How Much Do NFL Refs Get Paid?

How Much Do NFL Refs Get Paid? Do they get a lot of money? What are the benefits?


NFL referees are some of the highest-paid officials in all of professional sports. In fact, the average NFL refs salary is estimated to be around $205,000 per year. However, like most professional sports leagues, NFL referees are paid on a tiered system, with the most experienced and respected officials earning the highest salaries.

How Much Do NFL Refs Make?

NFL referees are paid very well for their services. In fact, NFL refs are some of the highest-paid officials in all of professional sports. The average salary for an NFL ref is about $173,000 per year. There are only a handful of officials in all of professional sports who make more money than NFL referees.

Per Game

NFL referees are paid on a per-game basis and earn different amounts depending on their years of experience. In 2019, first-year NFL Refs make $1,800 per game, while the most experienced refs earn $4,500 per game. On average, NFL refs earn $2,200 per game.

Per Season

The average salary for an NFL referee is $205,000 per season, which is subject to change depending on inflation. NFL referees also get a pension plan and 401k, as well as health insurance. NFL referees make $173,000 on average during the regular season and $42,000 on average during the playoffs.


The officials who work the Super Bowl are specially selected and typically are the most experienced and respected officials in the league. They are paid $11,900 for working the game, which is twice their normal game salary of $5,950. For officials who work the playoffs but not the Super Bowl, they receive $8,000 per game.

How Does This Compare to Other Leagues?

NFL refs are paid well compared to other leagues. They make an average of $173,000 per year, which is more than double the average salary of an MLB umpire. NFL refs also receive a pension and health insurance. How does this compare to other leagues?


The average salary for an NBA referee is $375,000. That’s more than three times the average pay of an NFL official, which is about $110,000 per year. Starting salaries for NBA referees are in the range of $75,000 to $200,000 per year. The most experienced and respected officials can earn annual salaries of more than $500,000.


NHL referees make an average of $217,000 per year, while linesmen make an average of $101,000 per year. Both figures are higher than the average salaries for officials in other major sports leagues. For example, NFL referees make an average of $173,000 per year, while MLB umpires make an average of $120,000 per year.


MLB umpires make an annual salary of $120,000, as of 2008. They also receive a per diem allowance of $340 for expenses incurred while working on the road. Umpires who work in the World Series and League Championship Series earn an additional $17,500 and $7,500, respectively.

How Does This Compare to Other Sports?

In the National Football League, the average annual salary for a referee is $173,000. For those officials working in the playoffs, they can receive up to $5,000 per game. How does this compare to other professional sports leagues?


In many ways, officiating soccer is similar to officiating other sports. Soccer officials are responsible for enforcing the rules of the game, maintaining order on the field and keeping track of the score. However, there are some key differences between officiating soccer and other sports.

For one, soccer is a continuous game with no breaks in play. This means that officials must be able to run long distances and have a good stamina. They must also be able to make quick decisions, as there is often little time between plays.

Another difference is that soccer officials must be able to keep an eye on both the ball and the players at all times. This can be difficult, as players are constantly moving around the field. In addition, officials must be aware of the offside rule, which can be complicated.

Overall, officiating soccer requires a unique skillset. Those who are successful in this role must be able to maintain their composure under pressure, make quick decisions and have a good understanding of the game.


Tennis is a sport that is often Individual, though many times played with doubles. In tennis, there are several shots that can be played such as the serve, backhand, volley, and overhead smash. The game is played with a Fleece ball and rackets on a rectangular court. The object of the game is to hit the ball in such a way that your opponent cannot return it or hit it outside of the bounds of the court.


Golf is a club-and-ball sport in which players use various clubs to hit balls into a series of holes on a course in as few strokes as possible.

Golf, unlike most ball games, cannot and does not utilize a standardized playing area, and coping with the varied terrains encountered on different courses is a key part of the game. The game at the usual level is played on a course with an arranged progression of 18 holes, though recreational courses can be smaller, usually having 9 or 12 holes.


In short, NFL referees make a pretty good living. While they don’t necessarily get paid as much as some of the other high-profile members of the NFL world, they still make significantly more than the average American. And, given that they only work part-time (generally only during the football season), that’s not too shabby!

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