The Fastest Baseball Pitch By A Woman

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On August 24, 2014, 22-year-old Lauren Burger became the fastest recorded female baseball pitcher in history. In a game against the Tampa Bay Rays Burger struck out David DeJesus with a fastball clocked at 70 miles per hour This was not only a record for female pitchers, but it also made her the fastest pitcher in all of minor League Baseball that day, male or female.

Fastest female baseball pitcher

In 2014, Lauren Boden became the fastest female baseball pitcher in the world, throwing a pitch at 78 miles per hour

The science behind the Fastest Baseball pitch

In 2014, Lauren Wenger set the world record for the fastest baseball pitch by a woman. Her pitch was clocked at 70 miles per hour

So how does a woman throw a baseball that fast?

The answer has to do with physics. When a pitcher throws a ball, they use momentum to make the ball spin. The faster the ball spins, the more force it has. The more force it has, the faster it can travel.

Wenger’s fastball is due to her strong arm and her ability to make the ball spin quickly. Her arm makes a circle that is about two feet in diameter. This gives her enough force to make the ball spin at about 4,000 rotations per minute. That’s fast enough to generate an incredible amount of force.

So if you’re ever wondering how a woman can throw a baseball as fast as a man, now you know! It’s all thanks to physics.

How to improve your pitching speed

If you want to improve your pitching speed there are a few things you can do. First, focus on your legs and hips. Generating power from your lower body will help you throw the ball harder. Second, increase your arm speed. A faster arm means a faster pitch. Finally, make sure you follow through with your entire body. This will help you generate more momentum and throw the ball even faster.

The benefits of throwing fast

Throwing fast is an important skill for any pitcher, but it is especially important for female pitchers. Here are some benefits of throwing fast:

-It can be intimidating for batters. A batters’ first instinct is often to flinch when a pitched ball is coming at them quickly. This can disrupt their timing and cause them to make mistakes.

-It makes it harder for batters to make contact The faster the pitch, the less time they have to see and react to it. This can lead to them hitting weak ground balls or Hitting the ball off the end of the bat.

-It makes it harder for hitters to drive the ball. When a pitch issequencefast, it’s harder for hitters to generate the bat speed necessary to hit the ball hard. This can lead to them hitting more fly balls which are easier outs.

The importance of proper mechanics

Assuming you are asking about the fastest recorded baseball pitch by a woman, the answer is 68mph set by Lauren Boden in 2014. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when considering this record.

First, Boden was a High School senior at the time she set the record so she was likely to be stronger and more developed than the average woman her age. Second, she was using a regulation-size baseball rather than a softball, which is smaller and easier to throw with velocity.

That being said, Boden’s accomplishment is still impressive and serves as a reminder of the importance of proper mechanics when throwing a baseball With proper technique even relatively small and inexperienced players can generate a lot of power behind their pitches.

The dangers of throwing too hard

Throwing a baseball too hard can be dangerous for both the pitcher and the catcher. When a pitcher throws a fastball, the ball can reach speeds of up to 100 miles per hour. This can cause serious injuries to the arm and shoulder. The catcher is also at risk of being hit by the ball or getting hit by the bat when the batter swing.

How to stay healthy while pitching

Any sport or activity has the potential to cause injuries, and baseball is no different. Pitching in particular puts a lot of stress on the arm and shoulder, and pitchers are especially susceptible to elbow and shoulder injuries

There are a few things that female pitchers can do to stay healthy while pitching:

-Warm up properly: Warming up before pitching helps to loosen the muscles and prepare the body for the Physical activity to come. A good warm-up should include some gentle cardio exercises, dynamic stretches, and a few practise pitches.

-Use proper technique: It’s important to use proper technique when pitching, in order to avoid putting unnecessary stress on the arms and shoulders. Make sure to use your legs when pitching, and keep your elbow at a 90 degree angle when throwing the ball.

-Don’t overdo it: It’s important not to overdo it when pitching, especially when you’re first starting out. Avoid pitching too often or too hard, and make sure to take rest days in between pitching sessions. If you do start to feel any pain or discomfort, take a break from pitching altogether until the pain goes away.

The Mental Game of pitching

In addition to the physical skills required to be a successful pitcher, the Mental Game is also extremely important. A pitcher needs to have confidence in their abilities and must be able to focus on the task at hand in order to be successful.

The Mental Game of pitching can be divided into two main areas: confidence and focus. Confidence is essential for a pitcher because if they do not believe in themselves, it will be difficult for them to succeed. A pitcher must also be able to focus on the task at hand and block out everything else in order to succeed.

There are many ways that pitchers can improve their confidence and focus. One way is to Visualize success. This means picturing oneself throwing pitches and getting batters out. This can help pitchers program their minds for success and give them the confidence they need to succeed.

Pitchers can also use positive self-talk to improve their confidence. This involves talking to oneself in a positive way and repeating affirmations such as “I am a great pitcher” or “I will get this batter out”. This type of talk can help increaseself-confidence and motivation levels.

Finally, it is important for pitchers to take deep breaths and relax before pitching. This will help them stay calm and focused on the task at hand during the game.


In conclusion, though impressive, the fastest baseball pitch by a woman is not likely to be a record that will stand for very long. With the increasing popularity of women’s baseball, it is only a matter of time before someone else steps up to the plate and throws an even faster pitch. Until then, we can all enjoy watching Maureen Mullen’s amazing feat!

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