How to Become Good at Tennis?

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned veteran, there are always ways to improve your game. Here are some tips on how to become good at tennis.

How to Become Good at Tennis?


In order to become good at tennis, one must be willing to put in the time and effort required to improve their skills. Tennis is a challenging and rewarding sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities. There are a variety of ways to become good at tennis, such as taking lessons, practicing with a friend, or playing in tournaments. While some people are naturally gifted at tennis, becoming good at tennis requires dedication and hard work.

Taking tennis lessons is a great way to learn the proper technique for swinging a racket and hitting a ball. Many community recreation centers offer group or private tennis lessons for all levels of players. Private lessons provide an opportunity for individualized attention from a coach and can be tailored to address the specific needs of the student. Tennis clinics are another option for those looking for group instruction. These typically last several weeks and cover all the basic strokes needed to play tennis.

In addition to taking lessons, another way to become good at tennis is to practice regularly with a friend or family member. Playing tennis with someone who is better than you can help push you to reach your full potential. Playing doubles matches with friends is also a fun way to improve your skills while spending time with loved ones. If you do not have anyone to play with, there are many public courts available across the country that can be used for solo practice or informal games against other players.

Another avenue for becoming good at tennis is competing in tournaments. Tournaments provide an opportunity to test your skills against other players in your level in a pressure-filled environment. Many local communities offer tournament play for players of all ages and abilities. Completing in tournaments can be an exciting way to see how far your skills have progressed and provides motivation to continue working hard on your game.

Whether you take lessons, practice with friends, or compete in tournaments, anyone can become good at tennis with dedication and hard work. Tennis is a lifelong sport that can provide hours of enjoyment on the court

The Three Pillars of Tennis

In order to become good at tennis, you must master the three fundamental pillars of the sport: the forehand, the backhand, and serve. Once you have these three techniques down, you can start to add more power and spin to your shots, and develop a more complete game. Let’s get started!


One of the three main pillars of Tennis is technical ability. Technical ability is your ability to hit the ball with different strokes and using different amounts of power. The backhand, forehand, slice, and overhead are the four mainstrokes that are used in tennis. A fifth stroke, the lob, can also be used but it is not as common. Backhands and forehands are generally hit with topspin or flat whileslice and overhead shots are hit with underspin.

Technical ability also includes your footwork. Good footwork will allow you to move quickly around the court and get into position to hit the ball. It is important to be able to move forwards, backwards, and side-to-side quickly. You should also be able to stop quickly when necessary.

Good footwork starts with proper weight distribution. You should always have your weight balanced so that you can move in any direction quickly. You should also have a good grip on your racket so that you can make strokes without having to think about it too much.

The next pillar is tactical awareness. Tactical awareness is your ability to read the game and make the right decisions at the right time. It includes knowing when to be aggressive and when to play more conservatively. It also includes being able to change your game plan on the fly based on how your opponent is playing.

Lastly, physical fitness is important for tennis players of all levels. Being in good shape will allow you to play longer rallies without getting tired and will also help you recover quickly between points. Good stamina is important so that you can maintain your intensity for an entire match if necessary.


Footwork is the most important fundamental in tennis. Just about every stroke in tennis begins with proper footwork. You need quick feet to get to the ball, and you need to be balanced when you hit it.

Good footwork will help you play more efficiently and with better balance. It will also help you stay in control of your shots and reduce the likelihood of injury.

There are three basic types of footwork in tennis:
-Lateral footwork: used when moving side to side
-Backward footwork: used when moving backwards
-Forward footwork: used when moving forward

You should practice all three types of footwork, but lateral footwork is the most important because it is used the most often in tennis.


If you are a beginner, you will need to learn the four basic strokes which are the forehand, backhand, serve and volley. At first you will probably find it difficult to control the ball using these strokes. However, with practice, you will gradually be able to increase your accuracy and power.

The forehand is a powerful stroke that is hit with the player’s dominant hand. For a right handed player, this would be the left hand. To hit a forehand, the player starts with their feet shoulder width apart and their weight on the balls of their feet. The player then brings their racket back behind them before swinging it forward and hitting the ball.

The backhand is a stroke that is hit with the player’s non-dominant hand. For a right handed player this would be the left hand. To hit a backhand, the player starts with their feet shoulder width apart and their weight on the balls of their feet. The player then brings their racket across their body before hitting the ball.

The serve is a stroke that is used to start each point. The player starts by positioning themselves behind the baseline and tossing the ball into the air. They then hit the ball with their racket before it bounces. A service ace is when the server hits an unreturnable serve.

