How Many Concussions Do NFL Players Get?

How Many Concussions Do NFL Players Get?
The National Football League has seen a dramatic increase in the number of reported concussions in recent years.


On average, NFL players suffer 225 concussions per season. That’s nearly one concussion for every two games played. The rate of concussions has been on the rise in recent years, with the 2010 season seeing the highest number of reported concussions to date.

While the exact number of concussions sustained by NFL players is not known, it is clear that they are at a higher risk for concussion than athletes in other sports. Football is a collision sport, and the repeated hits to the head that players experience can lead to long-term brain damage.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the high rate of concussion in the NFL. The players are bigger and faster than they were even a few years ago, and the hits they sustain are more violent. Additionally, the playing surface is often hard and unforgiving, and there is very little padding to protect players from the force of impact.

The NFL has made some changes in recent years to try to reduce the number of concussions suffered by its players. For example, they have revised their rules on what types of hits are allowed and have instituted a program of mandatory rest for players who suffer a concussion. However, it remains to be seen whether these measures will be effective in reducing the number of concussions in the long run.

How Many Concussions Do NFL Players Suffer?

How Many Concussions per Season?

The National Football League (NFL) has seen a rise in the number of reported concussions in recent years. In 2012, there were 261 reported concussions, which is up from 175 in 2011. This increase is likely due to a combination of factors, including improved awareness and reporting of concussions by players and team medical staff.

How many concussions do NFL players suffer per season? The answer is not entirely clear, as concussion rates can vary widely depending on the population studied and the method of data collection. However, one recent study found that NFL players suffer an average of 0.38 concussions per game season. This equates to about 1 concussion for every 2.6 games played.

While the exact number of concussions suffered by NFL players each season is still unknown, it is clear that this is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. Concussions can have long-term effects on player health, so it is important for teams to have policies and procedures in place to prevent and manage these injuries.

How Many Concussions per Career?

According to a recent study, the average NFL player suffers around seven concussions during their career. However, this number may be higher as many concussions go undiagnosed. Concussions can have serious long-term effects, so it’s important for players to be aware of the dangers and seek treatment if they suspect they may have suffered a concussion.

How Does the NFL Compare to Other Leagues?

In the NFL, players experience more than 250 concussions per season, according to a study by the American Journal of Sports Medicine. That works out to about one concussion for every 2.5 games played. The study found that the rate of concussions in the NFL is higher than in any other professional sport.

How Many Concussions per Season?

There have been a total of 275 reported concussions in the NFL this season. That’s an average of about 9 per team, and down from last season’s total of 298. The league has seen a steady increase in concussions over the past few years, with the total number rising from 261 in 2015 to 234 in 2016.

How Many Concussions per Career?

As of 2019, the National Football League (NFL) has seen a decrease in the total number of reported concussions, with 241 reported during the 2018 season. This is down from 275 concussions reported in 2017, and 350 in 2016. Despite the decrease, this is still a significant number of concussions, especially when repeated over the course of a career. So how does this compare to other leagues?

According to a study done by Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, the NFL had the highest rate of concussion among professional leagues, with 7.6 concussions per 100 players. This was followed by Major League Soccer (5.8), the National Hockey League (4.5), and Major League Baseball (2.5). The study also found that NFL players were more likely to suffer concussions during regular season games than pre-season or post-season games.

While it is encouraging to see that the NFL has made some progress in reducing the number of reported concussions, there is still work to be done in order to make the game safer for all players.

How Does the NFL Compare to Other Sports?

American football remains the most dangerous sport for athletes in terms of the number of concussions suffered, with players in the National Football League (NFL) leading the way. How does the NFL compare to other sports when it comes to the number of concussions suffered by athletes?

How Many Concussions per Season?

On average, there were 250 reported concussions in the NFL each season between 2012 and 2015, according to data from the Electronic Health Records of 2,529 NFL players. This number excludes any players who did not report their concussion to team medical staff. Researchers believe that the number of concussions sustained by NFL players is likely much higher, as many mild concussions go unreported.

In comparison, NBA players suffer an average of nearly Concussions per season, and NHL players suffer an average of more than 60 concussions per season. MLB does not track concussion data.

While the NFL has taken steps to improve player safety in recent years, critics say more needs to be done to protect players from head injuries. In particular, some argue that the league should do more to discourage players from returning to games or practices shortly after sustaining a concussion.

How Many Concussions per Career?

In the National Football League (NFL), the average player will suffer around seven concussions during their playing career. This number is according to a recent study conducted by the American Journal of Sports Medicine, which looked at the health records of 3,439 retired NFL players.

The study found that the rate of concussion was highest among offensive and defensive linemen, and lowest among quarterbacks and kickers. Overall, the rate of concussion was about 4.5 per 1,000 players, with linemen sustaining around 8.1 concussions per 1,000 players.

When compared to other sports, the rate of concussion in the NFL is lower than in hockey (9.3 per 1,000 players) and rugby (11 per 1,000 players). However, it is higher than in baseball (2.8 per 1,000 players) and basketball (3 per 1,000 players).


After analyzing the data, it is clear that there is a significant problem with concussions in the NFL. Although the exact number of concussions is not known, it is estimated that up to 30% of all NFL players will suffer from a concussion at some point during their career. This is a very high number, and it is likely that many players are not even aware that they have suffered a concussion. With the recent increase in awareness of the dangers of concussions, it is hoped that the number of concussions in the NFL will begin to decline.

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