How to Become a NBA Court Cleaner

Wannabe NBA Court Cleaners need to follow these three steps to increase their chances of getting their dream job.

How to Become a NBA Court Cleaner


Working for the National Basketball Association (NBA) is a dream job for many sports fans. One of the most popular positions to work in is court cleaning. NBA court cleaners are responsible for making sure the playing surface is clean and ready for action before, during, and after games.

Becoming an NBA court cleaner is a competitive process, but there are a few things you can do to improve your chances of being hired. Start by doing your research and familiarizing yourself with the job duties and requirements. Then, put together a strong resume and cover letter highlighting your relevant skills and experience. Finally, practice your interviewing skills so you can make a great impression when meeting with hiring managers.

What does a NBA court cleaner do?

A NBA court cleaner is responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the playing surface and surrounding areas of the court. This includes sweeping, mopping, and wiping down surfaces; picking up trash; and ensuring that the area is free of hazards. NBA court cleaners may also be responsible for setting up and dismantling equipment, such as bleachers and chairs. Some court cleaners may also provide concierge services, such as coordinating with vendors or directing foot traffic.

The skills you need to be a NBA court cleaner

Of course, the most important skill to have as a NBA court cleaner is basketball knowledge. If you don’t know the difference between a jump shot and a layup, this probably isn’t the job for you. But if you can recite every stat from every game in the past 10 years, you’re on the right track.

In addition to being a diehard fan, cleaners need to have excellent customer service skills. They must be able to interact with players, coaches and fans in a professional manner. They also need to be able to work long hours, often overnight, and on weekends.

Other important qualities for cleaners include:
-Being detail oriented: Cleaners need to be able to follow specific instructions and pay attention to details.
-Being physically fit: Cleaners need to be able to lift heavy equipment and stand for long periods of time.
-Being organized: Cleaners need to be able to keep track of their supplies and equipment.

How to become a NBA court cleaner

There is no one path to becoming a NBA court cleaner. However, there are a few things that will help you stand out and improve your chances of being hired.

First, it is important to have some experience cleaning basketball courts. This can be through a part-time job, internships, or even volunteer work. If you have no experience cleaning courts, you may want to consider pursuing a degree or certification in facilities management or a related field.

Second, it is helpful to be familiar with the NBA’s operations and procedures. Familiarity with the league’s standards for court cleanliness will make you a more attractive candidate.

Finally, it is always beneficial to have strong references who can attest to your cleaning abilities and work ethic. If you know someone who works for the NBA or for an NBA team, that person can be a valuable reference.

Following these tips will improve your chances of being hired as a NBA court cleaner.

What to expect after becoming a NBA court cleaner

You’ve achieved your goal of becoming a NBA court cleaner. Now that you have the job, what can you expect? First and foremost, you can expect to be on your feet for long periods of time. You’ll also need to be able to lift heavy objects, such as buckets of water or bags of ice.

In addition to physical labor, you can also expect to be responsible for some administrative tasks, such as keeping track of inventory and ordering supplies. You may also be asked to help set up and break down equipment for events.

This job requires a high level of customer service skills. You’ll need to be able to answer questions and address concerns with a positive attitude. You’ll also need to be able to work well under pressure and meet deadlines.

If you are interested in becoming a NBA court cleaner, start by research the requirements for the position. Then, create a resume and cover letter that highlight your relevant experience and skills. Finally, submit your application materials to the NBA team of your choice.

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