How NFL Players Spend Their Money

How NFL Players Spend Their Money – Many people think that NFL players are just a bunch of rich jocks who blow all their money on frivolous things. However, that’s not always the case. In fact, many NFL players are very savvy with their money and make wise investments.


It is important for NFL players to save their money because their career in the NFL is relatively short. It is estimated that the average NFL career is only 3.3 years. This means that NFL players need to make the most of their earnings while they can. Many players save their money by investing in real estate or other businesses.

Players have 3-5 years to save

Players have a short window of time to make as much money as possible and save for their post-NFL life. While the league minimum salary is $450,000 per year, the average player salary is $2 million per year, and the median player salary is $860,000 per year. Players have to be strategic with their spending in order to make sure they can support themselves and their families long after their playing days are over.

Many players invest their money in low-risk, stable investments like real estate or annuities. Others take a more aggressive approach and invest in stocks or cryptocurrency. Some players also start their own businesses. Whatever the strategy, players need to be mindful of their spending and saving in order to secure their financial future.

Most players live off of their signing bonus

The NFL minimum salary for rookies in 2018 is $480,000, and it goes up to $790,000 for players with two years of experience or less. For players with three to six years of experience, the minimum salary is $880,000. After that, the minimum salary goes up to $1.015 million for players with seven to nine years of experience and $1.26 million for players with 10 or more years of experience. But those figures are just the baseline; most NFL players make significantly more than the minimum salary.

For example, the 2018 first-year minimum salary for a player drafted in the first round is $1.31 million. And if a player is designated as a franchise player or transition player (which we’ll explain later), his 2018 salary will be even higher. The average NFL player salary in 2018 is $2.7 million. But like any other industry, there is a great deal of variation in salaries within the NFL. Rookies and veteran free agents tend to be at the lower end of the pay scale, while star quarterbacks and running backs can earn annual salaries in excess of $20 million per year.

There are a few factors that affect an NFL player’s salary, including his position, his tenure in the league, and his performance. In addition, each year, all 32 teams must stay under what’s called the “salary cap” — a dollar amount set by the NFL that determines how much each team can spend on player salaries in a given year. For 2018, that number is $177.2 million per team.


Many NFL players go broke after retiring from the league. In fact, 78% of former NFL players have gone bankrupt or are under financial stress within two years of retirement, according to a recent study. The study, which was conducted by the National Bureau of Economic Research, looked at 2,962 players who were drafted between 1996 and 2003.

Players have a shorter window to invest

Unlike most of us, NFL players have a shorter window to invest. The average NFL career is just 3.3 years, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research, so players have to make the most of their earnings while they can.

“You have a very finite number of years to play in the NFL, so you want to make sure you’re making the most of it,” said Brandon Swink, CEO of Athlete Financial Advisors.

Many players do just that, investing in businesses and real estate. But some make costly mistakes with their money. Here are a few lessons that NFL players can learn from their investment mistakes:

1. Don’t gamble on yourself
2. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
3. Diversify your investments
4. Be patient
5. Get professional help

Many players invest in real estate

Many NFL players invest in real estate. Some do it as a way to create income during their playing days and after they retire, while others see it as a way to increase their overall wealth.

There are a few different ways to invest in real estate, but the most common is through purchasing property outright. This can be done with either personal funds or by taking out a loan. Once the property is purchased, the player can then rent it out or sell it for a profit.

Another way to invest in real estate is through a real estate investment trust (REIT). A REIT is a company that owns and operates income-producing real estate. When you invest in a REIT, you are essentially investing in a portfolio of properties and are able to share in the profits or losses generated by that portfolio.

Investing in real estate can be a great way to create passive income and build long-term wealth. However, it’s important to understand the risks involved before making any decisions. If done correctly, investing in real estate can be a great way to secure your financial future.


With the average NFL salary being $2.7 million per year and the average career lasting 3.3 years, NFL players have to think about what to do with all that money. Some of them save it, some of them spend it on luxuries, and some of them invest it. Let’s take a look at how NFL players spend their money.

Players have to be mindful of their spending

players need to be mindful of their spending. While they may be making a lot of money, they also have to think about their long-term financial stability.

Players have a number of different options when it comes to spending their money. They can save it, invest it, or blow it all on frivolous things.

However, most players are wise enough to save and invest their money so that they can set themselves up for a comfortable future after their playing days are over.

Many players go bankrupt after their career is over

Many players go bankrupt after their career is over. In 2009, 78% of former NFL players had gone bankrupt or were under financial stress because of joblessness or underemployment, according to a study by Sports Illustrated. What’s more, 60% of NBA players are broke within five years of retirement, according to a 2009 report by CNBC. And it’s not just professional athletes who have a hard time handling money. A 2013 study by the National Endowment for Financial Education found that 20% of Americans either could not cover an unexpected $400 expense or would cover it by selling something or borrowing money.

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