Goldfish Commercial: The Basketball Player

Have you seen the new Goldfish commercial with the basketball player? It’s pretty funny! But did you know that there’s a lot more to writing a good meta description than just making people laugh?

Follow these best practices and you’ll be sure to write a meta description that will help your page rank in Google Search results.

The commercial

The commercial features a young goldfish who aspires to play basketball like his idol, Lebron James However, due to his small size, he is constantly ridiculed and told that he can’t achieve his dream. One day, he gets his big break when he is drafted by the NBA’s Charlotte Hornets He then proceeds to have a very successful career in the league.

The goldfish

This goldfish commercial features a Ung Basketball player who is snacking on goldfish while playing a game of HORSE with his friends. The commercial starts with the player shooting a layup and thenmissing, at which point his friends start to make fun of him. However, the player quickly redemption by sinking a shot from behind the backboard, causing his friends to stop teasing him. The commercial ends with the player’s mother coming out and asking him why he’s not eating his vegetables, to which he replied that he “ate them all earlier.”

The basketball player

In the commercial, a young man is playing one-on-one basketball in a driveway. His mother comes out and tells him that it’s time to come in for dinner. The young man says that he’s not finished yet and asks if he can have five more minutes. The mother replies, “Five more minutes? That’s it? You’ve been out here for hours!” The Young Man then says, “But I’m a goldfish,” and the commercial ends with the mother facepalming.

The commercial is intended to sell goldfish crackers, and the message is that goldfish crackers are so good that even a goldfish would choose them over other things (in this case, playing basketball).

The connection

A goldfish is shown swimming around in a small bowl on a shelf in a pet store. A Young Boy walks by and sees the fish, and is immediately drawn to it. He asks the store clerk if he can have the fish, and she agrees to sell it to him. The boy takes the fish home and names it “Basketball.” He then proceeds to teach the fish how to play basketball using a small hoop and mini-basketball. Basketball quickly learns how to shoot, and the two become inseparable friends. One day, when the boy is playing in a real basketball game he sprains his ankle and has to sit out. As he’s sitting on the sidelines, he notices Basketball swimming around in his bowl on the bleachers next to him. Suddenly, an idea comes to him. He takes Basketball out of the bowl and throws him into the game! The fish starts playing, and even makes a few baskets! The boy’s team ends up winning the game, all thanks to Basketball.

The message

The message of the commercial is that goldfish are a healthy snack option. The commercial features a basketball player who is asked by a reporter how he staying in shape. The player says that he eats goldfish as a snack because they are baked, not fried, and have no preservatives.

The audience

Target audience for this commercial is Males 18-49. The commercial is set in a gym, with a goldfish swimming around in a fishbowl on a court. The goldfish is wearing a miniature basketball jersey and chasing a ball around the bowl. A voiceover says, “Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Or in this case, a goldfish.” The commercial ends with the goldfish making a miniature Basketball Shot into the bowl.

The reaction

When people see the goldfish commercial, they usually have one of two reactions. The first is that it’s really cute and they love it. The second is that it’s really annoying and they can’t stand it. Personally, I fall into the latter category. I think the commercial is way too cute for its own good, and I can’t stand watching it.

The takeaway

The commercial is clever because it speaks to the type of person who would be most likely to purchase a goldfish. The commercial starts with a young man shooting some hoops in his driveway. He misses a shot and, as he goes to retrieve the ball, we see that he has a goldfish in a bowl on his porch. He comes back to the driveway and makes another shot; this time, we see that he has two goldfish. As the commercial progresses, we see the man making more and more shots, each time with more and more goldfish. The commercial ends with the man making a shot from Half Court with dozens of goldfish on the porch; as he runs to retrieve the ball, we hear him say, “Annnnnd… I’m open!” The commercial is clever because it speaks to the type of person who would be most likely to purchase a goldfish: someone who is achievement-oriented and competitive. It also tap into our desire for acceptance and approval, as well as our need for companionship.

The implications

A commercial for goldfish crackers features a black man playing basketball He is sweating and looks tired. The voiceover says, “When you’re this good, you get Goldfish.” The implication is that black people are good at basketball and that they should be given goldfish crackers as a reward.

There has been some criticism of the commercial, with some people saying that it perpetuates a stereotype of black people as being good at basketball. However, others have defended the ad, saying that it is simply highlighting the fact that goldfish crackers are a “reward” for being good at something.

The future

“The future” is a goldfish commercial that aired in the United States in 2016. The commercial features a young basketball player who is practicing his shooting. His mother tells him to “just keep swimming” and he does, eventually making a shot. The commercial ends with the goldfish swimming in its bowl and the text “The future is bright.”

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