Can You Break The Backboard In NBA 2K20?

Can You Break The Backboard In NBA 2K20?

Can You Break The Backboard In NBA 2K20?


In NBA 2K20, you can break the backboard if you dunk with enough force. To do this, you need to buy the “Backboard Smash” badge from the badges menu. This badge will allow you to break the backboard when you have sufficient contact dunking rating and driving layup rating, and when you’re dunking near the hoop.

What is a backboard?

A backboard is a piece of equipment used in the sport of basketball. It is a raised vertical surface that is typically affixed to the back of a basketball hoop. The purpose of the backboard is to provide a rebound surface for the ball when it is shot towards the basket.

Can you break the backboard in NBA 2K20?

In NBA 2K20, you can break the backboard if you dunk with sufficient force. The backboard will shatter, and glass will scatter across the court. While it may be visually impressive, breaking the backboard does not have any impact on the gameplay.

How to break the backboard in NBA 2K20

It’s easier than you think to break the backboard in NBA 2k20, all you need is a single player and the right strategy. When you’re setting up your shot, make sure to angle your player so that they’re leaning back a little bit. This will put more power behind your shot and make it more likely to go through the glass. You can also try aiming for the very bottom of the backboard, as this is usually where the glass is weakest.

Of course, it’s also important to have a player with good shooting stats. Players like Steph Curry and LeBron James are bound to have an easier time breaking the backboard than someone with lower shooting stats. If you’re having trouble with your shots, you can always try My Career mode and use players who already have high stats.

Keep in mind that you won’t be able to break the backboard in every game. Sometimes the glass will be too strong or your shots just won’t be powerful enough. Keep practicing and you’ll eventually get it!


In conclusion, yes you can break the backboard in NBA 2K20, but it is quite difficult to do so. It takes a lot of force and accuracy to shatter the glass, so make sure you practice your shots before trying it in a game. With enough practice, anyone can break the backboard in NBA 2K20!

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