How Many Fouls Does it Take to Foul Out in the NBA?

In the NBA, a player is automatically disqualified from the game when they commit their sixth foul. This is known as fouling out.


In the National Basketball Association (NBA), a player fouls out when he accumulates six personal fouls in a game. Once a player reaches five fouls, he cannot commit another foul for the rest of the game without fouling out. If a player reaches five fouls in the last two minutes of the fourth quarter or any overtime period, he remains in the game until either his team scores, commits a turnover, or until the end of the period.

The Rule

In the NBA, a player is allowed to commit up to 6 fouls in a game before they are said to have “fouled out”. After a player has committed their 6th foul, they will be removed from the game and will not be allowed to return.

The Exception

In the National Basketball Association, the rules regarding fouls and fouling out are a bit different than in college basketball or other leagues. The NBA has a “foul limit,” rather than a personal foul limit. This means that each team is allowed a set number of fouls per game, after which point, every foul committed by that team results in free throws for the opposing team.

The number of team fouls varies depending on the quarter. In the first and second quarters, each team is allowed four team fouls. In the third and fourth quarters, it goes up to five. If a game goes into overtime, each team is allowed one more foul in that extra period.

Once a team reaches its limit for fouling in a given quarter, every subsequent foul by that team results in two free throws for the opposing player who was fouled. If the player makes both free throws, he also gets to keep possession of the ball.

The History

The number of fouls needed to foul out in the NBA has varied throughout the years. In the early days of the league, players were allowed to commit six fouls before being disqualified. This was increased to seven fouls in 1949, and then again to nine fouls in 1961. The current limit of six fouls was instituted in 1977.

Interestingly, the number of fouls needed to foul out has not always been uniform across all levels of basketball. For instance, in college basketball, players are allowed to commit up to five fouls before fouling out. In the NBA Development League (D-League), players can commit up to eight fouls. And in high school basketball, some states allow players to commit as many as 10 fouls before fouling out.

So why the difference? There are a few theories. Some believe that it is simply easier to commit more fouls at higher levels of play because the game is faster and there is more contact between players. Others believe that the rules are different because officials want to encourage more aggressive play at lower levels of competition.

Whatever the reason, it is clear that fouling out has been a part of basketball for a long time and is likely here to stay. So if you’re a player, make sure you know how many fouls you can commit before hitting the showers!

The Debate

How many fouls does it take to foul out in the NBA? This question has been debated for years and there is still no clear answer.

The official NBA rulebook states that a player fouls out when they have committed “five personal fouls in a game.” However, this rule is often interpreted differently by players, coaches, and officials.

Some people believe that a player should be automatically disqualified when they commit their fifth personal foul. Others argue that the fifth personal foul should only result in automatic disqualification if it is committed within the last two minutes of the game.

There is no clear consensus on how many fouls it should take to foul out in the NBA. The debate is likely to continue for years to come.

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