Do Major League Baseball Players Wear Cups?

It’s a common question among baseball fans: do major league players wear cups? The answer may surprise you.


It is a widely accepted fact that Major League Baseball players do not wear cups. This is due largely to the fact that cups can be uncomfortable and interfere with the batting and throwing motion. Additionally, most MLB players prefer to wear compression shorts or jockstraps, which provide some level of protection without being too bulky.

What are the benefits of wearing a cup?

Wearing a cup offers protection to the testicles and surrounding area from hard hits, foul balls, and other impacts during the game. While some players may feel that cups restrict movement or are uncomfortable, the benefits of wearing one usually outweigh any negative feelings. Additionally, newer cups are designed to be more comfortable and breathable, making them less likely to cause discomfort.

What are the risks of not wearing a cup?

There are a few risks associated with not wearing a cup while playing baseball. The most serious potential risk is testicular trauma, which could lead to testicular rupture. Testicular rupture is a very painful injury that can require surgery to fix. Additionally, not wearing a cup can increase the risk of inguinal hernia, which is when a portion of the intestines protrudes through the abdominal wall. This can also be very painful and may require surgery to fix. Finally, not wearing a cup may increase the risk of developing hydrocele, which is when fluid accumulates around the testicle. Hydrocele is not usually painful, but can be uncomfortable and may require surgery to fix.

How do cups compare to other protective gear?

Most professional baseball players wear cups, but there is a debate as to whether or not they actually offer much protection. Many believe that the cups do very little to prevent injuries, while others argue that they help to prevent serious injuries.

There are a variety of protective gear options available to baseball players, including cups, groin guards, jockstraps, compression shorts, and athletic supporters. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is up to each individual player to decide which type of gear is best for them.

Cups offer the most direct protection to the area between the legs, but they can be uncomfortable and restrict movement. Groin guards are less intrusive than cups, but they do not offer as much protection. Jockstraps and compression shorts offer some protection, but they are primarily worn for comfort and support. Athletic supporters are similar to jockstraps, but they provide less support and more ventilation.

Ultimately, it is up to each individual player to decide whether or not to wear a cup. There is no right or wrong answer, and each player must weigh the pros and cons of each option before making a decision.

What do major league baseball players think about cups?

In a recent survey of major league baseball players, 66% said they do not think that cups are necessary for protection while playing the sport. 23% of players surveyed said they believe that cups are necessary for protection from injuries, while 11% of players were unsure about the necessity of cups.

There are a variety of reasons why players may or may not choose to wear cups while playing baseball. Some players may feel that cups restrict their movement or are uncomfortable to wear, while others may believe that they are not necessary for protection. Some players may also be reluctant to wear cups because they fear that it will make them look “Soft”.

It is important to note that there is no definitive answer as to whether or not cups provide protection from injuries in baseball. However, many experts feel that they can help to reduce the risk of certain types of injuries, such as testicular trauma.


While it is not required, most Major League Baseball players do wear cups during games. The cup helps protect the player from getting hit in the groin area, which can be extremely painful. There have been a few instances of players being hit in this area and suffering serious injuries, so the cup is definitely a good idea.

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