Did John Cena Retire from WWE?

As of right now, it looks like John Cena has retired from WWE. This is a huge loss for the company, as Cena was one of their most popular and recognizable superstars. Only time will tell if this is permanent or not, but for now, it appears that John Cena is no longer with WWE.

Did John Cena Retire from WWE?


On March 15 2020, a Twitter user going by the name of “Ragamuffin” tweeted out a link to an article with the headline “John Cena Officially Announces Retirement From WWE”. The article claimed that Cena had made the announcement during an episode of WWE’s “The Bump” podcast. However, the article was quickly debunked as a hoax.

What Happened?

John Cena made a surprise announcement on Twitter on Sunday, saying that he was retiring from WWE.

“I’m here to say the time has come to once again say goodbye,” Cena wrote. “Life’s short and full of opportunities.”

Cena, who has been with WWE since 2002, did not give a specific reason for his retirement, but said he was grateful for his time with the company.

“I want to thank WWE for making me the man I am today,” he said. “This will be my final match.”

Cena is scheduled to face Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 34 on April 8. It is unclear if he will still compete in that match.

Why Did It Happen?

On Monday night, WWE superstar John Cena made a shocking announcement: he was retiring from professional wrestling.

Fans were stunned by the news, especially since Cena had just competed in a match at WrestleMania 34 only a few days earlier. So what caused him to make this sudden decision?

There are a few possible reasons. First, it’s worth noting that Cena has been with WWE for 15 years now. He’s accomplished a lot in that time, but he’s also gotten quite used to the grueling schedule that comes with being a professional wrestler.

traveling around the world for months at a time, performing in front of live crowds several nights a week, and dealing with injuries are all part of the job. It’s possible that Cena simply decided he was ready for a break from that lifestyle.

Another possibility is that Cena wants to focus on his acting career. He’s already had roles in some big Hollywood movies, and it seems like he could easily transition into a full-time acting career if he wanted to.

Finally, it’s also possible that this is all just part of an elaborate story arc leading up to WrestleMania 35 next year. WWE is known for surprises and twists, so it’s possible that Cena’s “retirement” is all part of some bigger plan. Only time will tell.

What Does This Mean for the Future?

John Cena’s retirement from WWE was a surprise to many, but it doesn’t mean that he is leaving the entertainment business entirely. He has simply decided to move on to other projects and pursue other interests.

This doesn’t mean that Cena is done with WWE altogether. He will still make occasional appearances and is expected to return full-time at some point in the future. In the meantime, he will focus on his acting career and other ventures.

What does this mean for the future of WWE? Only time will tell, but Cena’s retirement doesn’t seem to be having a negative impact on the company. In fact, WWE’s stock actually rose after Cena’s announcement, proving that investors are still confident in the company.


Based on the information we have gathered, it does not seem that John Cena has officially retired from WWE. However, he has stated that he is taking a break from WWE in order to focus on his career in Hollywood. It is possible that he may return to WWE in the future, but as of right now, there is no set date or plans for his return.

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