The volley is a stroke that is hit before the ball bounces on service or return of service situations. It can also be used as an offensive or defensive weapon depending on where your opponent hits the ball.

Court Positioning

After you have hit the ball, your next move is to get into the right position on the court. You want to be in a position where you can reach the next ball easily. You also want to be in a position where you can hit the ball with power and accuracy.

There are two main types of court positioning:

-Open stance: This is when your feet are parallel to the baseline. This stance is good for hitting balls that are in the middle of the court.

-Closed stance: This is when your feet are perpendicular to the baseline. This stance is good for balls that are hit near the sidelines.


In order to become good at tennis, one must master the three pillars of the game: technical, physical, and tactical. Out of the three, tactical is often considered the most important because it is the aspect of the game that allows players to outsmart their opponents. By understanding ball placement, spin, and opponent weak points, a player can control the entire flow of a match.

Players who rely solely on brute force to win points are at a disadvantage against those who also have excellent tactical skills. That’s not to say that physical ability isn’t important – it’s just that tactics tend to give players a greater overall advantage in tennis. Many of the world’s best players have used their exceptional tactical skills to overcome opponents with more raw physical talent.

Point Construction

Point construction is the basis for all of tennis. It is how you set up a point to give yourself the best possible chance to win it. Point construction is about knowing when to hit different types of shots, and where to hit them on the court.

2. Consistency
Once you have the hang of point construction, you need to be able to do it consistently. This means being able to hit the same shots over and over again, even under pressure. It also means having a good game plan and sticking to it, no matter what your opponent does.

3. Mental toughness
Mental toughness is what separates the good players from the great players. It’s what allows you to stay calm and focused when the match is on the line. Mental toughness is about being able to handle nerves, Pressure situations and expectations.

Shot Selection

As a tennis player, part of your job is to make the other player hit as many balls as possible. The more balls they have to hit, the more likely they are to make a mistake. This is where shot selection comes in.

Every time you hit the ball, you have a choice of where to place it. You can try to hit it right at your opponent, or you can try to make them run around the court chasing the ball. The latter is usually a better option.

Here are some general tips for shot selection:

-Hit the ball deep. This will make your opponent run backward and forward, and side to side. They will have a hard time getting into position to hit a powerful shot.

-Hit the ball to your opponent’s backhand if they have a weak backhand. Conversely, hitting to their forehand if they have a weak forehand can also be effective.

-Mix up your shots. If you always hit the same shot, your opponent will know what to expect and will be able to get into position early and hit a good shot back at you. Varying the pace, spin and placement of your shots will keep your opponent guessing and off balance.


You need to have a game plan. You must be clear on what your strengths and weaknesses are. You must know how you want to play each point before the rally starts. This includes knowing what your go-to shot is on any given situation. It also includes field awareness, or in other words, where you should place the ball given your opponent’s positioning.


Mental fortitude is critical in tennis. Like in all sports, there are going to be highs and lows during a match. Being able to control your emotions, let go of mistakes and keep a positive attitude is key to success on the court. Good mental toughness will help you maintain your focus and give you the extra edge you need to win close matches.


Few things are as important as confidence when it comes to playing tennis. If you don’t believe in your abilities, it will be very difficult to win matches. Of course, confidence is often easier said than done. It can be helpful to draw on past successes, both on and off the court, to give yourself a boost.

It can also be useful to visualize yourself playing your best tennis. See yourself hitting all your shots and making all your shots. This positive visualization will help increase your confidence and improve your performance.


While there are many things that go into becoming a good tennis player, there are three key pillars that are especially important: technical ability, fitness, and resilience.

Of the three, resilience is perhaps the most important. Tennis is a game of highs and lows, of winning and losing streaks. To be a good tennis player, you need to be able to manage your emotions, stay calm under pressure, and keep going even when things are tough.

There are many ways to build resilience. One is to practice visualization: picturing yourself in tough situations and picturing yourself coming out on top. Another is to set small goals for yourself and celebrate each time you reach one. And finally, it’s important to find a role model or coach who can help you through the tough times.

If you can develop resilience, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a great tennis player.


When playing tennis, you need to be in the moment and completely focused on the game. Any outside distractions can cause you to lose your concentration and make a mistake. One way to improve your focus is to practice meditation or mindfulness exercises. These will help you clear your mind and be more present. Another way to improve your focus is to have a clear pre-game routine that gets you mentally prepared for the match.


Playing tennis consistently is the best way to get good at tennis. Playing with better players will make you better. Tennis is also a game of mental toughness so staying calm and not getting frustrated is important. Lastly, practicing your serve and your groundstrokes will give you an extra edge on your competition.

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