How Fast Does A Baseball Travel When Hit?

How fast does a baseball travel when hit? This is a question that often comes up, and there are a few factors that can affect the answer. Here, we’ll take a look at some of the things that can affect a baseball’s speed when hit, and give you some ballpark numbers to work with.


A hit baseball can travel up to speeds of 100 miles per hour, with professional players able to hit the ball even harder. In order to hit the ball that hard, the batter needs to put a lot of force into their swing. The speed at which the ball travels also depends on the size and weight of the ball, as well as the bat. Lighter bats tend to make the ball travel faster than heavier bats.

The Physics of Hitting a Baseball

When a baseball is hit, it doesn’t just go off in a straight line. Instead, it’s affected by both the spin of the ball and the air resistance. This means that the speed of the ball when it’s hit isn’t always the same as the speed when it reaches the person catching it.

The Force of Impact

When a hitter makes contact with a ball, the force of the collision is transferred from the bat to the ball. This collision causes the ball to compress and then spring back to its original shape. The amount of time that this collision takes is very short, on the order of milliseconds. But during that short time interval, a lot of things happen.

First, the force of the collision imparts energy to the ball. This energy is stored in the ball as kinetic energy, and it is this stored kinetic energy that propels the ball through the air.Second, while the ball is being compressed by the force of impact, it starts to rotate. The amount of rotation imparted to the ball depends on a number of factors, such as the angle at which it was hit, but typically a well-hit baseball will have a spin rate of several thousand rotations per minute.

Third, when the ball springs back to its original shape after being compressed by the force of impact, this elastic potential energy is converted back into kinetic energy and added to the kinetic energy that was imparted by the force of impact. This explains why a well-hit baseball will often have more initial velocity than one that has been simply thrown by a pitcher.

Fourth, as the ball starts to rotate after being hit, it also starts to spin about an axis that runs from its top to its bottom (a motion known as gyroscopic precession). This spinning motion causes a Magnus force to act on the ball that is perpendicular to both its velocity and its axis of rotation. The Magnus force acts on fly balls and causes them to curve inflight.

The Ball’s Coefficient of Restitution

When a ball is hit, it compressed slightly and then bounces off of the bat. The speed at which it rebound off the bat is determined by its coefficient of restitution. The coefficient of restitution is a number between 0 and 1 that measures how much energy is lost when two objects collide. A perfectly elastic collision would have a coefficient of restitution of 1, meaning that no energy is lost when the objects collide. Most real-world collisions are not perfectly elastic, however, so the coefficient of restitution is usually less than 1.

For a baseball, the coefficient of restitution can be anywhere from 0.5 to 0.9. This means that when a ball is hit, it will lose between 10% and 50% of its kinetic energy upon impact. The speed at which the ball comes off the bat will be determined by both the speed at which it was hit and how much energy is lost in the collision.

In addition to the physics of collisions, there are also other factors that can affect how fast a baseball travels when hit. For example, the spin of the ball can create lift forces that cause it to travel further than it would otherwise. The type of bat being used can also affect how fast the ball travels, as stronger bats are able to hit the ball with more force than weaker bats. Finally, the weather conditions on the day of the game can also play a role in how far a ball travels when hit.

How Fast Can a Baseball Be Hit?

The typical major league baseball is hit at speeds between 60 and 115 miles per hour. However, the fastest recorded fastball in a major league game was clocked at 105.1 miles per hour. Let’s break down how fast a baseball can be hit.

The world record

The world record for the fastest recorded baseball speed is held by Aroldis Chapman, a pitcher for the Cincinnati Reds. In 2010, Chapman was clocked at 105.1 miles per hour during a game against the San Diego Padres. This is the fastest any baseball has ever been recorded being hit.

The major league record

In August 1999, Houston Astros outfielder Ricky Henderson hit a ball that was measured at 119.4 mph off a tee. This is the highest velocity ever recorded for a batted baseball.

Henderson’s record-breaking hit took place during batting practice before a game against the Milwaukee Brewers. Major League Baseball (MLB) starts its season in late March or early April, so this was likely one of the first times that Henderson had stepped up to the plate that year. He was likely still getting his timing and swings down, which may explain how he managed to generate such speed on his hit.

The second-highest velocity recorded for a batted baseball is 118.6 mph, which was accomplished by Milwaukee Brewers’ minor league catcher Jose Luis Sanchez in A-ball in 2011. The third-highest is 117.3 mph, hit by Billy Hamilton of the Cincinnati Reds in 2014.


In conclusion, a baseball can travel up to speeds of approximately 110 miles per hour when hit by a professional player. A baseball will not travel as fast if it is not hit by a professional player.

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