut out the circle. 3. Glue the two pieces of ribbon together, wrong sides facing out. 4. Fold down the top piece of ribbon to create a loop, and glue in place. 5 .Thread the other piece of ribbon through the loop, and tie in a knot at the top. 6 .Trim the ends of the ribbon, if necessary.

Step Two: Make the loops

Make loops with the ribbon by holding one end of the ribbon in your hand and folding the ribbon back and forth to make loops. The size of the loops will depend on how big you want your final product to be. Once you have made all of your loops, cut the ribbon off of the spool.

Step Three: Tie the loops together

To make your bow, take the two loops and tie them together in the center. You can use a regular knot or a bow. Trim the ends of the ribbon, if necessary, and you’re done!

Step Four: Hang the basketball ribbon

After you have cut out the ribbon, you will need to hang it up. You can use tape, tacks, or string to do this. Make sure that the ribbon is hanging evenly and that there are no wrinkles. You may need to adjust it a few times before it is perfect.

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