Figure Skating or Hockey – Which is Right for You?

Not sure if you should hit the ice with figure skating or hockey? This blog post will help you figure out which one is right for you!


Ice skating is a popular winter activity for people of all ages. It can be a great way to stay active and have fun, whether you’re gliding around an outdoor rink or competing in figure skating or hockey.

So, how do you decide which type of ice skating is right for you? Figure skating and hockey are both enjoyable sports, but they have some key differences. Here’s a quick guide to help you choose which one is best for your interests and skill level.

The Differences between Figure Skating and Hockey

There are many differences between figure skating and hockey. Here are some of the most important ones:

– figure skating is performed on ice, while hockey is played on a rink;
– figure skaters wear skates with blades, while Hockey Players wear skates with blades or skates with rubber pads;
– figure skaters use a different type of stick than hockey players
– figure skating jumps are not as high as hockey jumps;
– in hockey, players use their sticks to hit a puck, while in figure skating, sticks are not used;
– figure skating is an individual sport, while hockey is a team sport

The Similarities between Figure Skating and Hockey

Although figure skating and hockey are two very different sports, they do have some similarities. Both sports require a lot of skate training and both use ice. In addition, both entail a lot of quick movements and offers ample opportunity for showing off tricks and skills.

The main difference between figure skating and hockey is that figure skating is often considered an art form, while hockey is more of a competitive sport. Figure skating also has a stronger focus on alone performances, while hockey is typically played with a team.

The Pros of Figure Skating

There are many reasons to choose figure skating over hockey. Here are some of the pros:

-Figure skating is a very elegant sport. It is often compared to ballet on ice. If you are looking for a graceful and stylish sport, figure skating is the right choice for you.
-Skating is a great workout. You will get a full-body workout including cardio, when you skate. This is a great way to stay in shape and have fun at the same time.
-Skating can be very therapeutic. If you are looking for a way to relieve stress and improve your mental health skating can be very helpful. The peacefulness of gliding across the ice can help to calm your mind and ease anxiety.
-You can skate solo or with a group. If you prefer to skate alone, you can do so without any problem. However, if you would like to skate with others, there are plenty of opportunities to do so as well. There are many different types of group skating activities, such as synchronized skating and ice dancing.

If you are considering taking up a new sport, figure skating is definitely worth considering. It has many benefits that other sports do not offer.

The Cons of Figure Skating

Assuming you are asking about the sport of figure skating vs Ice Hockey

There are a few things to take into consideration when deciding if figure skating is the right sport for you. One con of figure skating is the expensive equipment and costs associated with the sport. Skaters need a good quality pair of boots, blades, and a practice outfit at a minimum – and that does not include competition costs like registration fees, costume fees, and coach travel expenses. Another downside to figure skating is the time commitment required to succeed in the sport. Skaters need to be willing to put in long hours at the rink practicing jumps, spins, and footwork – often starting at a very young age. Figure skating can also be very competitive and demanding, both mentally and physically. Skaters need to be able to handle the pressure of competition and maintain their focus while completing complicated routines on ice.

The Pros of Hockey

Hockey is a physically demanding sport that requires speed, stamina, and strength. It is also a fast-paced game with few stoppages in play. These factors make hockey an excellent cardiovascular workout. In addition, Hockey players must have good hand-eye coordination and be able to think quickly. Because of the quick thinking required, hockey can help improve cognitive function.

The Cons of Hockey

Hockey is a full contact sport which means that players are allowed to body check and knock each other down. This can lead to injuries, especially concussions. According to a study done by the University of Colorado the rate of concussion for professional hockey players is about six times higher than the rate for figure skaters.

Another downside to hockey is that it is a very fast-paced sport, which can make it difficult to keep up with the action if you’re not already familiar with the game. If you’re just starting out, you might find yourself feeling lost and confused during a hockey game

Which One is Right for You?

The choice between figure skating and hockey is a difficult one. Both sports have their pros and cons and ultimately the decision comes down to what you are looking for in a sport. Here is a breakdown of both sports to help you decide which one is right for you.

Figure skating is often seen as a more graceful sport. Skaters perform jumps and spins on the ice, often to music. It is a very elegant sport to watch. Figure skating can be done individually or in pairs. It is also a popular sport for girls and women.

Hockey, on the other hand, is seen as a more aggressive sport. It is a team sport with players trying to score goals against the other team. Hockey can be rough, and players often use their bodies to check other players into the boards. Hockey is popular among both Boys and Girls but it is typically seen as a sport for boys and men.

Both figure skating and hockey require a lot of practice and dedication. If you are willing to put in the work, either sport can be enjoyable. Ultimately, the decision of which sport to pursue depends on your preferences and interests.


In conclusion, whether you choose figure skating or hockey will depend on a variety of factors. If you enjoy competition and want to be part of a team, then hockey is probably the right choice for you. However, if you prefer an individual sport and are looking for something a little more graceful, figure skating might be a better option. Whatever you decide, make sure you choose something that you enjoy and will stick with in the long run.


If you’re considering playing hockey or figure skating, you may be wondering which sport is right for you. Both sports require a great deal of skill and practice, and both can be very rewarding. Here are some resources that can help you decide which sport is right for you.

-Hockey Canada:
-Canadian Association for Disabled Skiers – Hockey: http://www.
-Ontario Hockey Association

Figure Skating
-Skate Canada:
-Canadian Figure Skating Association: http://www.skatecanada

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