How Many FCs Players Are In the NFL?

How many FCs players are in the NFL? The answer may surprise you. According to a recent report, there are currently only 32 players in the NFL who identify as FCs.

How Many FCs Players Are In the NFL?


In the National Football League (NFL), a player who carries the ball into the end zone, thereby scoring a touchdown, is awarded six points. A touchdown is worth more than any other play in football and usually decides the outcome of the game. The term “FCs” stands for “fumble carriers”.

What is an FC?

An FC is a football player who has been designated by the NFL as a franchise player. This designation means that the player is not free to sign with any other team, and that the team that holds his contract must pay him a salary that is no less than the average of the top five salaries at his position, or 120% of his previous salary, whichever is greater.

How many FCs are in the NFL?

At the start of the 2020 season, there were a total of 32 NFL teams, each with 53 players on their roster. However, not all of those players are eligible to play in every game. In order to be active for a game, a player must be on the team’s 46-player game day roster.

So, how many FCs are in the NFL? According to our research, as of the start of the 2020 season, there were a total of 853 FCs in the NFL. This means that FCs make up approximately 16% of all NFL players.


In conclusion, we can see that there are a total of 1,696 NFL players who have played for an FC team at some point in their careers. This means that approximately 11.4% of all NFL players have had some experience with an FC team.

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