How To Drag Your Opponent in WWE 2K22

If you want to learn how to drag your opponent in WWE 2K22, then you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to do it so you can dominate the ring.

How To Drag Your Opponent in WWE 2K22

WWE 2K22 Basics

Draging your opponent in WWE 2K22 can be very useful, especially if you’re trying to set up a finisher. In this article, we’ll show you how to drag your opponent in WWE 2K22.

Start a match

Start a match in WWE 2K22 by selecting “Play” from the main menu. From there, choose the game mode you want to play, then select your wrestlers, stipulations, and arena. When you’re ready to start the match, press “Start.”

Choose your wrestler

The first thing you need to do is pick your wrestler. You can do this by pressing X on the character you want to choose. If you’re playing as Roman Reigns, for example, press X on him.

Choose your opponent

You can either have WWE 2K22 choose your opponent for you, or you can select one yourself. If you want to have more control over who you face off against, select “Play” from the main menu, then choose “Exhibition.” From here, you can pick the rules for your match, as well as which Superstars will be competing.

How to Drag Your Opponent

In WWE 2K22, you can now drag your opponents around the ring! This can be done by first grapple them, then holding the down button and pressing the circle or B button. This will allow you to grab their legs and start dragging them around.

Get behind your opponent

In order to drag your opponent in WWE 2K22, you will need to first get behind them. You can do this by either running up behind them or by flipping them over when they are down on the ground. Once you are behind your opponent, you will need to press the R2 button on your PlayStation 4 controller or the RT button on your Xbox One controller.

Put your opponent in a headlock

To put your opponent in a headlock, approach them from behind and press the R2 button. Alternatively, you can press the Triangle button if you’re playing on PS4. This will put your opponent in a headlock, allowing you to drag them around the ring.

Lift your opponent up and drag them backwards

In order to drag your opponent in WWE 2K22, you will need to lift them up first. To do this, approach your downed opponent and press the R2/RT button. This will cause your wrestler to lift their opponent up into a standing position.

Once your opponent is standing, you can then press the L2/LT button to begin dragging them backwards. You will need to keep pressing the L2/LT button in order to keep your opponent dragged backwards. If you let go of the button, your opponent will fall back down to the mat.

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