How Much Do NFL Refs Make?

How much do NFL referees make? This is a question that many football fans have, so we did some research to find out.


NFL referees are among the highest-paid officials in all of sports. In fact, the average NFL ref made $205,000 in 2019, according to Forbes. That’s nearly four times the average for all referees and umpires across all major sports leagues, which was just over $53,000 in 2018, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

So how do NFL referees make so much money? It’s a combination of factors, including their experience, the number of games they work each season, and the bonuses and perks they receive.

Experience is a big factor in how much NFL referees make. The average ref has been working in the league for 10 years, according to Forbes. The most experienced refs can make more than $300,000 per year.

The number of games a ref works also affects their earnings. The average ref works 16 regular season games, plus any playoff games their team is assigned to. That can add up to more than $20,000 per game when you factor in bonuses and perks.

NFL referees also receive a number of bonuses and perks that supplement their game fees. These can include things like playoff bonuses (which can be tens of thousands of dollars), Super Bowl bonuses (which can be six figures), and per diem payments for food and expenses while on the road.

How Much Do NFL Refs Make?

NFL refs are paid handsomely for their services. As of 2019, the average salary for an NFL ref was $205,000. However, the top refs in the league can make upwards of $300,000 per year. NFL refs also receive other benefits, such as retirement plans and health insurance.

Per Game

As of 2019, NFL referees for the regular season make an average of $205,000 per year. Newer or lower-level refs may make less while the most experienced, senior officials make closer to $300,000. NFL refs also receive from the league what’s called a “bonus,” which amounts to about 11 percent of their salary.

In addition to their game-day earnings, officials are paid for each preseason and postseason game they work. These “exhibition” games pay much less than regular-season ones: officials earn $2,200 for each preseason game and $4,000 for each playoff game they work, according to The Washington Post.

Per Season

NFL referees make an average of $205,000 per season, as of 2011. Salaries for first-year referees are between $78,000 and $116,000, and increase gradually with years of service to a maximum of $205,000 for 10 or more years of service. The salary for Super Bowl officials is $11,900 for the 2011 game.

Postseason Games

In addition to their regular season salaries, NFL refs also get paid for working postseason games. For example, in the 2012 playoffs, refs earned an extra $11,900 for a Wild Card game, $16,500 for a Divisional Playoff game, and $22,000 for Conference Championship games. NFL referees also receive a nice bonus for working the Super Bowl: In 2012, they earned an extra $19,000 on top of their regular pay.

How Does This Compare to Other Professions?

According to Business Insider, the average NFL ref makes $173,000 per year. This is nearly double the average American salary, which is $48,000 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But how does this compare to other professions? Let’s take a look.


While the NFL may be one of the most celebrated professional leagues in America, it certainly isn’t the only one. In fact, there are a number of other careers that come with similar — or even higher — paychecks.

For example, teachers at the elementary and secondary level earned a median salary of $58,600 in 2017, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s nearly $10,000 more than the median salary for NFL referees, which was $49,000 in 2014, according to Forbes.

And it’s not just teachers who earn more than NFL referees. Lawyers earned a median salary of $119,250 in 2017, while doctors brought in a median salary of $208,000. even airline pilots and commercial astronauts had a higher median salary than NFL referees, at $111,270 and $140,620 respectively.


In the United States, doctors are some of the highest-paid professionals. In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for doctors was $208,000 in May 2016.1 This means that half of all doctors earned less than $208,000, and half earned more.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that these figures represent the earnings of all doctors, including those who are just starting out in their careers. Salaries vary widely depending on factors such as experience, geographic location, and type of practice. For example, according to a report from the American Medical Group Association (AMGA), the average salary for primary care physicians was $ 243,000 in 2017, while the average salary for specialists was $ 346,000.2

With that said, NFL referees are actually among the highest-paid officials in all of professional sports. According to a CNBC report from 2018, the average NFL referee makes between $173,000 and $205,000 per year.3 This puts them well above the median annual wage for all workers in the United States, which was $37,040 in 2018.4


In conclusion, NFL referees are paid very well for their services. They are able to make a comfortable living while doing something they love. If you are thinking about becoming an NFL referee, it is definitely a financially viable option.

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