How To Double Team in NBA 2K21

Looking to take your game to the next level in NBA 2K21? Then you need to learn how to properly utilize the double team feature. In this blog post, we’ll break down everything you need to know about double teaming in NBA 2K21, from the basics to more advanced strategies.


When playing NBA 2K21, you may want to try out the double team feature in order to better defend your opponents. This article will show you how to double team in NBA 2K21.

What is the Double Team in NBA 2K21?

When you’re playing NBA 2K21, there will be times when you’ll want to use the Double Team function. The Double Team can be used on both offense and defense, and it can be a helpful tool in limited circumstances. Here’s everything you need to know about how to use the Double Team in NBA 2K21.

The Double Team can be used on both offense and defense, and it can be a helpful tool in limited circumstances. Here’s everything you need to know about how to use the Double Team in NBA 2K21.

On offense, theDouble Team can be used when you have the ball and are being guarded by two defenders. If you use the Double Team, your offensive teammates will converge on your location and try to create space for you to operate. This can be useful if you’re being tightly guarded and need some room to make a move or take a shot.

To use theDouble Team on offense, hold down the L2/LT button while you have the ball. Your teammates will then come over to help you out.

On defense, theDouble Team can be used when an opposing player has the ball and is being guarded by two defenders. If you use the Double Team, your defensive teammates will converge on the player with the ball and try to double-team him. This can be useful if an opposing player is getting too much space or is about to make a move that could lead to a score.

To use theDouble Team on defense, hold down the L2/LT button while an opposing player has the ball. Your teammates will then come over to help you out.

How to Use the Double Team in NBA 2K21

This mechanic allows you to have one defender focus on one defensive assignment while the other defender helps double team the dribbler or a player with the ball. Using the double team in NBA 2K21 can be very useful when trying to stop a hot scorer or shut down an opposing team’s offense. Here’s everything you need to know about how to use the double team in NBA 2K21.

To utilize the double team in NBA 2K21, you first need to press and hold L2/LT. This will bring up your defensive assignment options. From here, you can press R2/RT to cycle through your various defensive assignment options until you reach “Double Team.” Once you have “Double Team” selected, release L2/LT and then press X/A on the player you want to double team. Your off-ball defender will then leave their man and put pressure on the ball handler while your on-ball defender takes on their original man.

The Different Types of Double Teams in NBA 2K21

The Different Types of Double Teams in NBA 2K21

In NBA 2K21, there are different types of double teams you can put on a ball handler. To do this, press and hold the L2/LT button while using the right stick to pick the type of double team you want to put on the ball handler. You can double team with your teammates by using the following types of double teams:

Hard Double Team: This type of double team will send two defenders at the ball handler with the intention of trapping him. The defenders will stay close to the ball handler and try to force him into a turnover or a bad shot.

Soft Double Team: This type of double team will send two defenders at the ball handler, but they will not be as aggressive as they would be in a hard double team. The idea behind a soft double team is to force the ball handler into making a mistake, but not to be so aggressive that he gets an easy basket.

Switch: With this type of double team, all defenders will switch onto the player who has the ball. This is useful if you have a big man guarding a small player and you want to switch things up.

Back Off: With this type of double team, one defender will stay with the ball handler while the other defender backs off and plays help defense. This is useful if you want to give up an open shot but don’t want to give up an easy basket.

How to Beat a Double Team in NBA 2K21

If you’re playing against a team that likes to double team, there are a few ways you can beat them. First, you can use your teammate as a decoy. Run to one side of the court, then have your teammate cut to the other side. This will often draw the defenders away from you, giving you an open shot.

Another way to beat a double team is to pass the ball quickly. If you hold on to the ball for too long, the defenders will close in on you. But if you make a quick pass, they won’t be able to react in time and you’ll likely get an open shot.

Finally, you can use pump fakes to your advantage. If you pump fake, the defenders will jump up in the air, giving you an open shot. Just be sure not to pump fake too often or they’ll catch on and start playing more conservatively.


While there are many ways to stop your opponent in NBA 2K21, double teaming can be an effective way to slow down their offense and give your team a chance to regain possession.

When done correctly, a well-executed double team can result in a turnover, or at the very least, force your opponent into a difficult shot. Here are a few tips to help you successfully double team in NBA 2K21.

1. Be strategic with yourdouble teaming. Don’t just randomly pick a player to double team; make sure you’re doing it for a reason. For example, if your opponent has a player who is particularly good at driving to the basket, it might make sense to double team them in order to prevent them from getting an easy layup.
2. Pay attention to the play clock. You don’t want to give up an easy basket by leaving your man open while you’re double teaming someone else. Make sure you time your double teams so that you’re not leaving anyone open for an easy shot.
3. Be aware of your surroundings. When you’re double teaming someone, be aware of where the rest of their teammates are. You don’t want to leave someone wide open for a three-pointer just because you’re focused on doubling the person with the ball.
4. Don’t overcommitto thedouble team. It’s important that you don’t get too aggressive when doubling someone; if you do, they might be able to take advantage of it and drive past you for an easy basket. Instead, focus on playing solid defense and making it difficult for themto score rather than trying to steal the ball from them outright.
5. Be ready to adjuston the fly. Things can change quickly in an NBA game, so you need to be ready to adjust your strategy on the fly if necessary. If your original plan isn’t working, don’t be afraid to try something else instead; sometimes all it takes is a small change in strategyto make a big difference in the game

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