How Many Square Feet are in a Baseball Infield?

You may be surprised to learn that a baseball infield is actually quite small. The dimensions of a regulation baseball infield are quite specific, and the total square footage is actually quite limited. So, how many square feet are in a baseball infield?

How Many Square Feet are in a Baseball Infield?


A baseball infield is the area of the field between the bases, including the home plate. The term “infield” is used to describe both the area between the foul lines and the area within the diamond. The infield grass line extends from home plate to the nearest fence or stands at a distance of at least six feet from home plate.

The distance from home plate to first base is 60 feet. The distance from home plate to second base is also 60 feet. The distance from first base to second base, however, is only 90 feet. Therefore, the distance around all four bases (including home plate) is 360 feet. This means that each side of the infield (between first and third base) is 180 feet long.

To calculate the total square footage of a baseball infield, we need to know two things: 1) The length of each side of the infield and 2) The shape of the infield. We know that each side of the infield is 180 feet long, so we only need to know how wide the infield is from foul line to foul line in order to calculate its square footage.

The width of a baseball diamond from foul line to foul line varies depending on the level of play. In Major League Baseball, for example, the width varies from 325 feet down to 300 feet. In minor league and amateur baseball, however, there is more variation as diamonds are often not as well-maintained as those at professional stadiums. As a result, it’s not uncommon for young players to take batting practice on diamonds with dimensions that are significantly different than what they’ll see during actual games.

Assuming a Major League outfield dimensions, we can calculate that a baseball infield has a total square footage of 54,000 square feet (180×300).

The infield

The infield is the portion of the baseball diamond where the grass is cut short. It typically includes the space between first, second, and third base, as well as the home plate. The infield is where most of the action takes place during a game, and as such, it is important to know how large it is.

The size of a baseball infield can vary depending on the league and the level of play. However, most Major League Baseball fields have an infield that is between 120 and 150 feet long and between 90 and 120 feet wide. This means that the total area of an MLB infield is between 10,800 and 18,000 square feet.

The outfield

Assuming you are talking about a standard baseball diamond, there are several areas which make up the infield and outfield. Here is a quick run-down of the dimensions of each:

The infield is made up of the area between the bases and the three-foot line that runs from first to third base (and home plate). This area is also sometimes referred to as fair territory. The outfield is everything beyond the infield and includes the area between the two foul lines (from first base to left field and from third base to right field) as well as foul territory.

The total amount of square footage in an infield, then, will depend on how big each baseball diamond is. A regulation diamond has a 90-foot distance from home plate to first base, and a 90-foot distance from first base to third base. The distance from home plate to second base is different, however, measuring only 88 feet. Because the infield is made up of four 90-foot sides and four 88-foot sides, its total square footage will be 3,360 feet (90 x 4 + 88 x 4).

To calculate the square footage of the outfield, we need to know how long each foul line is. A regulation foul line measures 325 feet from home plate to left field and 325 feet from home plate to right field. The total length of both foul lines is 650 feet, so the outfield’s total square footage would be 2,100 feet (650 x 3).

Adding together the square footage of both the infield and outfield gives us a grand total of 5,460 square feet for a standard baseball diamond.


Two common outfielder positions are left field and right field. To cover the entire outfield, you’ll need about 450 square feet total.

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