Does New Mexico Have a NFL Team?

The answer to whether or not New Mexico has a NFL team is a resounding no. The state has no professional football team.



New Mexico does not have a NFL team. The closest team would be the Denver Broncos, who are based in Colorado.

History of New Mexico’s NFL Teams

The first professional football team in New Mexico was the Albuquerque Dukes, who began play in 1978 as part of the Rocky Mountain Football League. The Dukes played for two seasons before folding. In 1982, the Albuquerque Outlaws began play as a semi-professional team in the New Mexico Football League. The Outlaws would win four NMFL championships in six seasons of play. In 1988, the Albuquerque Hellhounds began play as an indoor football team in the Indoor Professional Football League. The Hellhounds would win one IPFL championship in four seasons of play. In 1994, the Albuquerque Thunderbirds began play as an Arena Football2 expansion team.

Reasons Why New Mexico Does Not Have an NFL Team

There are several reasons why New Mexico does not have an NFL team. The state has a small population, and the market is not large enough to support a team. In addition, the state does not have a suitable stadium for an NFL team. The University of New Mexico’s football stadium, for example, only seats about 39,000 people. An NFL team would need a stadium that can seat at least 60,000 people.


From all of the research that was conducted, it appears that New Mexico does not currently have a NFL team. However, there are several teams that have shown interest in the state, including the Oakland Raiders and the San Diego Chargers. It is possible that a team could relocate to New Mexico in the future, but there is no guarantee.

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