Do NFL Games Get Rained Out?

It’s a common question among NFL fans – do NFL games ever get rained out? The answer may surprise you.


Whether or not NFL games get rained out is a complicated question. There are a number of factors that can affect the answer, including the severity of the rain, the type of field the game is being played on, and the amount of time that has passed since the last rainout.

Rainouts are relatively rare in the NFL, but they do happen from time to time. In most cases, if a game is going to be canceled due to weather, it will be canceled before it starts. However, there have been a few instances where games have been delayed or postponed due to severe weather conditions.

What Happens When It Rains?

Believe it or not, most NFL games do not get rained out. In fact, the league has a very specific policy in place for when and how games can be rescheduled or cancelled due to rain. However, there are always exceptions to the rule. Let’s take a look at what happens when it rains during an NFL game.

The Field

When it rains, the field can become very slick and dangerous for the players. The grounds crew will try to work on the field to make it as safe as possible, but sometimes the conditions are just too dangerous and the game has to be postponed or cancelled.

In addition to the field becoming dangerous, the rain can also affect the equipment. Footballs can get wet and become harder to grip, and cleats can fill with water and become slippery. If the rain is heavy enough, it can even damage the playing surface itself.

The Fans

The fans are the most important part of any NFL game. Without them, the games would not be nearly as exciting. However, fans can also be a hindrance to the game if they are not careful.

When it rains, the field can become very slippery and dangerous for the players. If the fans are sitting on the sidelines, they can easily slip and fall on the wet field. This could cause serious injury to themselves or to other fans around them.

Another danger of sitting on the sidelines during a rainstorm is that they can be hit by flying debris. If there are high winds, objects can be blown around and hit people in the stands. This could again lead to serious injury or even death.

For these reasons, it is important for fans to be aware of their surroundings and take precautions when necessary. If it looks like it might rain, it is best to find a seat in the upper decks where you will be safe from falling and flying debris.

Does It Ever Happen?

With fall comes football season. And with football season comes the risk of rainouts. While it’s not a common occurrence, it does happen from time to time. So, what does the NFL do in the event of a rainout? Let’s take a look.

Examples of Games That Have Been Postponed or Canceled

Yes, games have been postponed or canceled due to weather conditions. Here are some examples:
-In 2010, a game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New York Jets was moved from Sunday to Monday night due to a snowstorm.
-A game between the Green Bay Packers and the Minnesota Vikings in 2013 was moved from Sunday to Monday night due to severe cold weather and ice.
-A game between the Indianapolis Colts and the Buffalo Bills in 2017 was postponed due to heavy snow.

Why Doesn’t the NFL Just Play the Games Indoors?

The simple answer is that playing games indoors would be too big of an advantage for some teams, and would give an unfair competitive advantage. The league is designed to be as fair and balanced as possible, so they don’t want any team to have an advantage that another team doesn’t have.

It’s also worth noting that not all NFL stadiums have a roof, so not all teams would be able to play their games indoors even if the league wanted them to. And finally, playing games indoors would be a lot more expensive than playing them outdoors, so it’s not really feasible from a financial standpoint.


In conclusion, NFL games do not get rained out. The games are played in all weather conditions, including rain, snow, and sleet. However, if the weather is too severe, the game may be delayed or postponed.

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