Can Dogs Chew on Baseballs?

Can dogs chew on baseballs? It’s a common question with a not-so-simple answer. Get all the facts (and our opinion) on this controversial topic.



It’s a common question: “Can dogs chew on baseballs?” The answer is maybe. It depends on the dog, the baseball, and how they are used.

Dogs can chew on baseballs made of rawhide or tough rubber. However, baseballs made of softer materials, such as synthetic leather or cotton, may not be as durable. In addition, certain brands of baseballs may be more prone to tearing and breaking than others.

If you allow your dog to chew on a baseball, it is important to supervise him to ensure that he does not swallow any pieces of the ball. Swallowing large pieces of rawhide or rubber can cause choking or blockages in the digestive tract. If your dog swallows a piece of a baseball, contact your veterinarian immediately.

What are the benefits of chewing on a baseball?

Dogs can chew on baseballs to help clean their teeth and massage their gums. Chewing on a baseball can also help relieve boredom and anxiety. If you’re looking for a way to keep your dog occupied, chewing on a baseball is a great option.


As your puppy grows, their baby teeth will start to fall out and be replaced by their permanent adult teeth. This process, known as teething, can be painful for your pup as their gums are irritated. You may notice your puppy chewing on more things during this time as they try to soothe their gums.

Chew toys made specifically for teething puppies can be helpful, but you may also find that your pup enjoys chewing on a baseball. Despite its firmness, a baseball is actually soft enough that it won’t damage your puppy’s teeth. Chewing on a baseball can also help massage your pup’s gums and provide relief from the discomfort of teething.

Cleaning teeth

Cleaning teeth is the primary benefit of chewing on a baseball. The friction of the baseball against the teeth can help remove plaque and tartar build-up. In addition, chewing on a baseball can help massage the gums, which can reduce inflammation and promote healthy gum tissue.


One of the benefits of chewing on a baseball is that it can help relieve boredom and provide a much-needed outlet for a dog’s natural chewing instincts. In addition, chewing on a baseball can also help to clean your dog’s teeth and massage their gums. Baseballs are also a great way to bond with your dog, as playing fetch with them is a great way to spend some quality time together.

Are there any risks associated with chewing on a baseball?

Many people think that chewing on a baseball is perfectly safe for their dogs, but there are actually some risks associated with it. Baseballs are made of hard leather and stitching, which can be tough on a dog’s teeth. If a dog chews on a baseball for too long, they could damage their teeth or even break a tooth. In addition, baseballs often have a bitter taste that can make a dog sick.


One of the most common risks associated with any kind of chew toy is that the dog might choke on it. Small pieces can break off of the toy and get lodged in your dog’s throat, causing difficulty breathing and potentially leading to death. If you are going to give your dog a baseball to chew on, make sure to supervise them closely and take the baseball away if it starts to break into small pieces.

Swallowing a baseball

Swallowing a baseball could present a choking hazard or cause an obstruction in the digestive tract. If your dog ingests a baseball, call your veterinarian or emergency veterinary clinic immediately. Your dog may need to be treated with laxatives or have surgery to remove the baseball if it is causing an obstruction.

Digestive issues

While there are no specific risks associated with dogs chewing on baseballs, there are some general risks that can occur if your dog ingests anything other than their regular food. Some of the most common problems that can occur include:

-Gastrointestinal blockages
-Digestive tract irritation
-Intestinal lesions or perforations
– Pancreatitis
If your dog ingests a foreign object, such as a baseball, it’s important to seek veterinary care right away. The sooner the object is removed, the less likely your dog will experience any serious complications.


In conclusion, chewing on baseballs is not recommended for dogs. Baseballs are hard and can damage a dog’s teeth. Additionally, the stitching on baseballs can be sharp and may cause mouth injuries. If your dog does chew on baseballs, be sure to closely monitor them and provide lots of chew toys to help discourage the behavior.

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