How Long Are NBA Games On TV?

How long are NBA games on TV? The answer may vary depending on the game, but most NBA games are two hours long.


TV viewers in the US will be able to watch NBA games that are up to three hours long this season, as the league has increased the length of its broadcast window. The change means that games will start at 7pm ET and finish no later than 10pm ET on weekdays, and 4pm ET on Sundays. Saturday games will continue to be played throughout the day.

How long are NBA games on TV?

The average NBA game is two and a half hours long, but that time can vary depending on a number of factors. For example, if there are a lot of fouls and timeouts, the game will be longer. Overtime games are also usually longer than regulation games. The length of an NBA game can also depend on the broadcast network. Some networks will show commercials during the game, which will make the game longer.

Pre-game show

The pre-game show usually lasts for two hours.

Length of game

NBA games are 48 minutes in length, divided into four 12-minute quarters. There is a halftim break of between 10-15 minutes.

Post-game show

The post-game show is an informative show that gives viewers an in-depth look at the game that just ended. The show generally runs for about 30 minutes, and is hosted by a panel of experts who break down the game and offer their insight on what happened.

How this affects fans

On the average, an NBA game lasts about two and a half hours, give or take 15 minutes. If you take into account commercials, timeouts and other delays, the game can last closer to three hours. That’s a long time to sit in front of the TV, especially if your team is losing. And it’s even worse if you’re trying to watch multiple games at the same time.

Fans at home

Most fans watch NBA games on television. In recent years, the average length of an NBA game has been about 2½ hours. That includes timeouts, commercials, and half-time. Some networks show additional replays and interviews during timeouts, which extends the length of the broadcast.

The average fan watches 41% of each game on television. So, if an NBA game is two and a half hours long, the average fan is watching a little more than one hour of action.

Fans at the game

The average NBA game lasts about two and a half hours, but the length of time it takes to watch a game on television depends on a number of factors. If you’re just tuning in for the final quarter, you can expect to be done in about 45 minutes. But if you want to catch all four quarters, plus commercials and timeouts, it will take closer to three hours.

TV viewers also have to factor in pre-game and post-game shows, which can add an additional 30 minutes or more to the overall time commitment. And if there’s overtime, that will add at least another 10 or 15 minutes onto the length of the game.

So how do NBA games compare to other sports? Baseball games are typically longer than basketball games, lasting around three hours on average. But football games are shorter, averaging around two and a half hours from start to finish.

Of course, these are just averages. Individual games can vary widely in terms of length, depending on how quickly the teams are able to score points and how often there are stoppages in play.


Though there are variations in game time depending on the teams playing, TV timeouts, and other factors, the NBA imposes a minimum and maximum length for games. The average game time is 2 hours and 16 minutes. Commercial breaks, half-time, and other stoppages account for 48 minutes of that time, which leaves an average of 88 minutes of playing time. So, if you’re looking to settle in for a lengthy basketball game, the NBA has got you covered.

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