Do NFL Waterboys Get Super Bowl Rings?

You may have seen them on the sidelines of NFL games, but have you ever wondered what exactly waterboys do? And do they get Super Bowl rings? Let’s find out.

Do NFL Waterboys Get Super Bowl Rings?

NFL waterboys are vital members of each team.

NFL waterboys are vital members of each team. They have one of the most important jobs on game day — keeping the players hydrated and ready to play their best. But what many people don’t realize is that these low-key members of the team also receive a coveted piece of jewelry: the Super Bowl ring.

Yes, waterboys (and girls) get rings just like the players. In fact, they usually get their own special version that is smaller and less elaborate than the players’ rings. For example, the New England Patriots’ Super Bowl LI rings had more than 280 diamonds, while the waterboys’ versions had just a single diamond.

The tradition of giving Super Bowl rings to team staff started with former Baltimore Colts head coach Weeb Ewbank. After his team won Super Bowl V in 1971, Ewbank had a special batch of smaller rings made for his assistant coaches, trainers, unit clerks and other staff members. The practice quickly caught on, and now it’s standard for NFL teams to hand out rings to anyone who was on the active roster or coaching staff during the season — including waterboys.

They have many responsibilities, including providing water for the players and keeping the sidelines clean.

Do NFL Waterboys Get Super Bowl Rings?

The short answer is yes! Being a waterboy for an NFL team is a pretty big deal, and it definitely has its perks. Waterboys have many responsibilities, including providing water for the players and keeping the sidelines clean. They also get to travel with the team and are present for all of the games, both home and away.

So, if you’re wondering whether or not waterboys receive Super Bowl rings, the answer is yes! In fact, they often receive multiple rings – one for each year that they’ve been with the team. These rings are usually significantly cheaper than the ones given to the players and staff, but they’re still a pretty awesome perk of the job.

Waterboys do not get paid much, but they do receive some perks.

Waterboys in the NFL are usually college football players who didn’t quite make it to the NFL, but are hoping for a shot. These athletes receive a small salary, but they also get free travel and a lot of experience working with some of the best football players in the world. Some waterboys even go on to have successful careers in the NFL. While waterboys do not get Super Bowl rings, they do get to travel and see the country while working with some of the best athletes in the world.

One of the most coveted perks is a Super Bowl ring.

Players, coaches, and team staff members that are on the active roster for the winning team in the Super Bowl all receive a ring to commemorate their victory. This tradition started back in 1967 when the Green Bay Packers won Super Bowl I. Since then, every team that has won the big game has given out rings to their players and staff. So what about NFL waterboys? Do they get a ring too?

The short answer is no. Waterboys (and other support staff) do not get a Super Bowl ring. The reasoning behind this is that these employees are not considered part of the team’s active roster. They don’t travel with the team to away games and they don’t suit up on Sundays. As such, they are not considered part of the team in the same way that players and coaches are.

So while waterboys may not get a coveted Super Bowl ring, they do receive other perks. These can include things like free tickets to games, free gear, and access to VIP events. In some cases, waterboys may even get a small bonus or stipend for their work. So while they may not get a ring, being an NFL waterboy is still a pretty sweet gig!

While waterboys do not get their own ring, they do receive a replica of the players’ rings.

At the end of every NFL season, the winning team receives Super Bowl rings to commemorate their victory. So what about the waterboys? Do they get rings too?

The answer is no…and yes. Waterboys do not get their own ring, but they do receive a replica of the players’ rings. These replicas are smaller versions of the real thing and are made of cheaper materials, but they still have all the same design elements as the players’ rings.

So, while waterboys don’t technically get their own ring, they do get a ring that looks just like the players’ rings. And that’s pretty close!

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