How Many Minutes are in a Quarter in the NFL?

How Many Minutes are in a Quarter in the NFL?

The answer may surprise you – there are actually only 15 minutes in a quarter in the NFL!


In the National Football League (NFL), the game is divided into four quarters, each of which lasts 15 minutes. There is a 12-minute intermission between the second and third quarters, and a two-minute intermission between the first and second quarters and between the third and fourth quarters.

The clock is stopped whenever a play ends out of bounds, a player goes out of bounds, or a penalty is called. The clock also stops in the final two minutes of each half if the team that is behind scores, unless it scores again to regain the lead, or if the team that is ahead scores to ice the game.

If the score is tied at the end of regulation time, then overtime periods are played until one team scores. In overtime, each team gets one Possession to score, starting with a first down on their own 25-yard line. If neither team scores in overtime, then the game ends in a tie.

How Many Minutes are in a Quarter in the NFL?

In the NFL, a quarter is 15 minutes long. If a game goes into overtime, each team gets an additional 15 minutes to try and score. If the game is still tied after overtime, the game ends in a tie.

The Length of a Quarter in the NFL

In the National Football League (NFL), the length of a quarter is 15 minutes. This is not to be confused with the 12-minute quarters used in the preseason and in some exhibition games. The NFL season is composed of 16 regular season games, 4 preseason games, and 4 post-season games (2 playoff games and 2 Super Bowls).

The majority of NFL fans believe that the regular season should be lengthened to 18 games. They argue that this would provide more excitement and also increase revenue for the NFL. However, there are also a significant number of people who believe that this would put too much wear and tear on players’ bodies and result in more injuries.

How Many Minutes are in a Half in the NFL?

Each NFL game is divided into four quarters, each of which is 15 minutes long. There is a 12-minute break between the first and second quarters, and a two-minute break between the third and fourth quarters. There is also a 15-minute halftime break.

How Many Minutes are in an Overtime in the NFL?

Overtime in the NFL is 10 minutes long. Each team is given one possession to score. If the score is still tied after both teams have had a possession, the game ends in a tie.


In conclusion, there are 15 minute quarters in the NFL. Each team has two timeouts per half, so there is a potential for each game to have 30 minutes of stoppage time. However, the average NFL game only has 11 minutes of stopped clock time.

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