Embellishment in Hockey: Should Penalties Be harsher?

Embellishment has been a hot topic in the Hockey World recently. Some people feel that the current penalties are not harsh enough and that players are getting away with too much.


In recent years there has been a lot of talk about how the NHL is failing to protect its players from head injuries One of the ways that has been discussed is by making embellishment penalties more severe, in order to discourage players from diving and exaggerating contact in order to draw a penalty. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of making embellishment penalties harsher in order to protect NHL players

What is embellishment?

Embellishment is a growing issue in the sport of hockey. It is when a player tries to draw a penalty by faking an injury or embellishing the severity of an infraction. The result is that players are spending more time in the Penalty Box and the game is becoming less enjoyable to watch.

There are a few ways to combat this problem. One is to have harsher penalties for those who are caught embellishing. This would deter players from doing it in the first place, as they would not want to risk getting a major penalty. Another way to combat embellishment is through education and awareness. Players, coaches, and officials can be taught about what embellishment is and why it is harmful to the game. Finally, increasing the number of officials on the ice would also help, as they would be able to penalize players more quickly and efficiently for embellishment.

Whichever solution is chosen, it is important that something is done about embellishment in hockey. It is a problem that is only getting worse, and it is taking away from the enjoyment of the game.

Why do players embellish?

Players embellish in an attempt to draw a penalty. This tactic is used in an attempt to give their team an advantage, as penalties often result in the opposing team being forced to play with fewer players on the ice.

There are a few reasons why players might choose to embellish:

– They believe that the opposing player deserves a penalty and they are trying to get them into trouble.
– They are trying to draw a Power play for their team.
– They are trying to get the opposing player taken out of the game.

How does embellishment affect the game?

In recent years there has been an increase in the number of penalties being called for embellishment in hockey. This is when a player exaggeratedly falls or pretends to be injured in order to draw a penalty. Some people think that this is impacting the game in a negative way and that the penalties should be harsher.

There are a few reasons why embellishment can be detrimental to the sport. First, it can cause delays in the game as players are carted off the ice or taken to the dressing room for medical attention This disrupts the flow of play and can be frustrating for fans who are trying to watch a fast-paced game.

Another issue with embellishment is that it can lead to false penalties being called. If a player falls down and there is no contact, but the referee believes that there was, then a penalty may be given erroneously. This can impact the outcome of a game, especially if it is a close one.

Finally, embellishment takes away from the skill of hockey. Players who are able to stay on their feet and avoid being hit are at an advantage. If everyone is falling down all the time, it takes away from this aspect of the sport.

Whether or not you think embellishment is a problem in hockey, it is clear that it does have some negative impacts on the game. It will be interesting to see if harsher penalties are introduced in order to try and curb this problem in the future.

Are current penalties for embellishment effective?

In hockey, embellishment is defined by the NHL as “any action by a player which, in the judgment of the referee, is intended to draw a penalty.” This is also commonly referred to as “diving” or “flopping.” Some people feel that the penalties for embellishment are not harsh enough and that players are not deterred from diving because the consequences are not severe enough.

Currently, the first offense for embellishment results in a warning from the referee. The second offense results in a 2-minute minor penalty for delay of game. However, many people feel that this is not an effective deterrent because it does not affect the outcome of the game. For instance, if a player dives and draws a penalty in the first period, his team may still be able to win the game despite giving up a power play goal.

Some people have suggested increasing the penalties for embellishment so that it has a greater impact on the game. One idea is to give players who dive an automatic 2-minute minor penalty, regardless of whether they draw a penalty on their opponents. Another idea is to give players who dive an automatic 10-minute misconduct penalty, which would effectively remove them from the game for 10 minutes.

What do you think? Should the penalties for embellishment be harsher?

What are some possible solutions to the problem of embellishment?

As the NHL looks to cut down on the number of penalties being called, one possible solution is to make penalties for embellishment harsher. This would discourage players from trying to draw penalties by exaggerating their injuries.

One way to make penalties harsher would be to automatically suspend a player for one game if they are caught embellishing. This would give players a strong incentive to avoid trying to draw penalties. Another possibility is to increase the punishment for players who are repeat offenders of embellishment. This would make it even more costly for players to engage in this type of behavior.

These are just a few possible solutions to the problem of embellishment in hockey. It will be up to the NHL to decide what steps to take in order to reduce the amount of penalties being called.


Based on the information gathered, it appears that embellishment in hockey is a increasing problem. In order to address this issue, penalties for embellishment should be harsher. By making the penalties harsher, players will be less likely to engage in this type of behavior. This will help to keep the game fair and improve the overall experience for everyone involved.

Works Cited

1) “Cross-Checking.” Encyclopedia of Hockey. Eds. Paul Kitchen and Glenn Swift. 2nd ed. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print

2) “hockey fights ” YouTube. YouTube, 25 Feb. 2013. Web. 10 Apr. 2016

3) “Roughing.” NHL Official Rules 2008-09: Rule 53 – Roughing. Nhl Rulebook, n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2016

About the Author

Hello, my name is ____ and I am a senior at _____ High School I have played hockey for 11 years now and it has always been a passion of mine. I have always been intrigued by the ways that different penalties are called in games, and how they can often be inconsistent. This has led me to investigate the topic of embellishment in hockey, and whether or not penalties should be harsher for players who engage in this type of behavior.

Embellishment is defined as “the act of making something more attractive or exciting by adding extra details or features.” In terms of hockey, embellishment usually refers to a player exaggerating the effect of a hit or fall in order to draw a penalty against the other team. This is often seen as a negative act by many fans and commentators, as it can often disrupt the flow of the game.

While some may see embellishment as a harmless act, it can actually lead to serious injuries for players if they are not careful. In 2011, Montreal Canadiens forward Max Pacioretty was involved in an on-ice altercation with Boston Bruins defenseman Zdeno Chara which resulted in Pacioretty suffering a severe concussion and vertebrae fracture. It is believed by many that Chara’s hit on Pacioretty was retaliation for an earlier hit that Pacioretty had laid on Bruins forward Brad Marchand, which Marchand then embellished to draw a penalty against Pacioretty.

This incident showcases the dangerous consequences that can come from embellishment, and why it is important to consider harsher penalties for players who engage in this type of behavior. Unfortunately, there is no current rule in place that punishes players for embellishing, which means that this problem is likely to continue until something is done about it.

Some potential solutions that have been proposed include making diving punishable by a minor penalty, increasing fines for players who are found guilty of embellishing, and giving officials the ability to issue warning cards to players before assessing penalties. Whatever solution is eventually put into place, it is important that something is done to address this issue, as it has the potential to seriously affect the safety of players around the league.

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