How Long Is The NBA Preseason?

The NBA preseason is a time for players to get back into game shape and for coaches to try out new lineups. But how long is the NBA preseason?


The National Basketball Association (NBA) preseason is the period each year during which NBA teams prepare for the upcoming regular season. The length of the NBA preseason varies from year to year, but it typically lasts for two to three weeks.

During the NBA preseason, teams play a series of exhibition games against other NBA teams, as well as international teams. These games give coaches an opportunity to evaluate their players and make roster decisions for the upcoming regular season. Additionally, the games help generate excitement for the upcoming season among both fans and players.

The 2019-2020 NBA preseason will begin on September 30 and end on October 18. This is a relatively short preseason, but it is not unusual for the NBA preseason to be shorter than two weeks.

If you are interested in attending an NBA preseason game, it is recommended that you check the schedule in advance and purchase tickets as soon as possible. Preseason games often do not sell out, but they can be more expensive than regular season games.

The History of the NBA Preseason

The NBA preseason is the period of the year when the National Basketball Association (NBA) teams start training for the upcoming season. The preseason generally runs from late September to early October.

However, the actual length of the preseason varies from year to year. In some years, the preseason may be as short as two weeks, while in other years it may last for up to six weeks.

The length of the preseason has varied considerably over the years. In the early days of the NBA, the preseason was much shorter than it is now. For example, in the 1950s, the preseason typically lasted for only about two weeks.

However, as the league has grown and expanded, so has the length of the preseason. In recent years, the NBA has been experimenting with different formats for the preseason.

In 2014, for example, the league shortened the preseason by two weeks in an effort to reduce player injuries and give teams more time to prepare for the regular season.

The NBA preseason is not a critical part of the basketball calendar, but it is important nonetheless. It provides teams with a chance to fine-tune their rosters and get everyone on the same page before things get serious in October.

The Length of the NBA Preseason

The NBA preseason is the period of time leading up to the start of the regular season.It typically lasts about two weeks, but the exact length varies from year to year. The preseason is used to prepare players for the rigors of the regular season, and to help them get into game shape. The games are also used as a way for coaches to evaluate their players and determine who will make the final cut for the regular season roster.

Why the NBA Preseason Is Important

The NBA preseason is important for a number of reasons. First, it allows teams to shake off the rust from the long offseason break. Second, it gives coaching staffs a chance to evaluate their players in game action and determine who will be part of the rotation for the regular season. Third, it allows players to gel as a team and build chemistry before the games start counting.

From a fan perspective, the preseason is also important because it gives us our first glimpse of the new-look teams. We get to see how the offseason acquisitions look in their new uniforms, and we get a sense of what kind of product we can expect on the court during the regular season.

So how long is the NBA preseason? The answer depends on a few factors.

First, there are exhibition games, which are essentially glorified scrimmage games that typically don’t count towards anything. These games are used to help teams get in shape and work out any kinks before the regular season starts.

Then there are what are known as “global” or “neutral-site” games, which are essentially regular season games that are played outside of the United States in order to grow the game globally and generate additional revenue. These games still count towards a team’s record.

Finally, there are “regular season” games, which obviously count towards a team’s record.

In recent years, the NBA has been working towards reducing the length of preseason by eliminating exhibition games and limiting global games to two per team. As a result, most teams play between four and eight preseason games these days.

How the NBA Preseason Has Changed Over the Years

The NBA preseason is the time when teams tune up for the regular season. They play exhibition games against each other and work on getting into game shape. The length of the preseason has varied over the years, but it is typically around two weeks long.

The preseason used to be even shorter than it is now. In the early years of the NBA, the preseason was only a week long. That changed in 1966, when the league expanded the preseason to two weeks. The length of the preseason stayed at two weeks for almost 20 years, until it was shortened back to one week in 1985.

The NBA experimented with a longer preseason in 2002, when they added an extra week to the schedule. But that only lasted for one year, and the preseason went back to being two weeks long in 2003.

The length of the NBA preseason has varied over the years, but it is typically around two weeks long. The league has experimented with shorter and longer preseasons, but two weeks is usually enough time for teams to get ready for the regular season.


Based on the information that we gathered, the average NBA preseason is about 3 weeks long. However, there can be some variation from year to year and from team to team. For example, the Golden State Warriors had a shorter preseason in 2017 because they were participating in the NBA China Games. Some teams also choose to play more or fewer preseason games than others.

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