Can Of Corn In Baseball: What Does It Mean?

Whether you’re a baseball fan or not, you’ve probably heard the phrase “can of corn” used before. But what does it actually mean? Read on to find out!

Origins of the Term

According to, the term “can of corn” dates all the way back to the 1800s. It is said that back then, grocery store shelves were lined with Canning jars of all shapes and sizes. These jars were filled with all sorts of food, from fruits and vegetables to pickles and jams. The term “can of corn” is thought to come from the phrase “as easy as taking a can of corn off the shelf.”


The most likely explanation for the term “can of corn” is that it comes from the days when outfielders had to use a long pole to retrieve balls hit over the outfield fence. The balls were often stored in a can, and retrieving one was said to be “like taking corn out of a can.”

First Known Use

The first known use of the term “can of corn” in baseball was in 1864. It is believed to have originated from the phrase “frame of mind,” which was used to describe a pitcher who was in a good mood or had a good attitude. The term “can of corn” is also thought to have originated from the game of Cornhole, which is a bean bag game that was popular in the late 1800s.

The Definition

A can of corn is a phrase used in baseball to describe a deep fly ball that is hit high into the air. The phrase is often used to describe a home run. When a batter hits a can of corn, it means that the ball was hit so high and so deep that the outfielders had plenty of time to run back and catch it.


The definition of can of corn, according to Merriam-Webster, is “an easy fly ball hit high in the air.” The phrase is often used in baseball to describe a routine catch that an outfielder should make.

Baseball Almanac

Can of corn is a term used by baseball announcers which refers to an easy catch by an outfielder. Often, the outfielder will appear to casually catch the ball without having to move too far or jump. The expression can of corn is generally used when the catch is made look relatively easy.

Other Meanings

The term “can of corn” is used in baseball to describe an easy catch for an outfielder. It is usually used when the hitter hits a high fly ball that is not hit very hard. The outfielder does not have to run very far to catch the ball, and it is an easy catch. However, the term “can of corn” can also be used to describe other things in baseball. Let’s take a look at some of the other meanings.

Urban Dictionary

According to the website, “Can of corn is an baseball slang term used to describe an easy catch. The phrase is most likely derived from the phrase ‘as easy as taking candy from a baby.’ Outfielders will sometimes call for a can of corn when they see an easy pop fly headed their way.”

Slang Dictionary

Can of corn: an easy catch, usually in the outfield.

The term originated in the 19th century, when it was used to describe the process of using a pole to knock fruits or vegetables out of a tree or off a vine so they could be caught in a waiting container below.

Some believe that baseball fans started using the term can of corn to describe an easy catch because it evoked images of an outfielder casually strolling under a high pop-up and gently catching it in his glove, as if he were picking fruit off a tree. Others believe the term originated from the gameplay itself, referring to the fact that outfielders would use their gloves to scoop up balls that had been hit high into the air, just like someone scooping up cans of corn off a grocery store shelf.

Whatever its origins, the term can of corn has been used in baseball slang for over 100 years and shows no signs of falling out of use anytime soon.

How the Term Is Used

In baseball, a “can of corn” is an easy catch, usually referring to a pop fly. The term is most often used by broadcasters, typically when an outfielder is running to make a catch. It can also refer to any easy play in baseball, such as an infield popup.

Example Sentences

The phrase “can of corn” is often used to describe an easy catch in baseball. In the following example, a broadcaster uses the term to describe a routine fly ball:

The batter hits a high pop-up to shortstop. It’s an easy can of corn for the fielder.

Here is another example, this time from an article about baseball:

The outfielder camped under the fly ball and made the catch for an out. It was an easy can of corn for him.


In conclusion, the can of corn baseball term is used to describe a simple catch that an outfielder makes. The term usually refers to a high pop fly ball that is easily caught by the fielder. The name comes from the fact that the ball looks like a can of corn when it is hit into the air.

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