How Many People Play Baseball In The World?

How many people play baseball in the world? It’s a question that doesn’t have a definitive answer, but we can make some estimates.

How Many People Play Baseball In The World?


Welcome to our guide on how many people play baseball in the world. This guide will provide you with a brief overview of the sport of baseball, its popularity around the world, and some estimated numbers on how many people play the sport globally. Whether you are new to the sport or a lifelong fan, this guide will give you a better understanding of its reach and popularity.

The History of Baseball

Baseball is a bat-and-ball sport played between two teams of nine players each. The teams take turns batting and fielding.

The Early Years

The origins of baseball are hotly contested, with many different countries and cultures claiming to have invented the game. The most popular theory is that baseball originated from a game called rounders, which was played in England. Rounders was brought to North America by English immigrants, and the game began to evolve and change in its new home.

The first recorded game of baseball was played in 1839 in Hoboken, New Jersey. This early version of the game was quite different from the baseball we know today. For example, instead of bases, the players used stakes placed in the ground, and instead of gloves, they used their bare hands to catch the ball.

As baseball became more popular in North America, it spread to other countries. The first professional baseball league outside of North America was founded in Cuba in 1878. Baseball quickly became popular in Puerto Rico, Japan, China, and many other countries.

Today, baseball is one of the most popular sports in the world. There are professional leagues in many countries, and millions of people play the sport recreationally.

The Modern Era

The modern era of baseball began in 1901 with the founding of the American League. The AL was one of two leagues that competed for the championship, with the other being the National League. The two leagues were not equal, however, as the AL was made up of wealthier and more experienced teams. This resulted in some player movement between the two leagues, as well as a higher level of competition overall.

The first World Series was played in 1903, pitting the AL champion Boston Pilgrims against the NL champion Pittsburgh Pirates. The Pilgrims won the series five games to three. This would set the stage for what would become one of baseball’s most heated rivalries, as the New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox would compete for supremacy throughout the early part of the 20th century.

The period between 1920 and 1949 is often referred to as baseball’s Golden Age. This was a time when baseball was America’s favorite pastime, and some of its greatest players starred on its biggest stage, Yankee Stadium. Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, and Joe DiMaggio were just a few of the legends who played during this time.

While there were many great players during baseball’s Golden Age, Jackie Robinson is perhaps its most significant figure. Robinson broke Major League Baseball’s color barrier in 1947, becoming the first African-American player to take the field in a big league game. Robinson faced significant opposition and even death threats during his career, but he persevered to become one of baseball’s most revered figures.

The Popularity of Baseball

Baseball is a popular sport in many countries around the world. It is especially popular in the United States, where it is considered the national pastime. According to a report from the International Baseball Federation, there are currently over 65 million people playing baseball worldwide.


In America, baseball is often considered to be the national pastime. The game is played at a professional level by both men and women, and there are also many amateur and youth leagues. According to a study conducted by the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association, there were almost 5 million people playing baseball in the United States in 2016. This was a slight decrease from the previous year, but baseball still remains one of the most popular sports in America.


Baseball is no doubt one of the most popular sports in Japan. Every year, thousands of people flock to baseball stadiums to watch their favorite teams compete. And, of course, not to mention the millions of people who tune in to watch baseball games on TV.

But just how many people in Japan actually play baseball? According to the Japan Baseball Association, there are currently about 1.5 million registered baseball players in the country. This number includes both professional and amateur players.

Interestingly, the number of baseball players in Japan has been on the decline in recent years. In 2013, there were about 2 million registered baseball players in the country. This means that the number of baseball players has decreased by about 500,000 over the past 7 years or so.


Cuba is one of the top baseball-playing countries in the world, and its national team has won two World Baseball Classic titles. According to, there are approximately 200 Cuban players in professional baseball, including some of the game’s biggest stars like Jose Abreu, Aroldis Chapman, and Yasiel Puig.

The Future of Baseball

Baseball is a sport that is enjoyed by millions of people all around the world. Every year, there are new players and new fans who become interested in the sport. But what does the future of baseball hold?

The Growth of Baseball

In recent years, baseball has seen a surge in popularity around the world. According to a 2017 report by the International Baseball Federation, there are now more than 65 million people playing baseball globally. This represents a significant increase from the 50 million people who were playing in 2012.

The majority of baseball’s growth has been seen in Asia and Oceania, where the sport has experienced a boom in popularity in countries such as Japan, South Korea, and Australia. In fact, Asia and Oceania are now home to more than 30% of all baseball players worldwide. North America still dominates the sport in terms of participation, however, with more than 40% of all baseball players coming from the United States and Canada.

Latin America is another key region for baseball, with countries such as Cuba, Dominican Republic, and Venezuela producing some of the sport’s biggest stars. Europe also has a growing baseball community, particularly in Italy and The Netherlands.

The Decline of Baseball

Since the early 2000s, baseball has been in decline in the United States. In 2004, Major League Baseball (MLB) set a record for total attendance, with more than 73 million people attending games. However, by 2013, that number had fallen to just under 69 million. The decline has continued since then, with attendance falling to below 68 million in 2018.

There are a number of reasons for the decline in popularity of baseball. One is the increasing popularity of other sports, such as football and basketball. Another is the rising cost of attending baseball games, whichprice out many potential fans. Finally, the popularity of other forms of entertainment, such as video games and streaming TV services, means that fewer people are willing to make the time commitment required to follow baseball on a regular basis.

Despite the decline in popularity, there are still millions of people who enjoy playing and watching baseball. In 2015, there were an estimated 18 million people playing organized baseball around the world. This includes both professional and amateur players. And while MLB attendance may be down, there are still plenty of other baseball leagues around the country that are doing well. For example, Minor League Baseball (MiLB) set an all-time attendance record in 2018, with more than 41 million people attending games.

So while baseball may not be as popular as it once was, it remains an important part of American culture and continues to be enjoyed by millions of people around the world.


In conclusion, we can estimate that there are approximately millions of people who play baseball around the world. This number is constantly changing as the popularity of the sport ebbs and flows in different countries, but it is safe to say that baseball is enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds. Whether you play in a little league, on a recreational team, or just in your backyard with friends, baseball is a great game that can be enjoyed by everyone.

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