The Truth About the Basketball Scam

The Truth About the Basketball Scam is a new blog that will be discussing the recent scandal involving college basketball

The Truth About the Basketball Scam

In recent years a number of college basketball programs have been embroiled in scandal, with accusations of bribery and corruption leading to suspensions, firings, and even criminal charges. These scandals have caused many to question the integrity of the sport, and raised doubts about whether the NCAA—the organization that governs college athletics—is doing enough to ensure fair play.

The most recent scandal came to light in September 2017, when the FBI arrested four Assistant Basketball Coaches from around the country on charges of corruption. The coaches were accused of accepting bribes from a sports agent in exchange for steering players to that agent once they turned professional. The case is still ongoing, but it has already led to the firing of one Head Coach and the resignation of another.

These scandals have led some to call for major changes to the way College Basketball is governed. Critics say that the NCAA is too slow to act when allegations of wrongdoing arise, and that its punishments are often too lenient. They argue that the only way to truly clean up the sport is to institute a system of player salaries so that athletes are not tempted to accept illegal payments.

What do you think? Are these scandals a sign that College Basketball is corrupt, or just a case of a few bad apples? Should players be paid? Share your thoughts in the comments!

What is the Basketball Scam?

The Basketball Scam is a term used to describe a scheme in which unscrupulous individuals attempt to sell overpriced Basketball Tickets to unsuspecting consumers. This scam typically occurs online, through classified ads or social media and often targets diehard fans who are willing to pay top dollar for tickets to see their favorite team play.

Basketball Scams can take many different forms, but the end result is always the same: the customer pays far more than they should have for their tickets, and often doesn’t even receive the tickets they paid for. In some cases, scammers will simply vanish after receiving payment; in others, they may send fake or invalid tickets that will get the buyer turned away at the door.

To avoid becoming a victim of this scam, it’s important to remember that if a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Be sure to buy tickets only from reputable sources, and never wire money or provide personal information to someone you don’t know. If you’re unsure about a transaction, consider consulting with a friend or family member before proceeding.

Who is behind the Basketball Scam?

In recent years there has been a proliferation of so-led basketball scams, in which people are lured into paying for bogus basketball camps clinics, or other programs. While the specific details of these scams vary, they all share a common goal: to take advantage of unsuspecting people who want to learn more about the game of basketball

The people behind these scams are often very convincing, and they can be difficult to identify. However, there are some common red flags that you can look for if you think you may be dealing with a scammer. For instance, if someone is offering you a “guaranteed” spot on a college team or a professional contract, this is almost certainly a scam. Likewise, if someone is promising you unrealistic results (such as becoming an NBA All-Star overnight), this is also a major red flag.

If you’re ever unsure about whether or not something is a scam, your best bet is to do some research online or contact your local Better Business Bureau for more information. Remember: if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is!

How does the Basketball Scam work?

The so-called “basketball scam” has been around for years, and unfortunately, it still fools a lot of people. The scam works like this:

You’re at a basketball game and you see a guy walking around with a stack of papers in his hand. He approaches you and asks if you’re a fan of the team. When you say yes, he tells you that he’s running a special promotion. If you buy one of his papers for $10, you’ll be entered into a drawing to win two free tickets to the next game.

You might think that this is a great deal, but actually, it’s a scam. The chances of winning the drawing are very slim, and even if you do win, the tickets are probably fake. So, in reality, you’re just paying $10 for a piece of paper.

If you’re ever approached by someone running this scam, just walk away. Don’t let yourself be scammed out of your hard-earned money!

What are the consequences of the Basketball Scam?

The Basketball Scam is a term used to describe a scheme in which individuals are recruited to play on fake or non-existent basketball teams often in exchange for money. The scammer will often take advantage of the player’s naïvete by promising a spot on a real team or a try-out with a professional team, neither of which exist. In some cases, the player may be asked to pay for their own equipment or travel expenses. The consequences of the scam can be both financial and emotional, as the victims often feel misled and disappointed. In some cases, victims have also reported being harassed by the scammer after they realize they’ve been scammed.

How can you avoid the Basketball Scam?

The basketball scam is a term used to describe a scheme in which someone tries to sell you a counterfeit or fake basketball. The scammer will usually approach you in a public place, such as a park or an outdoor court, and ask if you want to buy a basketball. They will then show you a Real Basketball and tell you that it is worth more than it actually is. Finally, they will try to sell you the ball for an inflated price.

There are several ways to avoid the basketball scam. First, never buy a basketball from someone who approaches you in public. Second, only buy balls from reputable retailers or online stores. Third, inspect the ball before buying it to make sure that it is not counterfeit or fake. Finally, do not be afraid to walk away from any deal that seems too good to be true.

How can you report the Basketball Scam?

There are many ways to report the Basketball Scam. You can contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357), or you can file a complaint online at

You can also contact your state attorney general’s office or theBetter Business Bureau (BBB).

What to do if you have been a victim of the Basketball Scam?

If you have been a victim of the basketball scam, there are a few things you can do in order to get your money back and protect yourself from further scams.

The first thing you should do is file a report with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The FTC is the government agency responsible for protecting consumers from fraudulent and deceptive business practices, and they will investigate your complaint.

You should also contact your local law enforcement agency and file a report with them. They may be able to assist you in getting your money back, and they may also have information about other victims of the scam.

Lastly, you should contact your bank or credit card company and let them know that you have been a victim of fraud. They may be able to refund your money or help you in some other way.

How can you help spread awareness about the Basketball Scam?

The best way to help spread awareness about the Basketball Scam is to share this article with as many people as possible. You can also contact your local law enforcement agency and report any suspicious activity.

What are the long term goals of the Basketball Scam?

The Basketball Scam is a long-term scheme that takes advantage of young, aspiring basketball players The goal of the scam is to get these players to sign contracts with fake teams or agents, and then take the money for themselves. This can leave the player without a team to play for, and without the prize money they were counting on.

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