Can You Go To The NFL From Army?

Every year, a handful of Army football players have a chance to pursue their dreams of playing in the NFL. But can you actually make the jump from Army to the NFL?


No, you cannot go directly to the NFL from Army. You will have to complete your Army service first.

Can You Play in the NFL If You Serve in the Army?

It’s a common question people have – can you transition from Army to playing in the NFL? The answer is yes, it is definitely possible to do so! There are many examples of athletes who have made the switch from military to the NFL. Let’s take a look at a few of them.

There are a Few Exceptions

In general, NFL players must be out of high school for at least three years before they are eligible to play. That means that most players who go into the Army will not be able to play in the NFL right away. However, there are a few exceptions.

Players who attend a service academy (such as West Point or the Air Force Academy) can apply for an early waiver. If they are granted the waiver, they will be eligible to play in the NFL after they have served two years of active duty. Players who go into the Army Reserve or National Guard may also be eligible for an early waiver, but they will have to serve four years of active duty before they can apply for the waiver.

Only a small number of players have been able to take advantage of these exceptions, and very few have gone on to have successful NFL careers. The most notable example is Pat Tillman, who played for the Arizona Cardinals before joining the Army Rangers in 2002. He was killed in action in 2004 and was posthumously awarded the Silver Star and Purple Heart.

The Army and the NFL Have a Long History

While there are no formal rules barring players from the National Football League (NFL) from serving in the United States military, it is very rare for someone to do both. In fact, there have only been a handful of individuals who have had the distinction of playing in the NFL and serving in the Army.

The most famous example is probably Pat Tillman, who played for the Arizona Cardinals and then enlisted in the Army Rangers following the September 11th attacks. He was killed in action in 2004. There have been other players who have served in the military, including star wide receiver Chad Hennings, who was an Air Force pilot during Operation Desert Storm.

Given the demanding schedules of both playing in the NFL and serving in the military, it is very difficult for someone to do both at the same time. However, there have been a few exceptions. For example, Gary Myers served as an Army Ranger during World War II while also playing for the Green Bay Packers and New York Giants. Similarly, Joseph Marasco played for the Pittsburgh Steelers while also serving as a Marine Corps gunner during World War II.

While it is possible for someone to play in the NFL and serve in the military at the same time, it is very rare and usually only happens under extenuating circumstances.

The Army and the NFL: Two Different Worlds

The Army and the NFL are two very different worlds. The Army is all about discipline, hard work, and teamwork. The NFL is all about individual talent and making big plays. There is no guarantee that you will make it to the NFL if you go to the Army, but there are a few things that you can do to improve your chances.

The Army is a Lifestyle

The Army is a lifestyle. You are taught to be a professional from the day you enter basic training. You are expected to adhere to a strict code of conduct both on and off duty. You are held to a higher standard than your civilian counterparts, and you are expected to perform your duties with honor and integrity.

The NFL is a business. You are acquired by a team through the draft or free agency, and your worth is based on your performance on the field. Off-field antics are often tolerated, as long as they don’t interfere with your play. Your contract is renegotiated every few years, and you can be cut at any time if you’re not performing up to par.

The Army is a commitment of four years, with the possibility of extension. The NFL is a commitment of three hours on Sundays, with the possibility of extension if you’re good enough. The Army will test your mental and physical toughness; the NFL will test your physical toughness. The Army will prepare you for war; the NFL will prepare you for entertainment.

The NFL is a Business

The National Football League is a business. It’s a $13 billion a year business, to be exact. And like any other business, its primary goal is to make money. How does it do that? By putting a product on the field that people want to watch, and by selling that product to the highest bidder.

The NFL is not interested in developing football players; it’s interested in acquiring talent that will help it win games and generate revenue. That’s why the vast majority of players in the league are drafted out of college, where they’ve spent three or four years honing their skills under the tutelage of professional coaches.

The Army, on the other hand, is not a business; it’s a military organization. Its primary mission is to defend the United States, and it does that by training soldiers and preparing them for combat. The Army is not interested in developing football players; it’s interested in developing soldiers.

So while there are certainly similarities between the two organizations, there are also some very important differences. The most important difference, from a football perspective, is that the NFL is a business, and the Army is not.

The Army vs. The NFL: Which is More Important to You?

Army vs. the NFL. It’s a decision that many young men face every year. Both offer a chance to serve your country and to play a sport you love, but which is more important to you?

The Army is More Important to Some

In comparing the Army and the NFL, it’s important to first understand the goals of each organization. The Army’s mission is to “provide prompt and sustained land combat within the scope of United States national policy.” The NFL’s mission, on the other hand, is to “bring people together to build relationships and community.”

For many people, the Army is more important because its mission is more directly related to their personal values. The Army provides an opportunity to serve one’s country and defend its citizens. This can be a very attractive proposition for people who are looking for a way to give back to their community.

The NFL, on the other hand, is more important to others because its mission is more closely aligned with their personal goals. The NFL provides an opportunity to play a sport at the highest level and compete against the best in the world. This can be a very attractive proposition for people who are looking for a way to challenge themselves and test their limits.

ultimately, the decision of whether the Army or the NFL is more important to you is a personal one. Consider your values and goals carefully before making your decision.

The NFL is More Important to Others

The National Football League (NFL) is a professional American football league consisting of 32 teams, divided equally between the National Football Conference (NFC) and the American Football Conference (AFC). The NFL is one of the four major North American professional sports leagues, the highest professional level of American football in the world, the wealthiest professional sport league by revenue, and the sport league with the most valuable teams. The NFL’s 17-week regular season runs from early September to late December, with each team playing 16 games and having one bye week. Following the conclusion of the regular season, six teams from each conference (four division winners and two wild card teams) advance to playoffs, a single-elimination tournament culminating in the Super Bowl, which is usually held in the first Sunday in February and is played between the champions of the NFC and AFC.

The Army on the other hand train for battle. They learn how to protect our country and even put their lives on the line. Some may say that what they do is more important than what happens on a football field but to others, football is everything. It’s a way to escape from reality andsupportthe team you love. It brings people together and creates lifelong bonds. It’s more than just a game to some people and that’s why it’s so important to them.


After doing some research, we have come to the conclusion that it is possible to go from playing football for the Army to playing in the NFL. However, it is not common and there are only a few examples of players who have made the transition.

The best way to increase your chances of making it to the NFL from Army is to play well at the collegiate level and then try out for a professional team. There are many factors that will determine whether or not you make it onto an NFL roster, but if you have the skill and determination, it is possible to achieve your dream.

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