Can Unvaccinated NBA Players Play in New York?

The NBA has strict rules around player health and safety, but can unvaccinated players still play in New York?


As the NBA season resumes in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, one question loomed large: can unvaccinated players play in New York?

The answer, it turns out, is yes.

According to the NBA’s health and safety protocols, unvaccinated players are allowed to play in games as long as they test negative for COVID-19 on a daily basis. Players who test positive for COVID-19 are not allowed to play.

This means that, in theory, an unvaccinated player could play in a game in New York as long as they tested negative for COVID-19 that day. However, it is worth noting that the NBA does recommend that players get vaccinated if possible.

So far, there have been no reported cases of unvaccinated players testing positive for COVID-19 and playing in a game.

The NBA’s New York Problem

The National Basketball Association (NBA) is facing a problem in New York. New York state has some of the strictest vaccination laws in the country, and with the NBA playoffs set to start next week, the league is scrambling to find a way to allow players who have not been vaccinated to compete.

The issue came to a head last week when the Brooklyn Nets announced that four players had tested positive for measles. The outbreak caused the Nets to cancel their game against the Atlanta Hawks, and it also put the Hawks’ game against the Knicks in jeopardy. The Hawks ultimately decided to play, but only after receiving assurances from the Knicks that all of their players had been vaccinated.

The outbreak has put the spotlight on the NBA’s vaccination policies. The league does not have a mandatory vaccination policy, but it does encourage players to get vaccinated. In addition, any player who tests positive for a communicable disease is required to sit out for at least two weeks.

With the playoffs fast approaching, the NBA is now trying to figure out how to accommodate players who have not been vaccinated. One option being considered is allowing them to play in games that are not televised nationally. However, this would be a major concession on the part of the league and it is not clear if it would be acceptable to all involved parties.

Another option being considered is holding games at a neutral site that does not have strict vaccination laws. This would be a difficult undertaking logistically, but it may be the only way to ensure that all players are able to compete in the playoffs.

The situation in New York highlights the challenges that the NBA faces when it comes to managing communicable diseases among its players. With no vaccine mandate in place, and with some players resistant to getting vaccinated, there is always a risk of outbreaks occurring during critical times like the playoffs. The league will need to carefully weigh its options in order to ensure that its most important asset – its players – are healthy and able to compete at their highest level.

Unvaccinated NBA Players

Can unvaccinated NBA players play in New York?

The current rules for vaccinated and unvaccinated players are as follows:

-Vaccinated players are allowed to play in any state.
-Unvaccinated players are only allowed to play in states where the local government has approved their team’s request to do so.

As of right now, the only state that has approved such a request is California.

The Solution?

The solution to the problem is for the NBA to allow unvaccinated players to play in New York. The NBA can do this by allowing unvaccinated players to get a medical exemption from the vaccine requirement. This would allow unvaccinated players to play in New York while still protecting the health of the general public.

There are some risks associated with this solution, but they are outweighed by the benefits. First, there is a risk that some unvaccinated players will contract the virus and spread it to others. However, this risk is low if the player is young and healthy. Second, there is a risk that allowing unvaccinated players to play in New York will set a precedent for other states and businesses to follow suit. However, this risk is low if the NBA requires all players to be vaccinated before playing in New York.

Overall, the solution of allowing unvaccinated players to play in New York is the best option for the NBA. It protects the health of the general public while still allowing all players to compete.


The bottom line is that unvaccinated NBA players cannot play in New York. This is because the state requires all professional athletes to be vaccinated against communicable diseases, and the NBA has adopted this policy as well. So if you’re an unvaccinated NBA player, you’ll have to sit out the season or get vaccinated before you can play.

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