Hockey Shin Guard Sizing – How to Find the Right Fit

Hockey shin guard sizing is important to get right in order to protect yourself on the ice. Follow these tips to find the perfect fit for you.


Hockey shin guards come in a variety of sizes, based on the player’s age, weight and height. However, it is important to choose a size that provides the best fit and protection. The following guide will help you choose the right size shin guards for your child.

Weight and height are the primary factors to consider when purchasing hockey shin guards. Players should wear shin guards that come up to at least the middle of their calf, and preferably to the knee. The bottom of the shin guard should fit snugly against the skate’s boot tongue. Players should also consider the width of their shins when choosing a size – wider shins require larger shin guards.

5 & Under 60-80 lbs. 36-48
6-8 Years 70-100 lbs. 42-52
9-12 Years 90-130 lbs. 48-56
13 & Up 110-200 lbs. 52 & Up

What to look for in a good pair of hockey shin guards

There are a few things to keep in mind when purchasing shin guards for hockey. First, consider the level of play you will be using them for. There are different levels of protection available for different types of play. If you plan on only playing recreational hockey, you won’t need the same level of protection as someone who plays in a competitive league.

Second, take measurements of your leg to find the right size. You will need to measure the circumference of your calf and the length from your knee to ankle. Once you have these measurements, consult a sizing chart to find the right size for you.

Third, consider the type of closure you want on your shin guards. Some shin guards have Velcro straps that go around your leg, while others have laces that tie up at the top. Try on different types of shin guards to see which is more comfortable for you.

Fourth, consider the material of the shin guards. Shin guards are typically made from plastic or foam. Some people prefer one material over the other, so it’s a good idea to try out both before making a decision.

Finally, consider the price when selecting hockey shin guards. Shin guards can range in price from $20 to $200 depending on the features and materials you choose. Select a pair that fits your budget and needs.

How to measure for hockey shin guards

Hockey shin guards come in a wide variety of sizes, so it’s important to choose the size that will offer the best fit for you. Measuring for hockey shin guards is a simple process that only takes a few minutes.

To measure for hockey shin guards, you will need:
-A tape measure
-A pen or marker
-A piece of paper

1.Wrap the tape measure around your leg, just below the knee. Make sure that the tape measure is snug against your skin, but not so tight that it is uncomfortable. 2.Mark the point on your leg where the tape measure meets, using the pen or marker. 3.Measure from this point to the floor. This is your leg length and will be used to determine which size hockey shin guard you need. 4.Refer to a size chart to find the recommended shin guard size based on your leg length measurement

How to choose the right size hockey shin guards

Shin guards come in all different shapes and sizes, and it is important to choose the right size in order to protect yourself from injury. The best way to find the right fit is to first measure your leg from the top of your thigh to the bottom of your ankle. Once you have this measurement, you can compare it to the size chart of a particular brand or style of shin guard.

It is also important to take into account the level of play you will be using the shin guards for. If you are a beginner, you may want to choose a lower-end model that offers less protection but is also less expensive. As you advance in your playing level, you can move up to a more expensive and protective model.

How to break in your new hockey shin guards

Hockey shin guards are one of the most important pieces of safety equipment for the sport. They protect your shins and knees from hard hits, wayward skates and flying pucks. But before you can enjoy this protection, you need to break in your new shin guards. Here’s how:

First, put on a pair of Hockey socks Then, slide your shin guards on over the socks, making sure that the pads are centered on your shins. The bottom of the shin guard should sit just below your kneecap.

Once the shin guards are in place, tighten the straps so that they’re snug but not too tight. You should be able to move your legs freely while still feeling well-protected.

Next, put on your skates and tie them as usual. Then stand up and walk around for a bit to get used to the feel of the guards. Pay attention to how they fit and make any necessary adjustments before hitting the ice.

It may take a few tries to get the Perfect Fit but once you do, you’ll be glad you took the time to break in your new hockey shin guards properly!

How to care for your hockey shin guards

Hockey shin guards come in a variety of sizes, so it’s important to choose the right ones for your body type. Here are some tips on how to measure yourself and choose the right size:

-For best results, measure yourself while wearing Hockey Socks
-Shin guards should fit snugly against your shins and calves, without restricting movement.
-Look for shin guards that have a comfortable padding that will absorb impact.
-If you’re unsure of what size to get, consult with a Hockey Coach or other expert.


There are a few things to keep in mind when troubleshooting your hockey shin guard fit.

First, make sure that you’re wearing the right size of skate. It’s important to have a snug fit in your skate so that your shin guards don’t move around too much. You should be able to wiggle your toes, but your heel should feel locked in place.

If you’re still having trouble, try adjusting the straps on your shin guards. The bottom strap should go around the front of your ankle, while the top strap should go across the back of your calf muscle. If the straps are too loose, your shin guards will slide down; if they’re too tight, they’ll be uncomfortable and might cut off circulation.

Finally, ask a friend or fellow player for help. Sometimes it’s difficult to tell if something is wrong with the fit just by looking in the mirror. If you can, ask someone else to take a look and give you their opinion on whether or not the shin guards look like they’re sitting properly.


Q. How do I know if my shin guards fit properly?
A. The best way to test the fit of your shin guards is to put them on and then take a few practice swings with your stick. If the guards move around or feel too loose, they’re not the right size. You should also make sure that the bottom of the guards extends at least 2 inches below your knee pads

Q. How do I choose the right size shin guards?
A. Shin guards are measured by height, so you’ll need to know your child’s height in order to select the right size. Most manufacturers use standard sizes (S, M, L, XL), but some brands offer extra small (XS) or extra large (XL) sizes as well. If you’re unsure about which size to choose, it’s always best to err on the side of larger – you can always pad smaller shin guards with socks or other materials to make them fit snugly.

Q: What is the difference between youth and junior sizes?
A: Youth sizes are designed for children up to 4 feet tall, while junior sizes are meant for children between 4 and 5 feet tall. If your child is between these two heights, it’s best to opt for the larger size.

Q: Do hockey shin guards come in different colors?
A: Yes! Hockey shin guards are available in a variety of colors, so you can choose a pair that matches your child’s team colors or personal style.


It’s important to choose the right size shin guard for hockey to ensure optimal protection and comfort. There are a few factors to consider when choosing the right size, including height, weight, and player position. Use this guide to help you find the perfect fit for your hockey player


When it comes to hockey shin guards, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The best way to find the right fit is to try on a variety of different sizes and shapes until you find the pair that offers the best protection and comfort for your individual needs.

There are a few general sizing guidelines that can help you narrow down your options, but ultimately, the best way to find the perfect fit is to consult with a hockey expert or visit a Local Hockey shop. With so many different brands and styles on the market, it can be overwhelming to try to select the right pair of shin guards on your own. But with a little help from a knowledgeable salesperson, you should be able to find a pair of shin guards that offer both protection and comfort.

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