How Many Preseason Games Should the NBA Play?

How many preseason games should the NBA play?
The answer may surprise you.

How Many Preseason Games Should the NBA Play?


The National Basketball Association (NBA) operates on aPreseason is the time before the regular season starts. During this time, teams play exhibition games against each other to prepare for the upcomign season. For the NBA, preseason games are typically played in October.

The question of how many preseason games each NBA team should play has been a hot topic lately. Currently, each team plays eight preseason games. However, some people think that this is too many and that teams should play fewer games.

There are pros and cons to both sides of the argument. those who think that eight preseason games is too many say that it puts players at risk of injury and that it is not necessary for teams to play that many games in order to prepare for the regular season. On the other hand, those who think that eight preseason games is just right say that it gives players enough time to get in shape and shake off any rust before the start of the regular season.

Ultimately, it is up to the NBA to decide how many preseason games each team should play. What do you think?

History of the NBA preseason

The NBA preseason is the period each year when NBA teams play several exhibition games before the start of the regular season. These games are used to help prepare players and coaches for the upcoming season, as well as to evaluate talent.

The preseason has been around since the early days of the NBA, with the first games being played in October of 1947. However, the length of the preseason has varied greatly over the years. In some seasons, teams have played as many as 20 exhibition games, while in others they have played as few as four.

Recently, the trend has been for teams to play fewer preseason games. In 2014, for example, each team played eight preseason games, down from 10 in 2013 and 12 in 2012. The hope is that by reducing the number of exhibition games, players will be fresher and less likely to suffer injuries when the regular season begins.

There is no question that playing fewer preseason games makes sense from a competitive standpoint. But there are also financial considerations involved, as exhibition games generate a significant amount of revenue for the NBA and its teams. It remains to be seen how many preseason games will be played in future years, but it is clear that the league will continue to carefully weigh both financial and competitive concerns when making its decision.

Why the NBA preseason is important

The NBA preseason is important for a number of reasons. First, it allows players to dust off the rust and get back into game shape after a long offseason. Secondly, it gives young players a chance to show their stuff against NBA competition, which can be invaluable experience as they try to make an NBA roster. Finally, the preseason provides a tune-up for the regular season, helping teams iron out any kinks in their gameplan before the games start to count.

With all that said, there is such a thing as too much preseason basketball. For one thing, the games are often overshadowed by the start of football season, which means that they don’t get the same level of attention from fans or media. Additionally, many top players see limited minutes in preseason games as their coaches try to avoid injuries. As a result, the games can sometimes feel like glorified scrimmages.

So how many preseason games should the NBA play? Ideally, somewhere in the range of 4-8 games would strike the perfect balance between giving players enough time to prepare for the regular season without putting them at risk of injury or overexposure.

How many preseason games should the NBA play?

The answer to this question is not as simple as it may seem. There are a number of factors that need to be considered when making a decision on how many preseason games to play.

The first factor is the quality of play. Preseason games are notoriously sloppy, with players trying to shake off the rust after a long summer break. The level of play is often far below that of the regular season, and fans can be turned off by the poor quality of basketball on display.

Another factor to consider is the risk of injury. Preseason games are often physical affairs, with players going hard at each other in an effort to make the final roster. This can lead to injuries, which can be costly for teams both in terms of lost time and money.

Finally, there is the issue of fatigue. Playing too many preseason games can leave players tired and battered before the start of the regular season, which can have a negative impact on their performance once the games actually matter.

So how many preseason games should the NBA play? In our opinion, somewhere between four and six would strike the perfect balance between giving fans a taste of basketball without putting players at undue risk or putting them through too much wear and tear.


After looking at all of the data, it seems that the answer to the question is that the NBA should play between 2 and 4 preseason games. This will allow for the players to get enough work in to be ready for the regular season, but will not force them to play too many games that are essentially meaningless.

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