How to Dunk On NBA 2K21

Want to know how to dominate the virtual hardwood in NBA 2K21? Our guide will show you how to posterize your opponents with some of the best dunks in the game.

How to Dunk On NBA 2K21


Whether you’re playing NBA 2K21 for the first time or wanting to brush up on your skills, here’s a guide on how to dunk.

In order to dunk in NBA 2K21, you need to have a player with a high enough vertical jump rating. Simply put, the higher their rating, the higher they will be able to jump. Another important stat is driving layup. This will determine how well your player can finger roll or slam it home when going up for a layup.

There are two ways to increase your vertical jump rating in NBA 2K21. The first is via mycareer, and the second is by equipping certain badges which we will get into later.

When you’re in mycareer, you will want to head over to the training facility. In here, there will be several drills for you to do in order to increase different stats such as shooting or dribbling. One of the drills available is called “vertical leap”. By doing this drill over and over again, you will slowly see your player’s vertical Jump rating increase.

The second way to increase your vertical jump is by equipping certain badges which are unlocked as you progress through mycareer. These badges range from bronze to gold and each one gives a small percentage increase to your vertical stat. The gold badge gives the biggest percentage increase but is also extremely difficult to unlock. Some of the badges you can equip are as follows:

The Best Jumpshots in NBA 2K21

There are a lot of players in the NBA 2K21 who have polished their game to provide the best performance possible. As we know that with every MyTeam there comes a player with some outstanding shooting abilities. Today in this article we are going to take a look at some of the best Jumpshots in NBA 2K21.

The Best Dribble Moves in NBA 2K21

Dribbling is a key part of basketball, and that’s no different in NBA 2K21. With the right stick, you can make all sorts of dazzling moves to keep the ball away from your defender and put them on their heels. While there are dozens of dribble moves in the game, these are the 10 best.

1. between the legs
2. Behind the back
3. Crossover
4. In and out
5. Spin
6. Step back
7. Rip through
8. hesitation
9. in and under
10 .tomahawk

How to Get Open for a Shot

The key to getting open in NBA 2K21 is to use a combination of spins, fakes, and crossovers. If you can string together a series of these moves in quick succession, you’ll be able to create separation between you and your defender, giving you an open shot at the basket.

Here are some tips on how to get open for a shot in NBA 2K21:

– Use a spin move to get past your defender. This will cause them to lose their balance and open up space for you to drive or pull up for a jumper.
– Use a crossover dribble to change directions and get around your defender. This move can be especially effective if you use it right after a spin move.
– Use a fake shot or pass to bait your defender into committing to one side or the other. This will give you an opportunity to drive or pull up for an uncontested shot.
– Run off of screens set by your teammates. This will give you a momentary advantage over your defender, allowing you to take an open shot.
– Use pump fakes judiciously. A well-timed pump fake can cause your defender to jump, opening up space for you to take an easy shot at the basket.

How to Get Posterized

Getting posterized in NBA 2K21 can happen to even the best players. When it does, it’s usually because you’ve made a mistake or your opponent has made an amazing play. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid getting posterized and to make sure that it doesn’t happen too often.

Here are some tips on how to avoid getting posterized in NBA 2K21:

– Stay in front of your man: This is probably the most important thing you can do to avoid getting posterized. If you’re not in front of your man, he’s going to have an easy path to the basket and will be able to dunk on you with ease.

– Don’t give up easy layups: Another way to avoid getting posterized is by not giving up easy layups. If you’re playing defense and your man gets an easy layup, he’s going to be more likely to try and dunk on you. So, make sure you contest every shot and don’t give up easy points.

– Use your size and strength: If you’re bigger and stronger than your man, use that to your advantage. Be physical and don’t let him get past you. If he does try to dunk on you, use your body to block his shot and prevent him from getting the easy bucket.

Following these tips should help you avoid getting posterized in NBA 2K21. Remember, if you do make a mistake, just try to contest the shot and don’t give up an easy bucket. With a little practice, you should be able to keep yourself from being dunked on.

How to Dunk On NBA 2K21

One of the most gratifying moments in NBA 2K21 is slamming the ball through the hoop with a monster dunk, especially if you’re able to posterize your opponent in the process. But if you’re not careful, you can easily miss these opportunities, or worse, get your shot blocked.

Here are a few tips to increase your chances of successfully completing a dunk in NBA 2K21:

Approach the basket with speed – If you’re too slow, your defender will have time to recover and contest your shot.

Use a jump shot timing – Jumping too early or too late will result in an inaccurate shot. The timing window is small, so be precise.

Aim for the front of the rim – This will help ensure you get good elevation and avoid having your shot rejected.

Finger Aiming Mode – Use this aiming mode (press R2/RT) for more control over your dunk attempt.

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