How Long Does A Professional Baseball Game Last?

A baseball game is nine innings long.Each team has a turn at bat during each inning. An inning is complete when both teams have had a turn at bat and three outs have been recorded.


A professional baseball game typically lasts around three hours. However, there can be a lot of variation in game length, depending on factors such as the number of innings played, the number of commercial breaks, and weather delays.

The average length of a nine-inning baseball game has gradually increased over the years, from around two hours and thirty minutes in the 1950s to over three hours today. However, there is still considerable variation from game to game. For example, games featuring a lot of home runs tend to be shorter, while games with lots of walks or errors can take longer.

Commercial breaks also have a significant impact on game length. In recent years, Major League Baseball has introduced more and more advertising breaks, which have added about ten minutes to the average game time.

Finally, weather delays can also add significant time to a baseball game. If a game is interrupted by rain or snow, it can take up to an hour or more to resume play.

Overall, then, a professional baseball game typically lasts around three hours – but there is a lot of variation possible within that time frame.

The Length of a Professional Baseball Game

The length of a professional baseball game has been slowly increasing over the years. The average game in 2018 was 3 hours and 5 minutes, up from 2 hours and 33 minutes in 1968. The increase in the length of games can be attributed to a number of factors, such as more pitching changes and more commercials. Let’s take a closer look at the length of professional baseball games.

The Length of a Professional Baseball Game by Inning

As everyone knows, baseball is a game of innings. Each team gets a turn at bat in each inning, and the game is over when one team has more runs than the other after nine innings (or sometimes less, if the home team is ahead and doesn’t have to bat in the bottom of the ninth). So, how long does a professional baseball game last, on average?

The answer may surprise you. While there is some variation from game to game, and depending on factors such as weather conditions and number of strikeouts, the average length of a Major League Baseball game is between 2 hours and 3 hours. That’s quite a range, but it’s important to remember that not every inning is equal. The first few innings usually take less time than later innings, as both teams are still feeling each other out and trying to get on base. Once the game progresses and more hits are made, it tends to take longer.

So, if you’re planning on going to a baseball game, be sure to plan for at least 2 hours (and maybe even 3!). And don’t forget to grab some peanuts and Cracker Jacks while you’re there!

The Length of a Professional Baseball Game by Outcome

There are a lot of variables that can contribute to the length of a professional baseball game. The number of innings, the number of batters, the number of base runners, and even the weather can all play a role in how long a game takes.

Here is a breakdown of the average length of a professional baseball game by outcome:

-Win: 3 hours
-Loss: 3 hours and 15 minutes
-Draw: 3 hours and 30 minutes

The Length of a Professional Baseball Game by League

A baseball game can last anywhere from two hours to four hours, depending on the league. Major League Baseball (MLB) games last an average of three hours. The American League (AL) and the National League (NL) both have a two-hour limit for their games.

The Length of a Professional Baseball Game in the American League

The average length of a Major League Baseball game has increased steadily over the past few decades. While the average game length in the American League was around 2 hours and 30 minutes in the 1980s, it rose to over 3 hours by 2014. In the 2015 season, the average game time was 3 hours and 7 minutes, although this varied widely by team. The Kansas City Royals had the shortest games, at 2 hours and 52 minutes on average, while the Boston Red Sox had the longest, at 3 hours and 19 minutes.

There are several reasons for this increase in game time. One is that teams are scoring more runs: in 2014, the average American League team scored 4.4 runs per game, compared to just 3.8 in 1980. This means that there are more opportunities for batters to get on base and for pitchers to be changed, both of which add time to a game. In addition, batters are now taking more pitches than they did in the past: in 2014, an American League batter saw an average of 3.93 pitches per plate appearance, compared to just 3.64 in 1980.

The increased length of games has been controversial among fans and commentators. Some argue that it makes baseball more boring and less exciting to watch; others believe that it simply reflects the increased scoring and strategic sophistication of modern teams. Whatever the opinion, there is no doubt that professional baseball games have become longer over time.

The Length of a Professional Baseball Game in the National League

The average length of a Major League Baseball game has increased by about five minutes over the last decade, but there is significant variation between the length of games played in different leagues. In general, games in the American League are shorter than those in the National League, and this has been true for many years.

There are several factors that contribute to the difference in game length between the two leagues. One is the use of a designated hitter in the American League. This means that there is one less player who needs to be substituted out of the game, which saves time. Another factor is that teams in the National League are more likely to bunting and Steal bases, which can lengthen games.

The average length of a professional baseball game in the National League is about three hours.

The Length of a Professional Baseball Game by Team

The average length of a baseball game has been slowly creeping up over the years. In 2019, the average time of a nine-inning game was 3 hours and 5 minutes, up from 2 hours and 33 minutes in 1981. The teams with the longest average game time were the Chicago Cubs and Houston Astros, both coming in at 3 hours and 11 minutes.

The Length of a Professional Baseball Game for the Boston Red Sox

The average time of a Boston Red Sox game is 3 hours and 2 minutes, making them the team with the longest games in the MLB.

The Length of a Professional Baseball Game for the New York Yankees

The New York Yankees play professional baseball games that usually last about 3 hours. The team has a lot of fans, so the games tend to be well-attended. There are occasional delays due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances, but generally speaking, a Yankees game will last about 3 hours from start to finish.


While the average professional baseball game lasts around three hours, there is no set length for a game. It can last anywhere from two hours to four hours or more, depending on a number of factors, such as the number of innings played, the number of breaks, and the pace of play.

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