Commotion by the Ocean AAU Basketball Tournament

The Commotion by the Ocean AAU Basketball Tournament is one of the largest and most competitive AAU tournaments in the country.

What is the Commotion by the Ocean AAU Basketball Tournament?

The Commotion by the Ocean is an annual AAU Basketball Tournament that takes place in Los Angeles California. The tournament is open to Boys and Girls in grades 3-12 and features some of the best Ung Basketball players from across the country. The event is held over the course of a weekend in late July or early August and typically attracts a large crowd of spectators.

When and where is the tournament being held?

The Commotion by the Ocean AAU Basketball Tournament is being held from July 11-14 at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center.

How many teams are participating?

The Commotion by the Ocean AAU Basketball Tournament is an annual event that takes place in Ocean City Maryland. This year, the tournament is set to take place from July 11th-13th and will feature teams from all over the East Coast

What is the tournament format?

The Commotion by the Ocean AAU Basketball Tournament is a double-elimination tournament for boys in grades 3-8 and girls in grades 4-8. The tournament is divided into two divisions: Division I for teams with players in grades 3-5, and Division II for teams with players in grades 6-8. Each division has its own bracket, and each team is guaranteed to play at least two games.

Who are some of the top teams participating?

The Commotion by the Ocean AAU Basketball Tournament is an annual event that takes place in Myrtle Beach South Carolina Some of the top teams in the country participate in this event, which is one of the most prestigious AAU tournaments.

Who are some of the Top Players participating?

The Commotion by the Ocean is one of the most prestigious AAU Basketball Tournaments in the country. Some of the top players in the country participate in this tournament, and it is a great opportunity to see some of the best High School players in action.

What is the tournament prize?

The Tournament Prize is a free trip to Myrtle Beach South Carolina to compete in the AAU Basketball Tournament.

How can I watch the tournament?

The annual Commotion by the Ocean AAU Basketball Tournament will be held at the Jersey Shore this year from July 12th-16th.

If you’re interested in watching some of the games, you can find a schedule of events here. Some of the games will also be streamed live on the tournament’s website.

What is the history of the tournament?

The Commotion by the Ocean AAU Basketball Tournament is one of the most prestigious and competitive AAU tournaments in the country. The tournament was founded in 1990 by AAU basketball coach Bob Hurley Sr. and is held annually in Jersey City New Jersey. The tournament has featured some of the best AAU teams and players in the country, and has produced numerous NBA players including Lebron James Kobe Bryant and Carmelo Anthony

What are some interesting facts about the tournament?

The Commotion by the Ocean AAU basketball Tournament is one of the largest and most prestigious youth Basketball Tournaments in the country. Held every summer in Ocean City Maryland, the tournament attracts some of the best young players from across the United States This year’s tournament will take place from July 27-31.

Here are some interesting facts about the Commotion by the Ocean AAU Basketball Tournament

– The tournament is open to players in grades 3-12.
– There are divisions for both boys and girls.
– In addition to playing games, teams also participate in skills competitions.
– The tournament has been held annually since 2001.
– Over 350 teams participated in last year’s tournament.

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